Mt4-20365 (de payalsharma)

Gain : -94.26%
Drawdown 98.51%
Pips: 563.7
Transactions 452
Type: Réel
Levier: 1:200
Trading: Inconnu

Discussion Mt4-20365

Jul 21, 2014 at 01:12
Vues 66
1 Replies
Membre depuis Jul 20, 2014   posts 2
Jul 21, 2014 at 06:52
This account had a gamble kind of trading strategy by the previous fund / account manager. Account had initial deposit of 1000$ and had come down to 65$ when I started Trading this account a week back. Have given a commitment to the investor to get the account to the initial size of 1000$ within one year. Wish me luck. Will keep updating ... Payal
Trade to Win, not because of having a Live account
Membre depuis Jul 20, 2014   posts 2
Jul 21, 2014 at 06:53
Not sure, why my account does not show my open trades .... 😲
Trade to Win, not because of having a Live account
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