Old News: mt4stats promotes FWRC

Jun 14, 2010 at 04:32
1,025 व्यू
1 Replies
तबसे मेंबर है Jan 27, 2010   55 पोस्टों
Jun 14, 2010 at 04:32
I haven't checked one of my emails for a long time. I was browsing through and found this. I didn't know mt4stats was promoting FWRC. If anyone remembers the Links for the FUSION bot and the others, please link them to this Thread.


Dear user and friend of MT4 Stats,

2,5 weeks ago I told you about the "Forex Robot World Cup" with the news I have been following it every day.

Many things have happened after this, which you can read about on the website.

I want to focus (as a professional trader myself) on all these EA's by giving you my best personal settings for FREE for the winning EA and last but not least, also the EA which will combine the top 5 of them together into 1 EA called Fusion V 1.1a.

I always prefer to use my own optimized settings for any EA and want to share these with you for FREE!

If you are one of the people who thinks that the shown profitable EA's results and statements are fake, I can give you the following screenshots which I just made. It sure comes in handy to have some connections with trustable people in the forex world full of scammers.

which no one else has shown yet as hard proof!

As you can see, it's all real and looking very very good!
Not a backtest, not a demo, simply pure live accounts were used!

If you are wondering whether to buy it or not, I'd say yes, because no other robot has come along in all these years proofing it really works. Unless you prefer to buy scam robot's each time for $97 USD.

Interested in my private settings and want them for free? Buy it by going to the website by clicking here and afterwards contact me by email at [email protected]

As a bonus, you will also get private access to my soon to be launched private website where you will be able to download other settings for feature EA's as well.

REMEMBER: If you don't use THIS link, you will not be able to receive my private settings as an extra bonus.

The site will be opening their doors for customers in less then 1 hour from now at 9AM EST (check the countdown at the FRWC website!)

Enjoy the EA's with my settings, and please... if you want to buy it, do it fast, because it might be shut down pretty fast and you might miss out on my extra bonus settings as well!


Hans Bowles
MT4 Stats

तबसे मेंबर है Jan 27, 2010   55 पोस्टों
Jun 14, 2010 at 04:38
I just went to their website. Shocking that it still exists. But noticed World cup part DUE.

Didn't everyone agree that it was a Scam? Not the traders, Bots or the prize money. yeah that was all real, BUT the results?

And how FXCM fudged the accounts to make the Bots Look GOOD? I remember discussing this on FF.
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