UC_ (de Quick100)
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Discussion UC_
Jun 10, 2012 at 06:07
Membre depuis May 15, 2012
posts 234
1st Quick Account with less risk. This account is for ongoing gain and changing lotsize to 0.02 when $100 is reached will make this account much more safe, looking for around 15 - 20% gain p. month.
For speeding up I use U15 to transfer gain into this one too
For speeding up I use U15 to transfer gain into this one too
Jul 13, 2012 at 04:25
Membre depuis May 15, 2012
posts 234
U15 is too much risky so I closed it in gain just running U25 now. And this one is goin vey good. Starting Balance was tiny $30 and DD was goin high. If I had used $100 the DD would had been nicely low for this kind of trading. Anyway, on the way to $100 now risk will be less the more gain is made......

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