Gain : +0.36%
Drawdown 33.52%
Pips: 108.3
Transactions 171
Type: Réel
Levier: 1:100
Trading: Automatisé

Discussion MDP 1.2 EU ECN

Feb 15, 2012 at 16:47
Vues 1,305
7 Replies
Membre depuis Aug 15, 2011   posts 117
Feb 26, 2012 at 17:49 (édité Feb 26, 2012 at 17:54)
A new test account - Broker seems to be unregulated - No slippage so far! Let's see how this develops ....
Commission is 7 USD per 100.000 USD traded, spread is extremly low, often only 0.2 pips, usually below 0.8 pips.
Happy trading everybody!
Membre depuis May 25, 2011   posts 70
Feb 27, 2012 at 00:26 (édité Feb 27, 2012 at 00:28)
looking great so far. with $123 deposit, doesnt look like you are looking at profits but just having fun with wishes
Membre depuis Oct 31, 2011   posts 3
Feb 27, 2012 at 08:00
Hello. What you broker?
Membre depuis Aug 15, 2011   posts 117
Feb 27, 2012 at 13:50
Thanks autofx101. Exactly: probably I will not put much money there. Instead, it is interesting to learn whether they will apply slippage at some point, maybe when lots get higher. Because ECN without slippage on MT4 can't be ECN, I think.

I am still thinking about whether to publish the name of the broker. Please wait a bit. I will publish it here, then.

Membre depuis Aug 15, 2011   posts 117
Mar 01, 2012 at 19:25 (édité Mar 01, 2012 at 19:27)
Ok folks, you probably saw the loss in the last order yesterday. The buy-pending-order could not be trailed down any more, it opened at a rather high price and then closed much later at S/L. The journal was showing "Trade disabled", which is a problem on the brokers side, mildly put. I complained and demanded a reimbursement, but they told me, it was the fault of my EA (MDP) which didn't recognize that the pending-order was already opened. Strange, didn't happen in months with all the other brokers and now already after 2 weeks of trading at this broker?! I will give it one more try, if this happens again, hasta la vista broker!
Membre depuis Aug 15, 2011   posts 117
Apr 01, 2012 at 16:29
Résumé for March:
Quite a setback in March, but not as bad as on the first account with IBFX. Overall - except for the 16th - markets have turned more quiet and there weren't the right spikes for MDP to succeed. I tried numorders_level=1 for some weeks, but switched it back to 0, as it seems to make MDP enter too early and too often.
Still no slippage at this account!

Here is the name of the Broker, please use my link, if you want to try them:

Good luck everybody!

Membre depuis Aug 15, 2011   posts 117
May 04, 2012 at 13:24
April: Not much going on in April, MDP did not recover, but did also only trade a little. Broker obviously put me on the real market from 25/04/, because I am experiencing slippage now. I started trading a different scalping-system additionally on 30/04. I still have to fine-tune this, but it is promising. This account is only for testing and maybe I will stop MDP here.
Membre depuis Aug 15, 2011   posts 117
May 22, 2012 at 17:56
I will stop MDP now, because I am experiencing high slippage lately plus I have to pay commission, this is no good trading environment for MDP. Overall I am disappointed by this broker, because they changed the trading conditions from no slippage to a lot of slip without a warning and without explanation. But, oh well, it is only a testing account and I haven't expected anything else from a unregulated broker.
Happy trading!
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