Oanda fx managers

Apr 13, 2011 at 22:34
1,938 व्यू
8 Replies
तबसे मेंबर है Feb 15, 2010   51 पोस्टों
Apr 13, 2011 at 22:34 (एडिट हो रहा है Apr 13, 2011 at 22:34)
I got a question for all the managers using oanda fx manager does anyone know of a way around the whole mt4 oanda update bs. I know there were alot of managers here using oanda and using myfxbook. so what did you do quit using my fx book. Is there a different anayltics site out there besides currensee that actually works good for fx trade? I am looking for a solution for this problem ans Oanda wont allow you to add a mt4 to a managed acct nor a existing acct. I personally think they did it on purpose oanda adds were bragging that their traders are more profitable than any other broker however i havent see those adds since they added mt4 and ruined the analytics here for all the managers. I can say using the analytics here improved my trading but now that i cant use this site any more not so much. so i guess my main question is what/how are all the oanda fxmanagers getting analytics on theirs accts now? what are you using? does any one have a bridge or some thing to bridge any mt4 to fxtrade? some thing needs to happen cause this really sucks and neither oanda nor myfxbook gives a flying f**k
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तबसे मेंबर है Feb 15, 2010   51 पोस्टों
Apr 13, 2011 at 22:39
also funny how oanda has a third party api specifically for analytics which currensee uses but myfxbook cant?
You will never go broke by taking profits
तबसे मेंबर है Jan 26, 2011   974 पोस्टों
Apr 13, 2011 at 23:10
oanda could have supported the myfxbook connectivity issue.

but they did not.

oanda offered no support to fxspyder.

they could have.

but they did not.

oanda could have properly rolled out the metatrader platform.

but they did not.

one issue, even if you were allowed to connect metatrader to an fxmanager account, which i did not understand that you can not do this, but oanda occupied the comments field of metatrader with information of theirs that somehow associates the mt4 with a specific subaccount or something...

note that you would have had to use the comment field to verify your account here at myfxbook, this was an example of oanda's poor planning again.

didnt oanda take in nine figures of investment capital?

they sure aint using any of it in the computer room.

do you know that oanda keeps it's servers at some server hosting farm?

somehow, i think that they should have their servers on site.

take a look around their forum and notice the ones that are so madly in love with oanda...

they usually last a few months to a year before they change that opinion.

oanda is second class.

their software is second clasas.

their customer service is definitely second class.

तबसे मेंबर है Apr 15, 2011   3 पोस्टों
Apr 15, 2011 at 19:15
Which broker(s) would you recommend?
The trend is the basis of all profit.
तबसे मेंबर है Jan 26, 2011   974 पोस्टों
Apr 15, 2011 at 21:37 (एडिट हो रहा है Apr 15, 2011 at 21:53)
https://ibfx.com is simply a flawless company.

https://forex.com is also right up there, they run a very tight operation.

with both of the two above mentioned companies, i have traded with both of them live, and they treat me like gold, even tho i have always been trading pissy little tiny account balances.

everything about their customer service is always straight up and professional.

they answer their phones and they get down to handling business.

you can call either company on the phone and check your balance/equity/etc, and they will also open or close trades for you over the phone.

oanda always refused to handle trade requests over the phone, they always said that to do this would be the action of a bucket shop.


i am going to tell you that it is my most firm opinion that when oanda has it's notorious platform connectivity issues, and then on top of that they refuse to process my trade requests over the phone, that my friends is how a bucket shop operates. period.

with the above two mentioned companies, you will find that deposits and withdrawls go thru quickly and without a hitch.

both of the above companies even processed my requests to open/close trades on a game account.

not that i expect a broker to sit around and futz with my game trades, but one day i just figured that i would see how far i could push them. they both handled my game trade requests without hesitation.

they are both top notch and professionally operated companies.

try either company out and i expect that you will not be disappointed.

perhaps i should mention that it is always my intent when calling a broker that i am always direct and to the point regarding my telephone inquiries and it is never my intent bullsht around when i am communicating with them. it is never my intent to waste their time.

note: both companies have united states branches, ibfx has an australian branch and forex.com has a uk branch.

also note: i have only used the metatrader platform with ibfx and forex.

i simply adore the metatrader platform. i have been writing software since early 1983 and i find the metatrader programming language produces very fast and tight code, yet it is so awesomely simple to write code with, it almost reminds me of writing code in qbasic under dos.

have fun.

in closing, oanda sucks cck.


तबसे मेंबर है Apr 01, 2011   23 पोस्टों
Apr 16, 2011 at 21:44
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तबसे मेंबर है Feb 20, 2010   150 पोस्टों
Apr 17, 2011 at 10:02
Some other brokers to consider are FIN FX where there is no FIFO or restrictions on hedging. Managed accounts are available, mt4, etc.

I don't like having my money in Finland (as I'm in the US) but i can find no bad press on them and their execution of trades, spreads, and customer service has been good.

Also, i would consider ATC brokers. Good liquidity and spreads. Customer service is alright, but the main point is that they are US based and yet no FIFO or hedging restrictions. And as FXCM executes their trades you have one of the biggest players on the block providing their liquidity. You can call FXCM 24/5 about most issues dealing with your ATC account if you can't reach ATC (after their hours)

Managed account and mt4 are available at ATC.

I only recommend these brokers because i have accounts with them. And i have accounts with them for a reason - they are decent brokers. I have tried about 4 other brokers and not been satisfied. I'm sure there are many other good brokers. These are the ones I know.

P.S. I would love to offer a managed mt4 account at Oanda, but they guys don't get it -- i guess they make so much money that they can afford to refuse business to people like me who want to bring money to their brokerage lol
must be nice (for them)
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तबसे मेंबर है Apr 01, 2011   23 पोस्टों
Apr 17, 2011 at 14:24

SunnyDays posted:
Some other brokers to consider are FIN FX where there is no FIFO or restrictions on hedging. Managed accounts are available, mt4, etc.

I don't like having my money in Finland (as I'm in the US) but i can find no bad press on them and their execution of trades, spreads, and customer service has been good.

Also, i would consider ATC brokers. Good liquidity and spreads. Customer service is alright, but the main point is that they are US based and yet no FIFO or hedging restrictions. And as FXCM executes their trades you have one of the biggest players on the block providing their liquidity. You can call FXCM 24/5 about most issues dealing with your ATC account if you can't reach ATC (after their hours)

Managed account and mt4 are available at ATC.

I only recommend these brokers because i have accounts with them. And i have accounts with them for a reason - they are decent brokers. I have tried about 4 other brokers and not been satisfied. I'm sure there are many other good brokers. These are the ones I know.

P.S. I would love to offer a managed mt4 account at Oanda, but they guys don't get it -- i guess they make so much money that they can afford to refuse business to people like me who want to bring money to their brokerage lol
must be nice (for them)



Have you traded with FXCM UK and how do you find FXCM in New York. During 2008, I was an introducing broker for FXCM. I see now they have a lawsuit against them. I managed a $120,000 US Dollars account there starting on July 22, 2008.

What is your average monthly return on managed funds.
तबसे मेंबर है Apr 15, 2011   3 पोस्टों
Apr 18, 2011 at 02:08 (एडिट हो रहा है Apr 18, 2011 at 02:11)
@zzzero -- Thanks. I like MT4 also, but I'm leaning toward an ECN broker that uses MT4. This site: https://www.100forexbrokers.com makes it easy to find these brokers. It seems that MB Trading gets pretty good reviews, but I'd gladly use another broker if it's better.

The trend is the basis of all profit.
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