A new ratio for Autotrade

Sep 13, 2013 at 00:13
3 Replies
會員從Nov 21, 2011開始   1601帖子
Sep 13, 2013 at 00:13
Hi all,

I bring here a new ratio to give us a quickly measure in order to identify if a strategy is worth to follow.

Also, this can be used to select providers from Autotrade service.

We all know the Risk/Reward ratio that we apply for each order. We can apply the same ratio to analyse the whole strategy account.
I call it Global Risk/Reward:

One of the criterias to become a provider on myfxbook is:

- Return of at least 10% and higher than drawdown => So the ratio must be in between 0 and below 1

More examples here:

I recently lauched a new EA for AutoTrade that should provide the best Global Risk/Reward... meaning that the follower's capital is 100% safe and the growth is consistant.



會員從Oct 01, 2013開始   16帖子
Oct 01, 2013 at 14:01
Nice formula! Now I have some calculations to do!)
會員從Nov 21, 2011開始   1601帖子
Oct 01, 2013 at 20:21
Here you can get your own selection:

I ask:
Gain > 50%
Monthly > 4%
DD < 30%
Ranked by DD

Anyone can operate his own selection.


會員從Nov 21, 2011開始   1601帖子
Nov 11, 2013 at 12:10
I'm glad to see that Myfxbook has been inspired by my research: @Ethan


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