Million Dollar Pips (de milliondpips)

Gain : +26241.17%
Drawdown 39.44%
Pips: 5202.2
Transactions 4497
Type: Démo
Levier: 1:200
Trading: Automatisé

Discussion Million Dollar Pips

May 20, 2011 at 02:45
Vues 221,175
3,872 Replies
Membre depuis Dec 15, 2010   posts 795
Nov 08, 2011 at 02:54
I clean mine 2 times a month...... clean VPS is more speed I hope.... smile
Click on my Name to see My Live Charts and Bio.
Membre depuis Oct 16, 2011   posts 85
Nov 08, 2011 at 03:18
Did you clean yours by removing the files in C:\Program Files\MetaTrader\experts\logs ?
Membre depuis Nov 03, 2011   posts 119
Nov 08, 2011 at 04:16
I delete my logs all the time and never have an issue. Why dont you just download and install metatrader again? probably quicker and easier than trying to sort out logs etc....
DEMO doesn't count - go live or go home - ?a_aid=112256
Membre depuis Aug 12, 2011   posts 40
Nov 08, 2011 at 13:59
Nice to see we are on to a topic worth discussing.

Found this thread about speeding up MT4. Hope it helps.
Membre depuis Sep 06, 2011   posts 39
Nov 08, 2011 at 19:07
OMG....MDP pepperstone users,

we are dead...
Highest FinFX, Instaforex, Pepperstone and AVAFX Rebates:
Membre depuis Feb 09, 2011   posts 320
Nov 08, 2011 at 19:09
Why? What happend ?
Better to lose an oportunity than a money
Membre depuis Sep 06, 2011   posts 39
Nov 08, 2011 at 19:11
The whole platform freeze...I am not sure whether this is only occur in my account or all Pepperstone user
Highest FinFX, Instaforex, Pepperstone and AVAFX Rebates:
Membre depuis Sep 06, 2011   posts 39
Nov 08, 2011 at 19:12
Still freezing
Highest FinFX, Instaforex, Pepperstone and AVAFX Rebates:
Membre depuis Sep 14, 2011   posts 140
Nov 08, 2011 at 19:14

Guys, I was at my laptop when this spike occurred.

I run 2 Razor accounts at Pepperstone. What happened ?

MDP generated signals to open a position, cashed 2 trades and..... MT4 stopped !!!! This is fucking nightmare with Pepperstone !
I immediately restarted Mt4 but it didn't work either because Pepperstone server was overloaded or collapsed !!

This is ridicoulous. Since the date they moved to New York, there have been problems, such as 'Open Slip Too High' etc.


I am enclosing screenshot, so you can see what Pepperstone did.

Fichiers joints:

Membre depuis Feb 09, 2011   posts 320
Nov 08, 2011 at 19:15
I had similar some time ago at another broker, they had technical issues, so don't worry it is probably temporary and it can happend to every broker.

Anyway latest spike was not good for MDP, still no good retrace.
Better to lose an oportunity than a money
Membre depuis Sep 06, 2011   posts 39
Nov 08, 2011 at 19:16

I got the same problem and lets hope we got good luck

It is still freezing
Highest FinFX, Instaforex, Pepperstone and AVAFX Rebates:
Membre depuis Sep 06, 2011   posts 39
Nov 08, 2011 at 19:18
All loss
Highest FinFX, Instaforex, Pepperstone and AVAFX Rebates:
Membre depuis Sep 14, 2011   posts 140
Nov 08, 2011 at 19:24
No matter - loss or profit. Today we were lucky, tomorrow we may loose wonderful spike & retracement.
This is a question of their lack of professionalism, poor server infrastructure although they have been promising to deliver much better quality after migration to New York. So, if they fuck me and are unable to keep the promises, I (and my friends) will fuck them
Membre depuis Sep 06, 2011   posts 39
Nov 08, 2011 at 19:25
I am filling the withdraw form already.
Highest FinFX, Instaforex, Pepperstone and AVAFX Rebates:
Membre depuis Sep 14, 2011   posts 140
Nov 08, 2011 at 19:50
Do you know what happened next ?? You will not believe...

While platform collapsed, my MT4 showed 2 trades, profit $212.40.

Platform is working now, and this profit mysteriously turned into loss of $212.40 !!!

This is really amazing how Pepperstone cheat traders !
Membre depuis Nov 23, 2010   posts 88
Nov 08, 2011 at 20:40
me too. holy crap.

   lobotomy8 posted:
   Do you know what happened next ?? You will not believe...

While platform collapsed, my MT4 showed 2 trades, profit $212.40.

Platform is working now, and this profit mysteriously turned into loss of $212.40 !!!

This is really amazing how Pepperstone cheat traders !
Membre depuis Sep 06, 2011   posts 39
Nov 08, 2011 at 20:53
I am moving to another broker.....for sure

Highest FinFX, Instaforex, Pepperstone and AVAFX Rebates:
Membre depuis Nov 03, 2011   posts 119
Nov 08, 2011 at 21:19
Pepperstone are just too new, they are a small outfit and looks like too many MDP clients are with them. Causing grief. Last night I lost 1% on my accounts.
DEMO doesn't count - go live or go home - ?a_aid=112256
Membre depuis Sep 14, 2011   posts 140
Nov 08, 2011 at 21:44

   kimleow posted:
   Pepperstone are just too new, they are a small outfit and looks like too many MDP clients are with them. Causing grief. Last night I lost 1% on my accounts.

OK, but they were promising a lot of improvements ect after migrated servers to NY and now is obvious they can't keep these promises
Membre depuis Nov 03, 2011   posts 119
Nov 08, 2011 at 21:58

   lobotomy8 posted:

   kimleow posted:
   Pepperstone are just too new, they are a small outfit and looks like too many MDP clients are with them. Causing grief. Last night I lost 1% on my accounts.

OK, but they were promising a lot of improvements ect after migrated servers to NY and now is obvious they can't keep these promises
DEMO doesn't count - go live or go home - ?a_aid=112256
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