Night Scalper Signals (de nightscalper)

Gain : +18.75%
Drawdown 8.28%
Pips: 351.2
Transactions 542
Type: Démo
Levier: 1:400
Trading: Automatisé

Discussion Night Scalper Signals

Jul 30, 2013 at 19:06
Vues 1,344
11 Replies
Membre depuis Jul 30, 2013   posts 8
Jul 30, 2013 at 20:05
New signal service. please follow the account to see the performance. System is scalping so you need a good broker with low spreads and fast order execution.

suggested brokers:

Azitrader PRO ECN

cost 120$ per month, more info: [email protected]
Membre depuis Jun 28, 2012   posts 51
Jul 30, 2013 at 22:40
I'm willing to bet this is another Momods Night scalper it as signals and no one has proof that its really a free ea. Am I wrong?
Membre depuis Aug 15, 2011   posts 2
Jul 31, 2013 at 12:18
Sure it is.

Thing is, it won't work as signal anyways. Latency much too high.

120$ per mo. is just so ridiculous, for a black box!! when you can have better for free...
Membre depuis Jul 30, 2013   posts 8
Jul 31, 2013 at 14:35
Hi guys, thanks for your interest in our signals. This is not a free EA, the history is open so you can check the trades. As for copying I assure you that it works very well on the suggested brokers. I use the demo to copy to my live (no way for the broker to interfere this way) screenshots on request.
Membre depuis Jul 30, 2013   posts 8
Aug 09, 2013 at 05:59
Another fantastic week !! To subscribe write to our email address :


Membre depuis Jul 17, 2012   posts 274
Aug 09, 2013 at 06:39 (édité Aug 09, 2013 at 06:43)
nightscalper posted:
Hi guys, thanks for your interest in our signals. This is not a free EA, the history is open so you can check the trades. As for copying I assure you that it works very well on the suggested brokers. I use the demo to copy to my live (no way for the broker to interfere this way) screenshots on request.

Then you should copy the signal to your real account too. If it just demo, anybody can do it. Broker usually will start to interfere your real account when they see the account is making money. Tell you that. You are not that safe too. 😇

If you did copy the signal to your real account, then, show us. 😎
Past experience usually helps present self
Membre depuis Jul 30, 2013   posts 8
Aug 09, 2013 at 22:04
Hi deysmacro, i do indeed copy the signal to my account. the demo is pepperstone and my main account is with Axi, I have the ProECN account, with 1-2ms ping time to their server from my CNS VPS. I am confident that if you have an account with a well regulated broker they will not play games when you start to win. Beware of bucket-shop brokers who offer bonuses etc.

I can not show my live account because of other things running there. If anyone does want to try I can offer a small free trial with the mt4i web copier. That way you can see that all this talk is quite superfluous; you will need to have an account at a decent broker and have a relatively good vps, otherwise ANY scalping strategy will fail.
Membre depuis Jul 30, 2013   posts 8
Aug 16, 2013 at 07:23
Took a bit of a hit early in the week with some unexpected volatility, but by the end of the week its nearly all recovered. Onwards and upwards !
Membre depuis Jul 30, 2013   posts 8
Sep 10, 2013 at 06:21
August was not a good month for us, however still finished with small win. September is off to a good start. Adjusted the MM slightly to put the non performing pairs on the back-burner. Don´t want to take them off in case things change in the future. Happy pipping all!!
Membre depuis Jul 30, 2013   posts 8
Sep 19, 2013 at 21:57
... As you can see the FOMC is no match for our system!
Membre depuis Nov 07, 2012   posts 85
Sep 21, 2013 at 05:46
Looks good!. Where's a live account?
Membre depuis Jul 30, 2013   posts 8
Sep 21, 2013 at 09:48
OFFER of a FREE TRIAL : Ask for a free trial and get our signals free for a month with simpletrader direct to your account (demo or Live) No need to have your mt4 instance running. The signals will be sent automatically to your mt4 account within micro-seconds* (please see for more information and f.a.q.) Good luck!

*Trades are executed at lightning speed, fast enough for scalping strategies (normally 0.1 to 0.5 seconds)
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