Contest summary

Jun 09, 2010 at 10:06
6 Replies
會員從Mar 10, 2010開始   67帖子
Jun 09, 2010 at 10:06
Contest is done. :)
If I took no trade I would be on 8th position :D :D :D

I heard 5% make in in FX,
Here we can see 2% of winners. 1 month is not enough you would say, but what all of you must admitt is
1. Even if in long run someone would turn above 100% balance, certainly someone from top is there randomly.
2. This is short run, but there is loads of trades [of different traders] alredy traded, so if one would add up all of them I believe it would turn out to be faaar below zero sum game.

Unfortunately there's no apropriate tool, so I will try to count all trades, total result and see what satistics would say about it [how our results should look according to Gaussian bell curve].

I will post later :)
會員從Mar 10, 2010開始   67帖子
Jun 09, 2010 at 12:10
I tried to implement some probability formulas to all those data, however it turned out that going above 100% is statistically virtually impossible.

However all those calculations were made on average results and number of trade. In average 3% of trades were winners, so taking less trades gives you bigger chance for success...

Anyway, have you got any thoughts on results as statistical data..?
會員從Apr 20, 2010開始   4帖子
Jun 09, 2010 at 16:26 (已編輯Jun 09, 2010 at 16:33)
Krysztau posted:
I tried to implement some probability formulas to all those data, however it turned out that going above 100% is statistically virtually impossible.

However all those calculations were made on average results and number of trade. In average 3% of trades were winners, so taking less trades gives you bigger chance for success...

Anyway, have you got any thoughts on results as statistical data..?

For that I traded just 5 trades and I stopped on the 17th of the month ( I started my 1st trade on the 5th of the month ... that means 10 days of trading ). After that I started to monitor other top leaders' equities.

I won >>>>> Thanks God

會員從Jun 09, 2010開始   1帖子
Jun 09, 2010 at 17:09
會員從Mar 10, 2010開始   67帖子
Jun 09, 2010 at 21:58
The point is o you feel capable of making such a great choices over and over again year by year. :)
會員從Apr 20, 2010開始   4帖子
Jun 09, 2010 at 22:18 (已編輯Jun 09, 2010 at 22:18)
bellura2001 posted:

Thanks very much
會員從Oct 29, 2009開始   74帖子
Jun 11, 2010 at 12:16
Congratulations is in order sportcity... 😀

NEVER say DIE!!!
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