This system is designed to place trades only during highly trending market conditions in as many pairs as possible. So it generally trades only in one or two days of the week and rest of the days it stays quit without any trades.

On trading days it places a huge number of trades along the trend and is expected to make up to 30% to 50% profit in one day with a equity protection of 50% always.

Recommended account balance is 1000 USD for 0.01 lot. For now it is available only for independent fund management in individual accounts.

This system can be offered in signal start if at least 20 subscribers will be interested to join. So feel free to comment here if you are interested to subscribe to the system in signal start. The monthly fees will be 99 USD/month.

Also, send a private message or email to our support if you are interested in signal start subscription. Once 20 subscribers count will be met, we will make the system available in signal start and update all.

Or if you are interested to join the fund management, then you can contact to our support email "[email protected]"

Artificial General Intelligence