"Just Oil"

Apr 29, 2011 at 16:28
1,794 Replies
會員從Jan 14, 2010開始   2279帖子
May 31, 2011 at 08:58
Nice move. I will restart tomorrow June 1. Hopefully next month will be moving live.
會員從Jan 14, 2010開始   2279帖子
May 31, 2011 at 08:59
goals for June to reduce pip and % wise risk per trade and increase hit rate and obviously to be profitable.
會員從May 27, 2011開始   37帖子
May 31, 2011 at 09:17
Will you post your results here. I was just wondering. Here is results that a mutual friend has had on an Oanda contest.

The contest started on May 9, 2011 and the Sharpe Ratio is excellent with almost 25% profit since May 9, 2011.

Details Announcements Membership
Name riskarb vs. "the hedgers" 2
Summary Additional entries for the riskarb vs. "the hedger
Administrator Name FxContestCreator
Start Date May-09-2011
End Date July-25-2011
Contest status Started
Recommended contestant level Open to all
Privacy Public contest
Membership Public membership. Details for this contest are open to the public.

No active announcements.

Display Name Number of Trades Volume of Trades (EUR) Maximum Drawdown Sharpe Ratio Portfolio Return (%)
Diamond 42 35,601,644 0.00 0.71 24.41

*Statistics reflect account status as of May-31-2011 00:00

會員從Jan 14, 2010開始   2279帖子
May 31, 2011 at 09:34
No no, I do not participate in contests... My task is to reduce risk now. live account will be relatively small for trading size I need to get better entries with smaller risk. contest just messes psychology which is I do not need. and I think it is senseless.
會員從Jan 14, 2010開始   2279帖子
Jun 01, 2011 at 09:16
something strange. now I cannot open orders with MT4 on my PC. I see that new orders are idle and not active. Tomorrow hopefully will reinstall XP on my PC instead of Windows 7. Nothing is working properly. will be looking for trading opportunities from the office after 9:30 a.m.
會員從Jan 14, 2010開始   2279帖子
Jun 02, 2011 at 09:04
I stopped trading at night and trade only Nymex session now.
Miscalculated yesterday's move. As it looks everything went down, not just oil.
I am neutral for now.

Old thread is back. and I am back here :)
會員從Jan 14, 2010開始   2279帖子
Jun 02, 2011 at 09:11
oil went down along with massive sell off in equities. I wonder, should I check on them today as well. I mean SPY. I am watching it anyway but never use it for decision on oil.
會員從Jan 14, 2010開始   2279帖子
Jun 02, 2011 at 09:12
100-100.21 is resistance. If it goes up there is possibility of very low risk entry. same with short opportunity. it is a range.
會員從Jan 14, 2010開始   2279帖子
Jun 02, 2011 at 14:04
after pricre failed to break 100.72, i shorted it at around 100.60 for 35-40 pips. added 1%
會員從Jan 14, 2010開始   2279帖子
Jun 02, 2011 at 14:04
i feel bearsih
會員從Jan 14, 2010開始   2279帖子
Jun 02, 2011 at 14:47
closed trade at small loss too early, as it turned winner. 0.25% down
會員從Jan 14, 2010開始   2279帖子
Jun 02, 2011 at 15:01
shorted added 0.4%
會員從Jan 14, 2010開始   2279帖子
Jun 02, 2011 at 15:02
careful now.I closed at daily open.price bounced from it.
會員從Jan 14, 2010開始   2279帖子
Jun 02, 2011 at 17:17
up and down,mstill tokk big risk. up 0.2 % for aday which is not good.must reduce risk and stop getting too impulsive
會員從Aug 01, 2010開始   96帖子
Jun 02, 2011 at 20:10
Hi Chikot,
I trully believe you will became an expert in oil trading.
But I'd like to know why you like oil to trade.
Best regards.

I Trade You Profit. Forex is suitable for smart and patient people...
會員從Jan 14, 2010開始   2279帖子
Jun 02, 2011 at 22:22
Hi Alanfx 1,

I like trading oil for many reasons.
1. I do not have to watch for opportunities 24 hours a day. I can just trade Numex session and there is a lot of opportunities there.
2. Liquidity like Forex.
3. It moves
4. I always wanted to trade oil after reading about pit traders. Oil unlike Forex is a real thing and the most important one for our civilization. Everything is based on oil.

Thank you for kind words.
I also think I will become an expert after some time.
會員從Jan 14, 2010開始   2279帖子
Jun 02, 2011 at 22:22
Right now I am off key. Gotta read some psychological stuff this weekend.
I traded back more than a half of yesterday's loss before giving it back. Wanted to trade everything back in one session. it is bad. I need to accept it. as I see I actually 0.1% down today although have no idea why.
會員從Jan 14, 2010開始   2279帖子
Jun 02, 2011 at 22:23
I have calculated all today's trades and I must be $11 000 up today.
會員從Jan 14, 2010開始   2279帖子
Jun 03, 2011 at 17:24
Looks like computer issue have been resolved. Got my Windows XP back. Looks like everything running smooth now.
會員從Jul 31, 2009開始   39帖子
Jun 04, 2011 at 16:52
Chikot posted: Right now I am off key.

mr chikot,

we are all off key, at least a little, lol.

i sincerely wish you well in your trading efforts, really i do.

i wonder if you have truly devised a trading system, as in have you laid down a recipe that dictates when you will enter a trade and will you go short or long and how heavy you will trade and at which level will you set your stoploss and takeprofits?

said recipe should be laid out in the form of an actual flowchart, and it must be complete.

said flowchart should be printed out and hung on the wall directly above your computer monitor.

you should also carry a copy of it with you, everywhere you go.

this flowchart should be shown to no person, perhaps not even your closest friend or friends.

walk tall and carry a big stick, that is my rule.

