C 7 Traders
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@C7Traders I am investigating migrating my strategy to your platform for the purpose of being signal provider. Do you allow (like MQL5, SimpleTrader, and SignalStart) the signal provider to migrate their data and maintain a live account at another brokerage while being a signal provider? I already have 10 accounts at 5 different brokers, so that is why I ask. I would like to bring business to your platform and for myself to be compensated by clients to copy my trades (per lot, monthly fee). Thanks.
Good day C7
I am very impressed with your trading results, is their anyway of myself copy trading your account (auto trades) ?
Manipulate the swap:
EUR/AUD the swap short is + 4.62, but on Wednesday the 3 days swap, you will got only +0,62, same for EUR/TRY...
I have many screenshot to proof.
Hello Allan
It is true that Vanuatu may be lesser known, but scams may occur anywhere in our industry. We have seen brokers performing illegal acts in heavy jurisdiction such as London/Australia. Not all FCA/ASIC brokers are legit, likewise not all VFSC brokers are scam.
We therefore encourage you to evaluate a Company based on his actions/feedbacks/trading conditions rather than passing off a conclusion based on its jurisdiction.
Afterall, every big players started off with humble beginnings from lesser known jurisdiction in its early days.
C 7 Traders
How someone can trust in a Broker licensed in Vanuatu? The last scam from this pseudo Country was Sakura Fx. Vanuatu authorities did nothing after the scam.
Reliable STP brokerage with 0.7 EURUSD lowest spread. No problem with funding and withdrawal so far.