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Oanda box options
तबसे मेंबर है Nov 14, 2009
23 पोस्टों
Feb 08, 2010 at 15:06
तबसे मेंबर है Nov 14, 2009
23 पोस्टों
Hi, is there any reason box option payouts are showing as 0 when they should show as positive? thanks

तबसे मेंबर है Aug 01, 2009
895 पोस्टों
Feb 08, 2010 at 15:09
तबसे मेंबर है Aug 01, 2009
895 पोस्टों
I never really understood box options. To me it's like getting paid to try and shag a jelly fish. Makes no sense at all.
तबसे मेंबर है Nov 14, 2009
23 पोस्टों
Feb 08, 2010 at 15:11
तबसे मेंबर है Nov 14, 2009
23 पोस्टों
They have their uses, just because you can't see it doesn't mean it doesn't exist.

तबसे मेंबर है Aug 01, 2009
895 पोस्टों
Feb 08, 2010 at 15:22
तबसे मेंबर है Aug 01, 2009
895 पोस्टों
I know they exist. Saw them on O. I'm quite happy to admit I'm to stupid to trade them. Wonder in Leeson traded them?
तबसे मेंबर है Jul 31, 2009
1418 पोस्टों
Feb 08, 2010 at 15:28
तबसे मेंबर है Jul 31, 2009
1418 पोस्टों
klaatu posted:
Hi, is there any reason box option payouts are showing as 0 when they should show as positive? thanks
We're investigating this issue - thanks for reporting it.
Please contact us directly when having an issue to get a faster response.
तबसे मेंबर है Jul 31, 2009
1418 पोस्टों
Feb 08, 2010 at 15:41
तबसे मेंबर है Jul 31, 2009
1418 पोस्टों
Ok, we've checked it and the problem is actually just with the trade type name "Box Payout" not showing, the profit is still there and is calculated.
Unfortunately, we can't fix it until the weekend as it will result in downtime.
Apologize for the inconvenience.
Unfortunately, we can't fix it until the weekend as it will result in downtime.
Apologize for the inconvenience.
तबसे मेंबर है Nov 14, 2009
23 पोस्टों
Feb 08, 2010 at 19:55
तबसे मेंबर है Nov 14, 2009
23 पोस्टों
OK no problem, thanks for the quick reply.

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टिप: @ चिन्ह को टाइप करें उपभोगता के नाम को अपने आप करने के लिए जो इस चर्चा में भाग ले रहा है.