Silveri (de Silveri)
Gain : | +672.52% |
Drawdown | 4.54% |
Pips: | 2585.9 |
Transactions | 19 |
Gagné: |
Perdu: |
Type: | Réel |
Levier: | - |
Trading: | Manuel |
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Discussion Silveri
Membre depuis Oct 08, 2012
posts 73
Membre depuis Oct 08, 2012
posts 73
Membre depuis Oct 08, 2012
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Membre depuis Jan 08, 2013
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Membre depuis Oct 08, 2012
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Membre depuis Oct 28, 2009
posts 1409
Sep 26, 2013 at 12:17
Membre depuis Oct 28, 2009
posts 1409
What's the details of the PAMM please?
Best regards Steve
What's the details of the PAMM please?
Best regards Steve
11:15, restate my assumptions: 1. Mathematics is the language of nature. 2. Everything around us can be represented and understood through numbers. 3. If you graph these numbers, patterns emerge. Therefore: There are patterns everywhere in nature.
Sep 26, 2013 at 16:46
Membre depuis Aug 10, 2013
posts 12
corinnette posted:
if I invested 100k€ must join a blaktest.
How cost a fee?
I already have on my plateform pamm web java, interactivebrokers.
I sent you an email, answer me, and join me.
thank you
Please register with the broker and join my PAMM account.
Membre depuis Oct 08, 2012
posts 73
Membre depuis Aug 22, 2009
posts 382

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