TF-Gold.Scalp (de Earleone)
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Discussion TF-Gold.Scalp
Jan 23, 2013 at 13:12
Membre depuis Mar 04, 2012
posts 1
Hii, it is based on Blessing and is partly martingale. I run a test of it for now with set files I been making, with a mix of pairs. Concerning the risk involved with Martingale I need to let it run further some months and maybee do some adjustments before deciding what to do with the system. If the system can reach 100% and profit is withdrawed it can be profitable long term. But the nature of martingale is risky business and sooner or later accounts like this blow and it happens suddenly sow to be profitable over long term need good MM and withdrawing profit and even then it is risky business.

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