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I have been working with this broker and my satisfaction with them is high, although I lost money for using an EA not good enough. Behavior of all of them was good. I have been very comfortable.
Very good customer services 24/7 perfect attention.
I will continue operating with them, although now minimum deposit is higher, I hope this time improve my trading and get money.
Lo que me gusta de este bróker es que tiene un equipo de soporte que siempre está dispuesto a ayudar. Este agente tiene información relevante en su sitio web con un claro rendimiento de todas las comisiones según el tipo de cuenta. Con todo esto de las estafas en internet, recomiendo a DorsiaFx.
One of the few things about DorsiaFX, which is easy to believe is the support for accounts without swap. This is a fairly common feature for brokers, who also want to accept Muslim customers.
Is a good intermediary. Some time ago I visited your website recommended by an acquaintance, and I received a link to a demo account, after that I started to make transactions to know the platform, and I find its operation interesting.
Mi experiencia con este bróker es bastante buena. Cuando me uní a ellos solicité algunas negociaciones que aprobaron sin contratiempo. También tienen opciones de pago muy rápidas y eficientes. Hasta ahora estoy satisfecho...
At first I was very skeptical about this broker, I thought it was another marketing feature, until I started to try it out. They are really good and efficient operations. Great customer service and transactions without problems. I have tried the money withdrawals, the execution and the support, everything works fine.