Do you make money with your automated trading skills? Where do you get help?

Mar 29, 2015 at 15:04
26 Replies
會員從Oct 31, 2013開始   5帖子
Mar 29, 2015 at 15:04
When I was active looking for experts on the MQL4 forum there was a guy who always wrote: “Learn to code it, or pay someone to code it for you”.

I have never seen HIM doing anything, but now I am looking for REAL experts. I have 4 podcasts and 3 websites up and running and I can’t grow my course if I have to do everything myself.

I have sold the Premium-Version of the Golden Goose Course here in Germany for a few month now and I am looking for good people that could be “paid to code it for me” when we launch the next level.

So what I wanted to ask you guys:

Are you making money with your own automated trading skills?
Do you know good people that have coded automated systems for Metatrader for you?
Do you have customers that pay you for your knowledge or programming services?

I have up and running several sites where I always ask questions like these. On my I have set up a page with the title "Beat my Golden Goose System for cash!" - but no response so far. Where do you get support from when it comes to automated MQL4 trading?


Simple Automated Trading for Metatrader
會員從Jan 27, 2012開始   49帖子
Mar 31, 2015 at 10:09
Seems that the golden goose wil croak soon 😝


會員從Nov 21, 2011開始   1601帖子
Mar 31, 2015 at 22:44
It depends... if you up side down your screen... it's pretty good.
會員從Oct 31, 2013開始   5帖子
Apr 01, 2015 at 12:23
@Vitautas What are your reasons to think that? You have 5 years of trading experience and I have backtested Golden Goose for 10 years in more than 10 currency pairs in MQL4, MQL5 and Ninja Trader. I do trade real money with it and I guess you must have good reasons...

@CrazyTrader You are exactly right! I thought the same thing and started a system that does the exact opposite of Golden Goose. It is called Pepper.

Simple Automated Trading for Metatrader
會員從Nov 21, 2011開始   1601帖子
Apr 01, 2015 at 12:27
justmyname posted:
@Vitautas What are your reasons to think that? You have 5 years of trading experience and I have backtested Golden Goose for 10 years in more than 10 currency pairs in MQL4, MQL5 and Ninja Trader. I do trade real money with it and I guess you must have good reasons...

@CrazyTrader You are exactly right! I thought the same thing and started a system that does the exact opposite of Golden Goose. It is called Pepper.

Why would you do the opposite of GG if it has been working for 10 years?
會員從Jun 28, 2011開始   444帖子
Apr 01, 2015 at 12:43
Well here is something that you can compare with.
Whether it beats your GG is a matter of opinion. I like the fact that my systems don't lose, that may not be as important to others.
where research touches lives.
會員從Jun 03, 2010開始   675帖子
Apr 01, 2015 at 13:36
ForexAssistant posted:
I like the fact that my systems don't lose, that may not be as important to others.

I see that equity is at 10% of balance.
System is running 2,5 year what gives You around 3-4% per year. What's more, Forex trading has involved high risk.

Personally? I would input my money into bank deposit on 2-3% per year without any risk and with bank money warranty.
PAMM MANAGER // Professional Fund Manager
會員從Jun 28, 2011開始   444帖子
Apr 01, 2015 at 16:41
May I ask what the hell you are talking about, This system is currently in the worst drawdown that I have ever seen. The audnzd has broken below its historical low and we still are not above 50% draw. I have no idea what you are looking at but the link above is 2% a month, Over 25% a year. Now that may not be enough for you but we are over 53% in 21 months and the balance line is showing constant profits..

where research touches lives.
會員從Nov 21, 2011開始   1601帖子
Apr 01, 2015 at 17:14
ForexAssistant posted:
May I ask what the hell you are talking about, This system is currently in the worst drawdown that I have ever seen. The audnzd has broken below its historical low and we still are not above 50% draw. I have no idea what you are looking at but the link above is 2% a month, Over 25% a year. Now that may not be enough for you but we are over 53% in 21 months and the balance line is showing constant profits..

He talked about real figures... not the one provided by Myfxbook.
Real figures = EQUITY.
fake figures = GROWTH

Only ForexFactory is including Opened positions into statistics.

But if you can handle historical low on AUDNZD... then the account may survive.

Good luck.
會員從Nov 21, 2011開始   1601帖子
Apr 01, 2015 at 17:19
But I can see a beautiful pattern on your performance... I'm sure it will work, you will be amazed to see that equity will reverse from now !!!


會員從Jun 28, 2011開始   444帖子
Apr 01, 2015 at 18:10
OK real figures,

Passive Income Generator
profit % Mo, % Drawdown Balance Equity Equity % Profit Pips Deposit AverTime Opened
+53.36% 2.02% 32.43% $7667.82 $5300.10 (69.12%) $2667.82 6521.1 $5000.00 2d Jun 30, 2013

The equity is still greater than the opening balance of $5000. Currently it is 5300 / 7667 = 69% (not 10%)

Of course it is going to turn around, when I don't know but we are still making money. Only one side is locked up at the moment.
Now don't get me wrong, I don't give a rats ass whether you guys want to make up your own evaluation procedures but everyone else does it this way.

But this stupidity of "I would rather put my money in a bank", please do. I don't want your business. I don't want anyone to worry about my research work. I have plenty of business teaching people who don't think they know everything, how to make money safely.

This was put up as a comparison for the guy that asked for it, not for anyone to critique, I don't want or need your opinion, I just thought that someone brought up the wrong chart because the comment was so far off.

where research touches lives.
會員從Nov 21, 2011開始   1601帖子
Apr 01, 2015 at 18:19
ForexAssistant posted:
The equity is still greater than the opening balance of $5000. Currently it is 5300 / 7667 = 69% (not 10%)

Sorry Bob, but what is this?

