Profit-Bank - connect with EA (de profitbank)
Gain : | +1005.98% |
Drawdown | 31.25% |
Pips: | 2670.6 |
Transactions | 261 |
Gagné: |
Perdu: |
Type: | Réel |
Levier: | 1:100 |
Trading: | Inconnu |
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Discussion Profit-Bank - connect with EA
Membre depuis Oct 10, 2012
posts 69
Membre depuis Aug 22, 2009
posts 382
Membre depuis Oct 10, 2012
posts 69
Membre depuis Oct 10, 2012
posts 69
Membre depuis Oct 10, 2012
posts 69
Membre depuis Oct 10, 2012
posts 69
Membre depuis Oct 10, 2012
posts 69
Jan 02, 2013 at 13:12
(édité Jan 02, 2013 at 13:12)
Membre depuis Oct 10, 2012
posts 69
PBS tell us:
May be signal of BUY.
Need wait yet 40 minutes for clear signals...
My Skype:
PBS tell us:
May be signal of BUY.
Need wait yet 40 minutes for clear signals...
My Skype:
Membre depuis Oct 10, 2012
posts 69
Membre depuis Oct 10, 2012
posts 69
Jan 02, 2013 at 16:47
Membre depuis Oct 10, 2012
posts 69
I'm in the way, in the mountains, Internet bad connection, so Skype is not running. The deal closed at +285 USD by trailing stop (15p.). Tomorrow when I'm already in the city and will be the fastest internet i will updating statistics and answer questions from the investors in Skype! See tomorrow!
Membre depuis Oct 10, 2012
posts 69
Membre depuis Oct 10, 2012
posts 69
Jan 08, 2013 at 21:18
Membre depuis Sep 25, 2012
posts 13
Great results Andrey, very impressive. I checked your website but didnt find some information:
- what is your max. SL that you use
- GBPUSD pair only? why this pair? wouldnt PBS also work on other pairs?
- whats the price for PBS?
- did you make any backtests of PBS? for how long history is your system profitable like this?
Thank you for your answers.
- what is your max. SL that you use
- GBPUSD pair only? why this pair? wouldnt PBS also work on other pairs?
- whats the price for PBS?
- did you make any backtests of PBS? for how long history is your system profitable like this?
Thank you for your answers.
Jan 09, 2013 at 06:27
Membre depuis Jan 16, 2012
posts 29
guys please beware. I am not certain myself, but seems like the broker grandcapital had been involved in many scams involving russian traders.
Make conclusion yourselves..
Make conclusion yourselves..
Backtests are worthless, markets will never behave the same way. Do a forward test!
Membre depuis Oct 10, 2012
posts 69
Membre depuis Oct 10, 2012
posts 69
Jan 09, 2013 at 13:27
Membre depuis Oct 10, 2012
posts 69
bigben81 posted:
Great results Andrey, very impressive. I checked your website but didnt find some information:
- what is your max. SL that you use
- GBPUSD pair only? why this pair? wouldnt PBS also work on other pairs?
- whats the price for PBS?
- did you make any backtests of PBS? for how long history is your system profitable like this?
Thank you for your answers.
- Loss close by market when have signal. Max 45pips.
- only GBPUSD, best work only this pair
- price - pls go to my website for request price
- not backtest because its not EA - its semi-automatic system
- its stable system
Membre depuis Oct 10, 2012
posts 69

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