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Master Selection - VARIANSE ECNpro (de FxMasterGuru)
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Discussion Master Selection - VARIANSE ECNpro
Membre depuis Dec 04, 2010
posts 1557
Feb 01, 2017 at 04:52
Membre depuis Dec 04, 2010
posts 1557
So this is the Robosniper Strategy EA running with FerruFxEA, and a third EA from FerruFX. Are all 3 asian scalpers, or just the first 2? I look forward to following this performance and if it proves a successful combination hoping it's offered for a monthly rental fee through mql5.com or similar. cheers
Membre depuis May 18, 2015
posts 118
Membre depuis May 04, 2012
posts 1608
Feb 01, 2017 at 08:44
Membre depuis May 04, 2012
posts 1608
aeronthomas posted:
So this is the Robosniper Strategy EA running with FerruFxEA, and a third EA from FerruFX. Are all 3 asian scalpers, or just the first 2? I look forward to following this performance and if it proves a successful combination hoping it's offered for a monthly rental fee through mql5.com or similar. cheers
The 3rd EA from FerruFx is not an Asian session scalper.
In addition to the above 3 EAs I am also running two other new Asian sessions EA's which are in beta-testing phase.
This is a HYBRID account, so its overall performance is NOT a reflection of any individual strategy.
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Membre depuis May 04, 2012
posts 1608
Feb 01, 2017 at 09:02
(édité Feb 01, 2017 at 09:08)
Membre depuis May 04, 2012
posts 1608
goyankees85 posted:
Are you serious?
I guess so... 😀
Why would not I be serious with +18% profit and only -16% max. DD within 3 weeks...?
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Membre depuis Mar 18, 2016
posts 127
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