The way to calculate is simple (V - Vi) / Vi * 100 on (%)
So, (5300 - 5000) / 5000 = 6%

you are up +6% not 10 or 69

I have already asked myfxbook to calcute this properly (or to add it)... because it's the real figures (actual performance)

會員從Jun 28, 2011開始   444帖子
Apr 01, 2015 at 19:32
The problem with that is some systems use the balance as a buffer. I have to start with $5000 Because that is part of the system. We could have withdrawn all the profits and the system would still be trading fine. The price won't stay low like this for long. Every system has it slow times, this is the time for the audnzd. In fact the audnzd is setting a new record low. And as bad as it is, we are not in any trouble what-so-ever. Lets talk about this equity question in a month or so.

You're really trying to get myfxbook to set the percentage of profit based on the equity instead of the balance? That is pretty strange. You guys don't work for the US government do you? Your accountant might not approve of you stating your profit based on a very temporary fluctuation of the equity. I'm sure the tax man won't approve. But have it your way, it must be nice in your world.

where research touches lives.
會員從Nov 21, 2011開始   1601帖子
Apr 01, 2015 at 19:56 (已編輯Apr 01, 2015 at 20:09)
ForexAssistant posted:
Your accountant might not approve of you stating your profit based on a very temporary fluctuation of the equity.

In your case, I wouldn't state that your equity based on swing trades are temporary. As you said, it's part of your strategy to hold them.

Let's take an example very simple. and trust me your accountant would care about it.

You have an house that you have to sell right now... let's say $100 000.
But you have already paid for a nice swimming that isn't build yet. It worths $25 000.

How much are you going to sell your house? If you don't say $125 000, you wouldn't be honest would you?

The swimming pool is equal to your equity in trading.... it can be red or green... it depends on how you wanna manage it.

Personaly? I'm keen on close loss and run profits
"But have it your way, it must be nice in your world."

; )

Ps; ForexFactory is US

CrazyTrader.... not that insane.
會員從Jun 28, 2011開始   444帖子
Apr 01, 2015 at 20:29
You are working from a premise that I can't agree to. Why would I have to sell my house? If I am the trader, then I am the one who decides when to close my trades or sell my house. Since I have no intention of closing trades that are in a temporary draw-down, any more than I would dig up my potatoes until the leaves are brown. A farmer plants a field of corn, now he went into the hole a bit to pay for the seed but he hopes to have it all back again when the harvest has come. So how much money does the farmer have? A lessor amount because he bought the seed from his balance.

Now instead of buying seed with his own money, he sells a 'future' contract. His balance is greater because he is working from equity. The profit or loss is meaningless until the trade is closed and the corn is all brought in. Now, the 'corn future' that was sold evaporates into the nothingness that it came from and the profit after everything is paid, is based on the change in the balance.

And it is very nice in my world, it was kind of you to notice. Adoring wife, pretty much all the booze I want. Live where ever I like and have a couple of robots to go to work (trading) for me so I can do anything that I like. It's a great world, but I had to work pretty hard to make it that way.

where research touches lives.
會員從Jun 03, 2010開始   675帖子
Apr 01, 2015 at 20:58
Yes, im talking about real figures. In truth, when You close now your all trades, then your profit is weak. You are telling that audnzd is having bad times and your account is going trough biggest drawdown ever. We dont know, will it continue to drawdown or does audnzd breaks again. All I can see is that performance is weak in compare to Forex possibilities. I woudn't risk so much with using Your EA. In reality it cannot produce stable profit for most of investors. Those who would use your EA for stable profit are...........they are not exist... Why? Who would risk all money when same results can be achevied on guaranteed bank deposits.
PAMM MANAGER // Professional Fund Manager
會員從Nov 21, 2011開始   1601帖子
Apr 01, 2015 at 21:22
You guys love each other... I can see : )
會員從Jun 28, 2011開始   444帖子
Apr 01, 2015 at 22:37
"Who would risk all money when same results can be achevied on guaranteed bank deposits. "

Where can you get 25% a year on bank deposits? I know where to get 10% but that won't last long, lets say it never has.

But to answer the question who would use it? Me for one, but I never wanted to be a hotshot trader, I just wanted a steady income that I could rely on. I got that now. Have several EAs to diversify my holdings. Usually have real estate as well but as I am relocating, I got ride of all my US holdings. These super safe robots are a good addition to anyone's portfolio as a way to diversify if nothing else.

However, my customers don't trade, they work on cars, wait tables, want something better for their children than they have. I'm no super trader, I am the typical working class hero and my customers are just like me, I won't let them down.

My systems are not for you, they are for me and people like me. And 25% a year ain't bad.
where research touches lives.
會員從Jun 03, 2010開始   675帖子
Apr 01, 2015 at 23:05
Show me this 25% please, because for this moment i see around 4% yearly when I look at equity curve... Now, you can say your customers that they can achevie same results on bank deposits - without ANY risk. But of course, if someone like risk that is involved in Forex, and low results - then yes, this ea can be for him.
PAMM MANAGER // Professional Fund Manager
會員從Nov 21, 2011開始   1601帖子
Apr 01, 2015 at 23:09 (已編輯Apr 01, 2015 at 23:11)
ForexAssistant posted:
My systems are not for you, they are for me and people like me. And 25% a year ain't bad.

We only try to say to you that you can't say 53% in 2 years because there is 47% profits that you owe to market (Some guys in the world that are currently short on AUDNZD)

Well you don't really owe money to them because it's demo account : )

Only Myfxbook is making a difference between Capital & Equity.

Please upload your account into ForexFactory, you will understand very quickly!!!
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