USDHUF Exchange Rate


Dollar américain contre Forint hongrois Exchange Rate (USD to HUF)

+0.18% +70.6 pips
Bid/Ask: 399.76/399.05
Intervalle quotidien: 396.46 - 400.60
intervalle d’une minute
intervalle de 5 minutes
intervalle de 15 minutes
intervalle de 30 minutes
intervalle d’une heure
intervalle de 4 heures
Intervalle quotidien
Intervalle hebdomadaire
Intervalle mensuel

USDHUF Live Price Chart

Upcoming Events for USD and HUF

11h 54m
HUF €1.95B
11h 54m
HUF €949M
17h 54m
USD -0.4
19h 24m
USD 111.7
19h 24m
USD 4.16%
19h 24m
USD 4.25%
19h 54m
20h 54m
USD 4.19%
20h 54m
USD 4.27%
22h 24m
USD 4.274%

FRB and MNB Interest Rates

United States Federal Reserve 4.5% 4.75% 37 jours
Hungary National Bank of Hungary 6.5% 6.5% -

Latest USDHUF News

U.S. Consumer Sentiment Improves In Line With Preliminary Estimate In December

U.S. Consumer Sentiment Improves In Line With Preliminary Estimate In December

The University of Michigan released a report on Friday showing consumer sentiment in the U.S. improved in line with its preliminary estimate in the month of December. The report said the consumer sentiment index for December was unrevised from the preliminary estimate of 74.0, in line with economists' expectations. The consumer sentiment index increased from 71.8 in November.
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U.S. Consumer Prices Inch Higher In November, Annual Growth Accelerates Slightly Less Than Expected

U.S. Consumer Prices Inch Higher In November, Annual Growth Accelerates Slightly Less Than Expected

Consumer prices in the U.S. crept slightly higher in the month of November, according to a closely watched report released by the Commerce Department on Friday. The Commerce Department said its personal consumption expenditures (PCE) price index inched up by 0.1 percent in November after rising by 0.2 percent in October. Economists had expected prices to increase by another 0.2 percent.
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U.S. Leading Economic Index Rises For First Time Since February 2022

U.S. Leading Economic Index Rises For First Time Since February 2022

The Conference Board released a report on Thursday showing its reading on leading U.S. economic indicators increased for the first time in well over two years in the month of November. The report said the leading economic index rose by 0.3 percent in November after falling by 0.4 percent in October. Economists had expected the index to edge down by 0.1 percent.
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USDHUF Exchange Rates Analysis

Données historiques USDHUF - Données historiques USDHUF sélectionnables par plage de dates et par période.

Volatilité USDHUF - Analyse de la volatilité des devises en temps réel USDHUF.

Corrélation USDHUF - Analyse de la corrélation des devises en temps réel USDHUF.

Indicateurs USDHUF - USDHUF indicateurs en temps réel.

Modèles USDHUF - USDHUF modèles de prix en temps réel.