MBT-MP1 (de schuan88)

Gain : +233.8%
Drawdown 32.05%
Pips: 8027.1
Transactions 5536
Type: Réel
Levier: 1:50
Trading: Automatisé

Discussion MBT-MP1

Sep 02, 2011 at 07:35
Vues 891
1 Replies
Membre depuis Mar 21, 2012   posts 4
Mar 22, 2012 at 07:21
Hello :

Interesting curve. Real and without floating DD .I like it. May you share with me which EA are you using ?

Greetings from Spain.
Membre depuis Sep 02, 2011   posts 1
Mar 22, 2012 at 11:07
Hi, I'm running 2 EAs which I developed myself. The EA are basically scalpers and I optimise them regularly. They are definitely not the best and will not make money fast. However, what I aim for is consistency and reasonably low risk. I'll let time and the power of compounding do their job to help me achieve my goal 😄
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