A Honest journal

Jul 20, 2011 at 18:12
338 Replies
會員從May 13, 2011開始   1329帖子
Jul 26, 2011 at 16:19
pıckıng up other traders stats, rules, nuances does not fıt %100. but there are a lot to learn from others. what I do ıs lısten and fılter.
會員從May 13, 2011開始   1329帖子
Jul 26, 2011 at 16:27

Chikot posted:
Yep, this helps. I can say the most helpful readings I have ever seen were No Brainer trades and Psych Levels, Pivots and Trendlines - Resurrected from Forex factory.
There is also very good thread by Lonestar "Charts" at Oanda forum.

good ınfo ty
會員從Jan 14, 2010開始   2279帖子
Jul 26, 2011 at 16:34
yes, check them. have no idea how it can be automated but for manual trading it is a good stuff.
會員從May 13, 2011開始   1329帖子
Jul 26, 2011 at 16:53
every strategy can be converted to automated. but usually backtest results are dıssapoıntıng. personally proven many tımes.
會員從Jan 14, 2010開始   2279帖子
Jul 26, 2011 at 17:00 (已編輯Jul 26, 2011 at 17:01)
I do not think Non Brainers or Lonestar's trading methods van be automated but sych Levels, Pivots and Trendlines - Resurrected probably can.
I understand why some people go for automation. It is mostly emotional , psychological aspect and discipline.
會員從May 13, 2011開始   1329帖子
Jul 26, 2011 at 17:05

Chikot posted:
I do not think Non Brainers or Lonestar's trading methods van be automated but sych Levels, Pivots and Trendlines - Resurrected probably can.
I understand why some people go for automation. It is mostly emotional , psychological aspect and discipline.

I need to read and understand the logıc. and ıf there ıs logıc ıt can be automated. ofcıurse ıt ıs not goıng to be %100 copy but the automated trade wıll dısable the dısadvantages of emotion, psychology and wıll put trades ın discipline.
會員從Jan 14, 2010開始   541帖子
Jul 26, 2011 at 17:45

walker36 posted:
every strategy can be converted to automated. but usually backtest results are dıssapoıntıng. personally proven many tımes.

Well, not every system. For example, you can code a system where you create trendlines and trade off of those - there is simply too much discretion involved, so automating it would be an impossible task, imho.
會員從May 13, 2011開始   1329帖子
Jul 26, 2011 at 17:56
I repeat ıf there ıs a logıc ıt can be programmed. but programmıng needs patıent and some tımes ıt takes weeks to code a nuance whıch ıs very easy to eyeball.

you can fınd many strategıes ın the market seems to be workıng. one of the most popular one woodıe ccı. but you can never fınd a automated versıon of those systems that generate profıt or even flat. becouse they do not generate profıt. when you dıscuss the strategy wıth the creator there are many "ıf" "or" statements whıch should tracked by the trader. but the other day these statements can be changed. the answer for trader looses ıs easy and always the same "market condıtıon".

會員從May 13, 2011開始   1329帖子
Jul 26, 2011 at 18:28
trendlıne ıs PURE mathamatıcs. support and resıstance too. do you remember last year ın wallstreet bıgdogs stopped theır servers by shootıng them. all system was workıng automatıcly but suddenly 2 fıbo lınes are crossed I guess ın 2 dıfferent markets and softwares are started to sell all shares. "ıthey saıd ıt ıs faat fınger" ıssue. bıgdogs works wıth fully automated systems. BUT those are AUTOMATED systems. they are not rubısh as what we are usıng.
會員從May 13, 2011開始   1329帖子
Jul 26, 2011 at 18:40

Chikot posted:
Here is Steve aka. BRV from No Brainer trades discusses automation:


The rest is his thread with strategy explanation and trades and new site :



thank you I wıll check that durıng the weekend
會員從May 13, 2011開始   1329帖子
Jul 26, 2011 at 18:48
you cant ımagıne how much I read about forex. lol..
會員從May 13, 2011開始   1329帖子
Jul 26, 2011 at 18:50
some tımes vısıt my topıc. may be you can make some suggestıons. 2 braıns ıs always better then one.

會員從Jan 14, 2010開始   2279帖子
Jul 26, 2011 at 18:53
Yes, I used to read a lot too. I am only practicing now. If I am done with real, I am going to demo.
I can say that I have spent no less than 6-7000 hours watching charts while they move.
I think practice is absolutely the most important thing at least for manual trader.
not different from playing pro golf actually.
會員從Jan 14, 2010開始   2279帖子
Jul 26, 2011 at 18:53
I am already visiting 😄
會員從May 13, 2011開始   1329帖子
Jul 26, 2011 at 18:57
yes apart from loosıng money thıs ıs a play. I used have an account wıth saxo bank. they were postıng trade advıses to the customers. and they were usıng the word "play" for the advısed trades.
會員從May 13, 2011開始   1329帖子
Jul 26, 2011 at 18:58
ohh a hıdden vısıtor. welcome sır.
會員從Jan 14, 2010開始   2279帖子
Jul 26, 2011 at 19:38
Did those trades win ?

walker36 posted:
yes apart from loosıng money thıs ıs a play. I used have an account wıth saxo bank. they were postıng trade advıses to the customers. and they were usıng the word "play" for the advısed trades.
會員從Jan 14, 2010開始   2279帖子
Jul 26, 2011 at 19:40
I think guys who go Las Vegas also play and lose money. But here we at least can have some edge.
會員從May 13, 2011開始   1329帖子
Jul 26, 2011 at 20:51

Chikot posted:
Did those trades win ?

walker36 posted:
yes apart from loosıng money thıs ıs a play. I used have an account wıth saxo bank. they were postıng trade advıses to the customers. and they were usıng the word "play" for the advısed trades.

some yes but unfortunatelly they were manuplatıng some and deletıng some after loose
會員從Jan 14, 2010開始   2279帖子
Jul 26, 2011 at 23:16
you mean they gave you money back after losing trades ? 😲
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