I'm a passionate programmer deeply immersed in the world of investments. My fascination lies in system trading, algorithmic trading, and the exciting realm of artificial intelligence. Ever since my friend introduced me to this captivating world back in 2004, I've been hooked. Greetings, Forex World, here I come!
Style de trading
My demanding job leaves me with little time to keep a constant eye on forex charts. As a solution, I've developed robots to assist me in trading.


Systems by soulwing

Nom Gain Drawdown Pips Trading Levier Type
BigD 201.58% 40.16% -494.5 Automatisé 1:2000 Réel
BigD2 -95.10% 99.91% -6169.4 Automatisé 1:1000 Réel
BigD RE2 13 pairs 32.17% 11.34% -7227.7 Automatisé 1:2000 Réel