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high return (के जरिए fxsc1lper)

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high return चर्चा करें

Dec 26, 2018 at 09:18
16,446 व्यू
379 Replies
तबसे मेंबर है May 23, 2018   21 पोस्टों
Aug 02, 2019 at 20:32
Thanks you Freewings. I also found it tasteless how he took it so casually and laughing hehe all the time. I'm one of the people who blew an account ($2900) due to his recklessness. He really cannot be teaching himself lessons using our hard earned money. I personally had never blown an account. To make it worse, it was the first day I paid the $100 to subscribe to him. Only to lose ALL my money, then he has the guts to come laugh here and take it casually. He's caused a lot of pain, but he seems not to realize how many people he has destroyed here. He needs some seriousness when handling clients investments. These are not demo accounts.
तबसे मेंबर है Jun 14, 2019   2 पोस्टों
Aug 03, 2019 at 17:46
How much leverage they using? What is the lot size? If im referring to trader DD, its below 20%. Shouldnt MC if follow the right money management

Freewings posted:
Dear Fx Scalper,
Thank you very much for the post.

I admit that you have done a great job since December 2018.
Like you said, you used a counter trend strategy. You entered trades close to Support
and resistance levels in oversold/bought areas waiting for the reverse of the trend
to make a big profit after you stack all these trades considering them as one trade.
This is very smart "Averaging strategy", it is not Grid at all. I insist.

But, I believe, you must also admit that selecting GBPUSD was a bad choice. This is a historical
drop for this pair and it's almost impossible to determine where the SR borders. Results
back my claim.

Several members lost their accounts. I know two of them because I introduced them to your
signal. One at $11,300 and the other at approx $3,500. I know losses are normal in Forex,
but they're not accepted if they were due to recklessness and arrogance. And you said that
mistakes will teach investors lessons. You're right, but only if they have something left
in their accounts.

I appreciate your sense of humor, but in this situation too many (hehe's) are tasteless.
You have to be serious, specially, you said there were about $100,000 following you.
You could've done a better job posting an apology and admitting your mistake, Big mistake.

तबसे मेंबर है Jan 25, 2019   36 पोस्टों
Aug 03, 2019 at 21:30
Mr Sc1lper have ignored fundamentals &market news.
I think.
So if Mr Sc1lper refused to remove all GBPxxx pairs from his EA ...
I suggest you guide just try to do it yourself manually in SignalStart app...
Thats all
Add them back after Brexit over
तबसे मेंबर है Nov 17, 2012   348 पोस्टों
Aug 04, 2019 at 08:54
Davidgoliath posted:
Mr Sc1lper have ignored fundamentals &market news.
I think.
So if Mr Sc1lper refused to remove all GBPxxx pairs from his EA ...
I suggest you guide just try to do it yourself manually in SignalStart app...
Thats all
Add them back after Brexit over

*brexit is running since 3 years .. so no trade for 3 years ?

*EURO crisis running since 5 years so no euro pair trades ?
*iran -US war condition so no us pairs trading ?
*when CHF crashed who knew this ? even brokers trapped and crashed
*when US crashed in 2007 -09 who knew that ?
*3 years ago when NZD moved 3000 pips who knew that ?
*at this year start JPY pairs moved more than 800 pips in few hours who knew that ..
*and many of these news events without reason ... there was no war reason which can move 3000 4000 1000 pips in a single candle
*when GBP moved this week which fundamental event was running ? in these days ? last months GBP moved same like this without any news ... why ?
*at thursday there were 6 major high impact news there for GBP .. but GBP even didnt move 40 pips why not move if move on fundamentals ?

*president comes and goes .. they and their ministers speak every week . so no trade every week ?
*if fundamentals works why market didnt move at NFP ?
*if speaks are important then why trumps speaks failed to move market at friday ?
*when obama comes stock rises , when trumps comes stock falls , so how to know which one is good or bad ?
*ok tell me for how many days after GBP president changes we need to wait for trade ?
*and does any country president or minister will tell which direction price can do ?
*ur saying many posts about fundementals , but if u only see this last week , GBP moved without reason , JPY moved without reason , market didnt move at GBP mega news , market didnt move at NFP , market didnt move at ADP , market didnt move at trumps speaks
and if we follow fundamentals , we cannot trade even for one day in forex market , becoz right now china , asia , us , GBP , euro , iron , KSA and many more countires are under crisis and problems ,
*so every thing is trap , when they want to move market , market move without any reason for 400 pips in a single without any news
when they dont want to move market , market doesnt move even at ultra high mega events .... technical /fundamental is only trap for retail trades ...hope u got the answer ..sorry for bad english ..just try to understand the concept i dont want proof u wrong /right
skype id millennium.analyst
तबसे मेंबर है Dec 12, 2018   32 पोस्टों
Aug 04, 2019 at 11:19
fxsc1lper posted:
wrbking posted:
is it OK to use 0.01 lot with 1000$ when copy your trade?

yes if your broker doesnt have any stop out limit rule that it is fine

Why you said here many times is ok 1000 Usd if you work with 4000 Usd ??
तबसे मेंबर है Dec 12, 2018   32 पोस्टों
Aug 04, 2019 at 11:24
Freewings posted:
Dear Fx Scalper,
Thank you very much for the post.

I admit that you have done a great job since December 2018.
Like you said, you used a counter trend strategy. You entered trades close to Support
and resistance levels in oversold/bought areas waiting for the reverse of the trend
to make a big profit after you stack all these trades considering them as one trade.
This is very smart "Averaging strategy", it is not Grid at all. I insist.

