Primeval-ea_FXCL - From 100US$ (de forex_trader_16044)

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Discussion Primeval-ea_FXCL - From 100US$

Jan 12, 2012 at 01:32
Vues 955
4 Replies
Membre depuis Jul 31, 2010   posts 70
Jan 12, 2012 at 07:43
Dear Subscribers,

Trading result made between 29th Dec. 2011(The last trading day for FXCL brokerage) and 3rd Jan. 2012(The beginning day for FXCL) is not accurate due to my mistake not to suspend the EA before the market close on 29th.
I was careless a lot not knowing the last day of trading for this broker and forgot to stop EA to work...
Except the worst tragedy that happened on that day, Primeval-ea is still on their raise!
Hope continuing tracking the trading results, so far.

Membre depuis Jul 31, 2010   posts 70
Jan 12, 2012 at 07:43
Dear Subscribers,

Trading result made between 29th Dec. 2011(The last trading day for FXCL brokerage) and 3rd Jan. 2012(The beginning day for FXCL) is not accurate due to my mistake not to suspend the EA before the market close on 29th.
I was careless a lot not knowing the last day of trading for this broker and forgot to stop EA to work...
Except the worst tragedy that happened on that day, Primeval-ea is still on their raise!
Hope continuing tracking the trading results, so far.

Membre depuis Dec 17, 2011   posts 15
Feb 18, 2012 at 14:24
You can talk about this EA.
I have ver1 and ver2.1
But he has too many parameters, and there is no manual
Membre depuis Jul 31, 2010   posts 70
Feb 23, 2012 at 05:57
Ver2.1(latest) with Scalping Strategy only.
Membre depuis Dec 17, 2011   posts 15
Feb 23, 2012 at 14:38


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