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MLA™ 2015

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MLA™ 2015 चर्चा करें

Jan 05, 2014 at 14:35
767 व्यू
12 Replies
तबसे मेंबर है Jan 09, 2013   30 पोस्टों
May 13, 2014 at 15:32
with completed 100 trades and nearly 5 months of LIVE trading, this trading strategy is NOW AVAILABLE to follow as a forex trading signal via trade copier.
More details at

Best regards,
तबसे मेंबर है May 04, 2012   1534 पोस्टों
Sep 07, 2014 at 21:54
What happened to your " 2014" showcase account...? Has it suddenly fell off from Earth? Last week it was still there... Both of us know what had happened, but lets forget about it... Right....?? I guess soon we shall see a " 2015" account. For another 6-9 months.

Come on Milan....! First you should be able to make a nice living directlyfrom trading, and not from subscribers. History just seems to be repeating itself...
तबसे मेंबर है Jan 09, 2013   30 पोस्टों
Sep 08, 2014 at 13:56
Hi Guru,
Well yes, fell off from Earth, hope you're doing better then me:-)
I didn't expect GBP on these price levels and well, latest Scottish polls results - that is kind of surprising. No excuses - bad trading decision on one of my live acounts.
However, I should point out that unlike MLA SWISSY, this account was NOT offered publically to buy/sign up/follow so I'm the ONLY one who lost some money here:-) I also didn't have it displayed on website so I wouldn't call it as "showcase" account.
तबसे मेंबर है Jan 09, 2013   30 पोस्टों
Oct 30, 2014 at 07:44
MLA SWISSY reminder: Only 40 hours left to buy MLA SWISSY licence for "October 2014" fees: $103.06 / 1 month! More details here:
तबसे मेंबर है May 04, 2012   1534 पोस्टों
Oct 30, 2014 at 08:39 (एडिट हो रहा है Oct 30, 2014 at 08:42)
fxtrading4living posted:
MLA SWISSY reminder: Only 40 hours left to buy MLA SWISSY licence for "October 2014" fees: $103.06 / 1 month! More details here:

Just a quick calculation for clarification:

Total profit over the past 12 months: 22%
Average monthly profit: 1.85%

So one needs to invest at least $5568.30 with Swissy JUST TO PAY THE MONTHLY FEES.

P.S. Max. DD: -5.95% which means that with a 1.85% average monthly profit the RECOVERY TIME from a similar DD is more than 3 months. Of course, statistically...

P.P.S. Even if I had not lost a LOT with your previous - already non-existing - signal service Milan (with hundreds of other subscribers), I would still pass on this one. Quoting you about it: "Well yes, fell off from Earth".

Milan, would you be willing to travel by an airplane with a pilot in the cockpit who has already crashed a large commercial airline...? Yeah... I thought so... By the way, I am sure you guessed right who is the symbolic pilot in this case...

Should anybody decide to board "MLA SWISSY Airlines", should be ready for another "Well yes, fell off from Earth" event...
तबसे मेंबर है Jul 28, 2014   3 पोस्टों
Oct 30, 2014 at 08:52
Hai guy look i turn 500% in less a month... And turn my live account
तबसे मेंबर है Jul 28, 2014   3 पोस्टों
Oct 30, 2014 at 08:52
With out draw down ! Amzing real dana disiplin
तबसे मेंबर है Jan 09, 2013   30 पोस्टों
Oct 30, 2014 at 11:38
WOW, one week history with $100 deposit - I'm impressed!
I'd have just 2 things:
1. It's quite offensive to spam on other's traders thread
2. Please learn English
Thanks a lot.

solomon999 posted:
With out draw down ! Amzing real dana disiplin
तबसे मेंबर है Jan 09, 2013   30 पोस्टों
Oct 30, 2014 at 12:15 (एडिट हो रहा है Oct 30, 2014 at 12:16)
Hi Guru,
thanks for all your posts and opinions. Much appreciated.
Just let me explain or correct few things you mentioned:

1. Minimum balance for RISK multiplier 1.0x must be around $5.000. True. Is it too high for you? I should point out that starting serious forex trading with $100-500 balance is not a good idea IMO. Also, with max. recommended risk multiplier 3.0x we are obviously somewhere else.

2. It's all about avg month growth VS. max. DD. I suffered -5.95% DD in January 2014. But since January 25th, 2014 when I applied new risk limitations my max. needed DD was -1.82% with avg. growth around +1.90%. That gives you ratio 1:1.

Pls show me some other strategy here at myfxbook with similar performance and 9 months history. Not saying they don't exist, I just don't share your opinion on my performance:-).

3. What "crash" exactly you are referring to? There were ONLY 2 accounts publically OFFERED for subscribing from me: " 2013" account with +30% ROI in 2013 and "MLA SWISSY" with over +20% ROI in 2014 YTD. Both are still available to check in my profile. In my previous post from Sep 08, 2014, I already explained you that crashed account WAS NOT officially and publically OFFERED! Did you read my post / reply? Or did you miss it? Or you just purposely ignored it for some reason?