But, I believe, you must also admit that selecting GBPUSD was a bad choice. This is a historical
drop for this pair and it's almost impossible to determine where the SR borders. Results
back my claim.

Several members lost their accounts. I know two of them because I introduced them to your
signal. One at $11,300 and the other at approx $3,500. I know losses are normal in Forex,
but they're not accepted if they were due to recklessness and arrogance. And you said that
mistakes will teach investors lessons. You're right, but only if they have something left
in their accounts.

I appreciate your sense of humor, but in this situation too many (hehe's) are tasteless.
You have to be serious, specially, you said there were about $100,000 following you.
You could've done a better job posting an apology and admitting your mistake, Big mistake.


I really hope your friend didn't lose 11.000 Usd, that is quite a big amount !!! Sure that if he used 0.1 lots that is equal to 0.01 with 1000 as he said many times it's ok... yes possible lose EVERYTHING !!! What happens to the 100.000 Usd funds, maybe all destroyed ?
तबसे मेंबर है Nov 17, 2012   348 पोस्टों
Aug 05, 2019 at 06:03
SNF_Complex posted:
vik2001 posted:
All the new posts from users are fake its either their 2nd or 3rd post. Hes just hyping his own signal so people subscribe. Hes using risky grid and scalping so u gna loose in the end.

hi !

contact me at FB page !

yah few -ve comments and u and many more have started their own shops here lolz

why ur all account never updated .. why u dont update that accounts and let show how u loss all cent accounts .. which u showing like big accounts lolz

u all are making loss and blaming me for loss

i will recover my loss . and plz stop selling your services here in my discussion

atleast since 9 months i am running account and still updating it live .. not like u and others .. why have u stopped updating your accounts ? becoz they loss all money and it is 100 % true . if i am wrong proof me here :) i am waiting :) i am also with 9 years of forex experiences dude :) i know all these tricks :) u and guyz like u saw i am becoming popular . so making post in my thread to attract clients it good way to get clients .. it is the worse way to get clients ...look at your self .. better to subscribe under my signal, i may can help people like u to recover your losses :)
skype id millennium.analyst
तबसे मेंबर है Dec 29, 2016   6 पोस्टों
Aug 05, 2019 at 12:46
About the last trade closed with managed loss... We know it happens, it will happen again, it's ordinary trading event and part or trader life, especially with high return systems,
but some people think only to gain forever and ever as if they'd found the Holy Grail, ignoring the basic rules of money managemnent.
Gain and losses are part of trading strategies, the importance is consistency in long term vision or having a plan (for example withdrawal every month, setting high balance per lot ratio or so on) if high risk.
Greed and euphoria make people blind.
तबसे मेंबर है Apr 09, 2019   29 पोस्टों
Aug 05, 2019 at 13:10 (एडिट हो रहा है Aug 05, 2019 at 13:10)
It's OK to lose some. Cut loss and go on.

Hope you do better in the future.
तबसे मेंबर है Nov 27, 2014   139 पोस्टों
Aug 05, 2019 at 13:16
You all have been warned! This is a grid and no stoploss system!
तबसे मेंबर है Nov 17, 2012   348 पोस्टों
Aug 05, 2019 at 13:56
Sunnyday posted:
You all have been warned! This is a grid and no stoploss system!

yes ur right :)
skype id millennium.analyst
तबसे मेंबर है Nov 17, 2012   348 पोस्टों
Aug 05, 2019 at 14:09
paoloaguti posted:
About the last trade closed with managed loss... We know it happens, it will happen again, it's ordinary trading event and part or trader life, especially with high return systems,
but some people think only to gain forever and ever as if they'd found the Holy Grail, ignoring the basic rules of money managemnent.
Gain and losses are part of trading strategies, the importance is consistency in long term vision or having a plan (for example withdrawal every month, setting high balance per lot ratio or so on) if high risk.
Greed and euphoria make people blind.

thankx for telling truth to all ... but my personal opinion is every one know that
skype id millennium.analyst
तबसे मेंबर है Jul 22, 2013   123 पोस्टों
Aug 06, 2019 at 00:45
all works good !
SNF-Complex system - build in 2007 \ Tested from 1970.
तबसे मेंबर है Nov 17, 2012   348 पोस्टों
Aug 13, 2019 at 19:05
recover last week losses + profit
skype id millennium.analyst
तबसे मेंबर है Nov 17, 2012   348 पोस्टों
Aug 16, 2019 at 11:24
$180,933.48 <<<<< active live capital under my signal
skype id millennium.analyst
तबसे मेंबर है Dec 29, 2016   6 पोस्टों
Aug 16, 2019 at 20:12
fxsc1lper posted:
recover last week losses + profit

It sounds good. Impressive results!
तबसे मेंबर है Jul 22, 2013   123 पोस्टों
Aug 17, 2019 at 13:21
fenicbay posted:
good come back Man Fantastic Job

thank you !

Have a nice day !
SNF-Complex system - build in 2007 \ Tested from 1970.
तबसे मेंबर है Nov 17, 2012   348 पोस्टों
Aug 18, 2019 at 15:58
fenicbay posted:
good come back Man Fantastic Job

thankx up and down are the part of life
skype id millennium.analyst
तबसे मेंबर है Nov 17, 2012   348 पोस्टों
Aug 18, 2019 at 16:01
paoloaguti posted:
fxsc1lper posted:
recover last week losses + profit

It sounds good. Impressive results!

thankx for praising , i will try my best to give more good performance
skype id millennium.analyst
तबसे मेंबर है Nov 17, 2012   348 पोस्टों
Aug 19, 2019 at 13:18
who added 100k funds under my signal ? can u contact me here ?
skype id millennium.analyst
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