Sir Lancelot 8.0 Beta (de Pheniox)
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Discussion Sir Lancelot 8.0 Beta
Apr 02, 2010 at 07:23
Membre depuis Aug 21, 2009
posts 92
See I am not the only one up late, as usual, or perhaps different time zones. 4 am here and still working as usual.
I prefer that you spend a bit of time in my public support forum and see what other members have to say before investing in my or even any program.
You do not have to make a purchase to get access to my program support forum and I believe that my clients are better salepersons than me. Keeps thing honest I imagine.
No pressure from my end to make a purchase.
To Success
and Happy Easter
See I am not the only one up late, as usual, or perhaps different time zones. 4 am here and still working as usual.
I prefer that you spend a bit of time in my public support forum and see what other members have to say before investing in my or even any program.
You do not have to make a purchase to get access to my program support forum and I believe that my clients are better salepersons than me. Keeps thing honest I imagine.
No pressure from my end to make a purchase.
To Success
and Happy Easter
Those that say it can not be done should leave those that are doing it alone.
Membre depuis Apr 02, 2010
posts 2
Apr 02, 2010 at 07:30
Membre depuis Apr 02, 2010
posts 2
Thanks for the swift response and Much Grease to ya elbow as you can see i already said You are doing A Great Job and For you to Be Up 4AM cracking your Brains then its Worth Your Time i am already on the Forum and registering i will read Most reviews from other and I will make the Best Choice for me Also i have some Private Questions if possible how do i relate this Questions to you ?
I await your response
I await your response
Membre depuis Oct 29, 2009
posts 74
Apr 20, 2010 at 04:34
Membre depuis Oct 29, 2009
posts 74
Well... if ever this will help...
My statement using Lancelot...
However... I am thinking of consolidating this with my other account. Wasted margin... as Lancelot does not trade as often as others.
My statement using Lancelot...
However... I am thinking of consolidating this with my other account. Wasted margin... as Lancelot does not trade as often as others.
NEVER say DIE!!!

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