Ranger EA V4.1 Low Risk (Official) (de lilredry)

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Discussion Ranger EA V4.1 Low Risk (Official)

Nov 01, 2019 at 16:12
Vues 1,158
5 Replies
Membre depuis Mar 02, 2020   posts 2
Mar 17, 2020 at 06:45
Hi webmaster,

I have downloaded this rmi ea free version and it works 2 weeks normally. However, it does not work these 2 days, I do not know the problem and I have not changed the settings. Do you know the problem?

Best regards,

Civic Wong
Membre depuis Jun 03, 2011   posts 9
Mar 17, 2020 at 10:32
What you bought was the copier software for the RMI Pro EA. This service requires a monthly fee. You paid for it 8 days ago and I saw you set-up the copier software. It even says you had some trades copied till you stopped using it o the 10th of March. Why did you stop?

Whats going on here?
Membre depuis Mar 02, 2020   posts 2
Mar 17, 2020 at 10:52
Hi Ryan,

I have donated you USD 50 for the copier software and I have received it. However, I have also bought your limited time offer for RMI EA Pro V7 yesterday, please kindly check the paypal receipt number of 03063437J2597201J, the amount is USD 297. For details, please kindly check the attachment.

Also, I have never received any message after installing the copier software.

There is one more problem, I'm very appreciated your RMI EA Free version and it runs perfectly for 2 weeks. But suddenly, it cannot run since yesterday, I suspect you have stopped my demo mt4 account 308082. As when I run it for another demo account, no problem exists. Can you help me to check it?

Best regards,

Civic Wong

Fichiers joints:

Membre depuis Mar 17, 2020   posts 2
Mar 17, 2020 at 21:38
Hey Ryan,

Hope you're well dude. I have donated for the trade copier RMA EA Pro, could you please send me that at your earliest availability? I am in a bit of a rush to try that one out as I will be away for a couple of days. If I like the results, will most likely be buying next versions :)
thanks in advance for all you hard work.
Membre depuis Jun 03, 2011   posts 9
Mar 17, 2020 at 21:59
Can you check your email? The email sent was titled...
"Forex Copier Remote: User information"

Could be in your spam

Let me know,
Membre depuis Mar 17, 2020   posts 2
Mar 17, 2020 at 22:25
Thank for the prompt response @lilredry . No email has arrived yet, could you please double check it for me?
[email protected]

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