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Membre depuis Nov 26, 2012
posts 72
May 29, 2014 at 06:01
Membre depuis Nov 26, 2012
posts 72
Beta Testing: ECN
System: Siamfx Directional FX
Broker: Roboforex ecn-pro NDD
Commission: about $5 rt on 1.0lot
Average spread: AUDUSD (0.5)
When spreads are less than 1.0 and commission is less than $10 rt on 1.0 Lot, we've been able to find a way to squeeze out more trades than ever before. Current week May 26-30 produced 285 trades on AUDUSD long.
System: Siamfx Directional FX
Broker: Roboforex ecn-pro NDD
Commission: about $5 rt on 1.0lot
Average spread: AUDUSD (0.5)
When spreads are less than 1.0 and commission is less than $10 rt on 1.0 Lot, we've been able to find a way to squeeze out more trades than ever before. Current week May 26-30 produced 285 trades on AUDUSD long.

Membre depuis Nov 26, 2012
posts 72
Jun 23, 2014 at 13:48
Membre depuis Nov 26, 2012
posts 72
Yes, it was a technical glitch on our program. An unlimited amount of limit orders were submitted and the broker filled what was available with the 13k free margin at the time. The rest of the 550+ lots weren't successfully filled with our margin.
Membre depuis Sep 19, 2013
posts 31
Sep 02, 2014 at 11:18
Membre depuis Sep 19, 2013
posts 31
sanvean posted:
why do you insist ignoring the economical news? just drop the pair and find another1 . this one is not gonna make it for a consecutive solid trade signal. your luck has turned . accept it and evolve . otherwise on sait bien quoi
It is to late to stop, it will be margin call.
Membre depuis Sep 19, 2013
posts 31

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