newtecfxbot (de newtecfxbot)

Gain : +3084.87%
Drawdown 75.55%
Pips: 4609.2
Transactions 330
Type: Réel
Levier: 1:300
Trading: Automatisé

Discussion newtecfxbot

Nov 09, 2015 at 22:07
Vues 896
5 Replies
Membre depuis Oct 27, 2012   posts 21
Nov 25, 2015 at 12:02
Hi, anyone using this EA?
Membre depuis Jan 20, 2012   posts 67
Nov 25, 2015 at 12:58
Lardo posted:
Hi, anyone using this EA?

yes, good EA
Membre depuis Oct 27, 2012   posts 21
Nov 25, 2015 at 13:17
To the vendor...

Have some questions. The Myfxbook stats show drawdown at 9.22% and an impressive growth rate which tempts me and possibly others to consider investing in your EA. However, I did some diligence on some of the data which seems to contradict the Myfxbook data - for example, the two trades on the 9th September which stayed open for 12 days closing on the 22nd September shows both trades in significant drawdown of -261.9pips/-USC1649.97 and -317pips/-USC1110 equating to just under 80% total drawdown on the account balance of around USC3450 at that time. The first trade ended in profit of 39pips/USC248 and the second -16pips/-USC56 for a net outcome of +USC196 which is positive, but how come the Myfxbook doesn't show/reflect the actual drawdown of 80% rather than the 9.22% shown which seems to grossly misrepresent the risk/reward ratio of this EA?

Can you clarify?

Fichiers joints:

Membre depuis Jan 20, 2012   posts 67
Dec 21, 2015 at 13:08
I think that myfxbook, always shows real drawdown. If it doesn't show drawdown of 80%, means there is no drawdown of 80%.
The adviser really good for a month of work, on my real account.
Membre depuis Jan 20, 2012   posts 67
Oct 25, 2016 at 21:05
This EA 1 year trade.
Membre depuis Jun 24, 2010   posts 124
Feb 28, 2017 at 03:39
No Updates since 18 Jan 2017 and sales website down. What's happening?
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