Forex Robot World Cup
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Thanks for the info, very careful...
I disagree. If I wanted to trade other people's money, then I would publicly display my results in the hopes of finding investors. But if I just want to teach people to do what I do then I am only going to share my info with those who want to learn from me. The act of signing up for a mailing list is just the first step that says "hey I wanna hear what you have to say".
I don't know what to tell there. I do know that he trades much more manually than with the EA. Email him and ask if you're interested. I can tell you that he has shortened my learning curve and made me some money.
Ah, the old "sign up and you can see my results" routine. I've never understand that one.
Either your results are good and you want to use them to get more subscriptions or...well as I said, I don't get it.
If I have good trading results and I want to attract business I would publish my trading results, be interesting to hear why he keeps them private.
He does show his results to members.
Maybe I am, but I'm only underestimating him as he doesn't really provide me with any reason not to.
His results page shows some backtests from Forex Auto Pilot.
If the guy is trading live then he should put some trading results from a real account on his website.
Thanks for the advice. Unfortunately, you totally underestimate Fapwinner as Forex Auto Pilot is actually only a small percentage of what Charles does. Even then his FAPTS EA works very well. He espouses mainly manual trading after we learn more about Forex, and aren't slaves to the latest and greatest EA's.
Seems to me that Fapwinner is tied into Forex Auto Pilot pretty tightly. Personally you might be better advised to look to more independent sources for your EA advice.
hello,Shaun Kennedy
thank you for your help.
They changed sites.
They have become pretty crappy. No support response in over a week. No new products in months.
I have given up up on them and just counted it as part of my forex learning curve....no more EA's unless they come from or are recommended by Charles at Fapwinner.
Good luckl
I bought this EA, but now I can not access the member space
Does any know why?
Tony Manso, I knew I had seen your name somewhere...don't you make more money selling your book "The Forex Millionaire?"
And about Set and Forget, doesn't that EA make you more money or are you also the creator of this Forex Worldcrup?
I have been running non-stop on an account at Forex Place since february. The account is up 26% since then. That is pretty good performance as far as I am concerned. http://www.myfxbook.com/members/amelabs/frwc-fusion-v-forex-place/18279
The system Fusion Is very scam , not good, Is a stupid system only Loss
If someone makes a claim that's not true and you bought it, is it not scam especially when they changed their refund policy, hide losing live account, use delay tactics etc..?
Read this entire forum: http://www.myfxbook.com/community/trading-systems/frwc-fusion-v-alpari/18297,1#?pt=2&p=52&o=18297
and another forum:
http://www.forexpeacearmy.com/public/review/www.forex-robot-world-cup.com (Fusion > - 4%)
FRWC live account at FXCM(lost >50%): Login: 1010718 Investor's Password: Fus677LowRisk Server: mt4.fxcorporate.com
FRWC demo(still running): http://www.myfxbook.com/members/fusionrobot/fusion-v-robot/18386
(Fusion > -4% with open trades -$3k)
I don't believe that FRWC is a scam. I have downloaded Fusion, Hi Rider(and advanced) and LMD Multi currency. I tried them all on micro lots with fake real money before I committed to real money. I did find most of the robots in fusion to be losers over time, and noted that FRWC needed to allow us to change more params in the robots. They responded with updates and Hi-Rider Advanced( which is basically what I was using in Fusion and hi-rider (settings wise)). I also cut back on the number of trades Hi-Rider can do..otherwise you're right..it can lose a whole bunch of money...as can any EA. They are definitely not the end all million dollar money makers that everyone wants...but I have made some money with Hi Rider Advanced.....cept for the gap up we had a few weeks ago! Matter of fact..I have made more and lost less with HR than with Fapturbo..which I can't seem to find the right broker/setting for. The only EA that I have found that seems to be consistent is Fapwinner's FAPTS....I had doubled most of my accounts until this week when we had the EURUSD "rally".
SCAM,SCAM,SCAM!!! it took me calling my credit card co. to file a dispute after over 10x trying to get refund & the hirider & fusion blew up 2 accts in less then 2 weeks!!! 1 word.....JUNK. stay far away!!
I've tried the main EAs and you can see the results. They are not even close to what was published. Fusion is losing on 2 brokers and Hirider Advanced was supposed to be stable - well it isn't.
Still, this is definitely not a scam. They did tried to make them work - they just don't profit over time. I hope they'll manage to improve and get new versions out.
Not quite true, commercial EAs were initially profitable, because they were designed to be profitable based on historical data and a short time forward test, but we'll never know the future, so they might not be profitable in the future without continuous analysis and improvement by the developers.
Also most EA that implement scalping trading system can be very dependent on the broker, it might be profitable on one broker but failed on another brokers, mostly due to spreads and execution time difference.
Even on the same broker it might be failing also in the future because if the broker have more customers later on but didn't upgrade their servers, execution time will be longer thus affecting scalper EAs performance.
And nowadays, many companies have refunds policy where we can test it for a while and if we didn't satisfied with the result we can request a refund.
For me these ea in this pack are useless, they are instable and not profitable, and of course very expensive !
One more time, no live account shown, no historic to see if updates are done on time ( if there is :)
Just one more scam, like all ea shown on this page. no sellers win money with their ea, they only win by selling it to you, they don't care if you win or lose ! The proof is that none of them will give you a certified statement or publication of live money account, only forward or backtest which are not reliable ( the quote of demo is never exactly the same as live)