4. Otherwise, I'm glad I finally met someone who NEVER "crashed" in forex and who never killed any live account:-) Amazingly profitable from the first day of trading, ladies and gentlemen - superhero - Mr. GURU!
Unlike you, I'm just a normal trader who went through some progress in last 3-5 years, who is still LEARNING, every day, with every trade I make. However I'm quite proud that I NEVER killed someone elses' accounts, NEVER caused Margin Call and NEVER declined to REFUND anyone's subscription.

Obviously, I'm offering you live chat discussion at if interested. If so, let me know the best time for you. We can discuss there much further and in details all points you mentioned. I'm afraid, that's the best and only thing I can do here.
Take care,

FxMasterGuru posted:
fxtrading4living posted:
MLA SWISSY reminder: Only 40 hours left to buy MLA SWISSY licence for "October 2014" fees: $103.06 / 1 month! More details here:

Just a quick calculation for clarification:

Total profit over the past 12 months: 22%
Average monthly profit: 1.85%

So one needs to invest at least $5568.30 with Swissy JUST TO PAY THE MONTHLY FEES.

P.S. Max. DD: -5.95% which means that with a 1.85% average monthly profit the RECOVERY TIME from a similar DD is more than 3 months. Of course, statistically...

P.P.S. Even if I had not lost a LOT with your previous - already non-existing - signal service Milan (with hundreds of other subscribers), I would still pass on this one. Quoting you about it: "Well yes, fell off from Earth".

Milan, would you be willing to travel by an airplane with a pilot in the cockpit who has already crashed a large commercial airline...? Yeah... I thought so... By the way, I am sure you guessed right who is the symbolic pilot in this case...

Should anybody decide to board "MLA SWISSY Airlines", should be ready for another "Well yes, fell off from Earth" event...
तबसे मेंबर है May 04, 2012   1534 पोस्टों
Oct 30, 2014 at 17:27 (एडिट हो रहा है Oct 30, 2014 at 17:28)
Not that I want to dig in your pocket, Milan, but I guess you have made more money from selling your MLA signals than from actual trading... Correct...? I would not be surprised that you had made money ONLY from selling your signals...

By "crash" I meant that your previous "subscription based" signal strategy is in downward spiral since June of 2013. It was not a literally crash. Sorry. Just almost consecutive losses for about a year and a half.

What I know is that I have lost serious monies not only with your signals, but I have lost also the monthly subscription fees. Simple facts.

By the way, how was your steak dinner paid by my subscription fees?
तबसे मेंबर है Jan 09, 2013   30 पोस्टों
Oct 30, 2014 at 18:43
FxMasterGuru posted:
By "crash" I meant that your previous "subscription based" signal strategy is in downward spiral since June of 2013. It was not a literally crash. Sorry. Just almost consecutive losses for about a year and a half.

A year and a half?? Drawdown started in June 2013 and in Oct 31st, 2013 I stopped my trading there. That's 5 months. I understand it's your everyday hobby to criticise other traders on this forum. Well nothing against that, most of them deserve it. But you shouldn't be too lazy to find out correct facts and numbers first. 😉

तबसे मेंबर है May 04, 2012   1534 पोस्टों
Oct 30, 2014 at 18:50 (एडिट हो रहा है Oct 30, 2014 at 18:50)
fxtrading4living posted:
FxMasterGuru posted:
By "crash" I meant that your previous "subscription based" signal strategy is in downward spiral since June of 2013. It was not a literally crash. Sorry. Just almost consecutive losses for about a year and a half.

A year and a half?? Drawdown started in June 2013 and in Oct 31st, 2013 I stopped my trading there. That's 5 months. I understand it's your everyday hobby to criticise other traders on this forum. Well nothing against that, most of them deserve it. But you shouldn't be too lazy to find out correct facts and numbers first. 😉

Sorry, it was October of 2013 and not 2014 when it "fell off from Earth" and you had abandoned your paying clients... My mistake.

I still hope you liked the steake you paid for from my subscription fees...
तबसे मेंबर है Jan 09, 2013   30 पोस्टों
Oct 30, 2014 at 19:07
Ok Guru, I see your point. Please accept my apology if you lost some money with my previous signal " 2013". Even I finished +30% ROI in 2013, I understand that many people joined me at the top of the equity and left me at the bottom of drawdown = they lost with me. However, I never declined any refund request, so it's bit shame that you didn't ask for a refund back then.
Anyway, I tried my best to explain all your questions, issues, correct few facts and numbers, etc.. My offer for live chat discussion at is still valid. I can also give you some special offer as to my former client.
But that's probably all I can do.
Take care and good luck with your own trading!
Best regards,
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