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- Manage Fund 2 (Big)
Manage Fund 2 (Big) (de forex_trader_280186)
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Discussion Manage Fund 2 (Big)
Membre depuis Oct 14, 2015
posts 18
Oct 15, 2015 at 19:56
Membre depuis Oct 14, 2015
posts 18
Hello trader. Here can see that is LIVE ACCOUNT. not can verify because have error myfxbook with server.
login: 2100034060
password: jesha123
server: evenforex.com -live
dowload MT4: https://www.evenforex.com/evenforex4setup.exe
Manage account with 10.000 USD minium ( get about 100-500%) each month. Price action.
Skype : hector.kennett1 ( for more information) and see more stament!!
login: 2100034060
password: jesha123
server: evenforex.com -live
dowload MT4: https://www.evenforex.com/evenforex4setup.exe
Manage account with 10.000 USD minium ( get about 100-500%) each month. Price action.
Skype : hector.kennett1 ( for more information) and see more stament!!
Membre depuis Feb 11, 2011
posts 1916
Oct 16, 2015 at 17:45
Membre depuis Feb 11, 2011
posts 1916
when i log into that acc i see
Balance: 402.43 USD Equity: 402.43 Margin: 0.00 Free: 402.43
Balance: 402.43 USD Equity: 402.43 Margin: 0.00 Free: 402.43
Membre depuis Oct 14, 2015
posts 18
Oct 19, 2015 at 14:30
Membre depuis Oct 14, 2015
posts 18
Hello traders.
Management funds from $ 10,000. ( minium is this)
The maximum for this is DD 20-40 DD ( each month 100-500%) 50/50 profit share. All trades will be lost to stop and take profit.
This account have more DD because is low deposit.
Is price action system. For skype send more stament live with much less DD.
My skype is : hector.kennett1
Management funds from $ 10,000. ( minium is this)
The maximum for this is DD 20-40 DD ( each month 100-500%) 50/50 profit share. All trades will be lost to stop and take profit.
This account have more DD because is low deposit.
Is price action system. For skype send more stament live with much less DD.
My skype is : hector.kennett1
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