- Purchase of Trading EA's on this platform -

Sep 14, 2022 at 10:12
2 Replies
會員從Mar 12, 2021開始   10帖子
Sep 14, 2022 at 10:12
Hello guys,

I tried trading myself but couldn't make it work for me. I was getting way to stressed when trading and thought this cannot be healthy long term.

Ever since that I shifed my focus on trading EA's. I am currently using one that nets me 10% a month. I actually had a hard time believing it at first because this is legit a money glitch. Making twice my salary every month without doing anything.

Now I am looking to diversify on multiple trading EA's and found many profitable once on this platform. However when trying to purchase them, people always wanted to me to pay in crypto which I find a bit weird and I am wondering why they don't do PayPal?

Did anyone of you guys purchase BOTS here on myfxbook and can tell me about their experience? I also appreciate trading EA recommendations from you guys.

Best regards,
會員從Jan 27, 2013開始   427帖子
Sep 14, 2022 at 14:39
They do not want PayPal because you can ask money back, even if it's not so easy in PayPal. By asking for crypto they can send you something else than advertised or can even take the crypto and send nothing.
If you already have an EA which makes you 10% monthly, then stop wasting your time and money looking for others EA,s
會員從Mar 12, 2021開始   10帖子
Sep 14, 2022 at 15:27
Hey ovisun,

the EA that makes me 10% per month is an intelligent martingale system with 6 years of backtest. Altought the risk of loosing all funds is quite low it is still a probability. Therefore I am looking to diversify with another EA. Do you have an automated EA that you can recommend?

Kindest Regards
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