QFX 300% Monthly (de forex_trader_565984)

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Discussion QFX 300% Monthly

Oct 19, 2018 at 12:18
Vues 448
1 Replies
Membre depuis Oct 08, 2018   posts 141
Oct 21, 2018 at 06:34
Copy the same trades of this account to your account using the below link:

For MAM/PAMM services, you can contact me on my email "[email protected]".Minimum investment 10000 USD or more.
Membre depuis Oct 08, 2018   posts 141
Oct 21, 2018 at 06:34
System Summary:(QFX 300 Percent Monthly)
1.Minimum Required balance: 35 USD(Recommended: 350 USD)
2.Minimum Risk per trade:6% to 10%(can be more sometimes)
3.Monthly return: 300% or more(UNLIMITED MONTHLY RETURN)
4.Expected Maximum drawdown: 50%(can be more)
5.Required leverage: 500 or above
6.Stoploss: Hidden stoploss between 25 to 30 pips
7.Curreny pairs: Only EURUSD
8.Number of simultaneous trades: Only 1 trade at a time
9.Martingale: Partial increase in lot size based on risk settings and loss. Note that it does NOT double lot sizes upon every loss.
10.Required Account type: ECN or standard account with good spread and execution.If account balance is less than 350 USD, then use a cent account of 350 USD cent(3.5 USD) or more for better lot size adjustment between master and slave account and perfect sync of account performance between master and slave account.
11.System type: Semi-Automated.Entries and exits are done by EA as well as manually.
12.Risk Level:High Risk

1.Note that the signals from this account uses very high risk and hence, if you are using the signals of this account, then though technically I expect the drawdown to be around 50% maximum, but still your complete account balance is at risk and your account balance might be completely blown out at anytime in case if your broker doesn't accept the trade close or if my broker doesn't accept the trade close in time etc. Hence, you need to carefully consider this before using the signals from this account and how much money to allocate to this signal.
2. The best practice is to withdraw some profits to some other account everyday after getting a huge profit or at least withdraw profits once in every week.
3.Or else start a small account around 50 USD to 100 USD and just let it grow which you don't care if it gets wiped out. But if it continues to grow for 3 months without blowing out, then you will not be disappointed at all and your balance might be around 100K or more starting from 100 USD.
4.If your account balance is high and you want to trade more safely, then you can use my other signal "QFX 50 Percent Monthly" which produces the same trades, but with medium risk and maximum expected drawdown of 20%.
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