FX Manager Listing Board

Jun 12, 2010 at 06:57
690 Replies
會員從Apr 19, 2011開始   17帖子
Aug 15, 2012 at 23:20
1. Minimum Acc : $2000
2. Broker digit : 5
3. Leverage : 1:200
4. Manager Fee : 50% of net profit gain
5. Duration : 1 month
6. Estimation ROI per month : See # 8
7. Type of Management : PAMM

8. Myfxbook sample account:

9. Description of your trading strategy :
I cant tell you much about the trade logic as that would basically give away the secret to its success.
Some basic info is that the EA takes advantage of a market pattern that occurs on a daily basis, it takes the last 100 bars and calculates the average price range and trades that range. It works on the M15 time frame, works on any amount of capital, has built in money management.
The EA uses a 2 step TP system.
The minTP, maxTP and SL can be set to anything you want it to be.
By default the SL I use is 25pips and MinTP is 5 and MaxTP 100, which means the EA will try to lock in 5 pips yet leave room for profit to run until it hits MaxTP or exit signal is confirmed or price falls back to MinTP.
The EA is very customizable when it comes to Risk and Money Management. You can set all SL, TP and even what leverage to use and hours to trade. Although the default settings are already optimal.

Feel free to PM or email me if you are interested or have any questions.

PM or email me at [email protected].
會員從Feb 15, 2012開始   197帖子
Aug 16, 2012 at 09:40
I can pay up to 200$ per month just for an INVESTOR PASSWORD (read only) of a nice account that performs well (need the myfxbook)
Please contact me in private

IF YOU HAVE A NICE MYFXBOOK with good profits-risks
IF YOU CAN give out invest password (i'll copy trades)
IF YOU WANT 200$ per month

會員從Jun 04, 2010開始   182帖子
Aug 16, 2012 at 10:56 (已編輯Aug 16, 2012 at 11:00)
2 Years LIVE statement,Safe investment Consistent profit:


Steps to open a managed account:

1- Go to www.fxpublisher.com and open an account. The account should be opened only from our website.
Note:The account should be opened in dollars. Otherwise you can't invest in our PAMM.
2- Fund your account with min 100$.
3- Invest your money in our PAMM.

The accounts in instaforex will be managed only from PAMM accounts and we don't accept to manage the account directly.


100-500 investment, Investor 65%, PAMM Trader 35%.
500-20k investment, Investor 70%, PAMM Trader 30%.
Above 20k investment, Investor 75%, PAMM Trader 25%.(For Limited time)
Minimum investment period: 30 days.
Estimated drawdown 10% to 20%

In our PAMM system you can't follow the trades BUT we have some exception for some of our big clients clients with more than 50k investment.For more information please contact our LIVE support with skype .

The best prove of safe investment is LIVE statement.
-Safety of your fund is the most important thing in our trading
會員從Feb 15, 2012開始   197帖子
Aug 20, 2012 at 16:40 (已編輯Aug 20, 2012 at 16:42)
I can offer some good investment for capitals of min 30k$

- FREE TRIAL at low risk (like 0.10 trades only, very tight SL)
- You must have a good ECN broker such as Pepperstone, Fxprimus, ICMarkets, Armada, ect, with tight spread and good execution

Also, as this EA has very tight stop loss, it trades big lots, so you will have enormous cash back if you are subscribed to rebates services.

No money asked, no pressure, you test then you decide

Please PM me
會員從May 10, 2012開始   71帖子
Aug 20, 2012 at 18:45
zyrt posted:
I can pay up to 200$ per month just for an INVESTOR PASSWORD (read only) of a nice account that performs well (need the myfxbook)
Please contact me in private

IF YOU HAVE A NICE MYFXBOOK with good profits-risks
IF YOU CAN give out invest password (i'll copy trades)
IF YOU WANT 200$ per month


zyrt posted:
I can offer some good investment for capitals of min 30k$

- FREE TRIAL at low risk (like 0.10 trades only, very tight SL)
- You must have a good ECN broker such as Pepperstone, Fxprimus, ICMarkets, Armada, ect, with tight spread and good execution

Also, as this EA has very tight stop loss, it trades big lots, so you will have enormous cash back if you are subscribed to rebates services.

No money asked, no pressure, you test then you decide

Please PM me

So ... on one hand you're looking to copy trades, and on the other hand you're looking for investors with USD30K to invest ?

Interesting concept ...
會員從Feb 15, 2012開始   197帖子
Aug 20, 2012 at 21:34
lkwong posted:
So ... on one hand you're looking to copy trades, and on the other hand you're looking for investors with USD30K to invest ?

Interesting concept ...

That's correct, yes. Looking for both. What's the problem with this?
會員從Nov 26, 2011開始   119帖子
Aug 20, 2012 at 23:08
zyrt posted:
lkwong posted:
So ... on one hand you're looking to copy trades, and on the other hand you're looking for investors with USD30K to invest ?

Interesting concept ...

That's correct, yes. Looking for both. What's the problem with this?

My recommended Broker
會員從Dec 17, 2011開始   74帖子
Aug 20, 2012 at 23:57
SanandaJmmanuel posted:
1. Minimum Acc : $500.00
2. Broker digit : 5
3. Leverage : 1:300
4. Manager Fee : 35% of net profits.
5. Estimation ROI per month : See monthly data clicking the links below.
6. Type of Management : Direct control your account
7. Myfxbook sample account: https://www.myfxbook.com/members/SanandaJmmanuel/5percent/365503

Brutal drawdown - t you lost 70% of your balance and came back.... How come none of these PAMM guys have an account that earns 10 to 25% / year and has a drawdown of less than 10%?
I gotta stay away from these types of traders - the DD will blow up almost all traders who cant stomach the pain.
會員從Jul 10, 2011開始   163帖子
Aug 24, 2012 at 13:08
1. Minimum Acc : $10.000
2. Broker digit : 4 or 5
3. Leverage : 1:100
4. Manager Fee : 40-50% of net profits.
5. Estimation ROI per month : See my $10.000.000 account history from link below
6. Type of Management : human trading , no robots
7. Myfxbook account: https://www.myfxbook.com/members/fxtom/wwwforexmanagedbiz/245014
8. Description of your trading strategy : our trading strategy is safe risk and specially good for investment more than 1 million dollar because we use a team include professional traders to managed big investments
會員從Dec 27, 2010開始   6帖子
Aug 24, 2012 at 19:24
ForexSeeker posted:
Fill up your FX Manager Detail :

1. Minimum Acc : $2,500 USD
2. Broker digit : 4 or 5
3. Leverage : 1:500
4. Manager Fee : 30% of net profit
5. Duration : 1 minimum one month
6. Estimation ROI per month : 5% and higher
7. Type of Management : ( PAMM or Direct Control Your Account ) Controlled by Fx Primus Broker
8. Myfxbook sample account: 212512 or https://www.globalfxsignal.com
9. Description of your trading strategy : Manual entry based on Technical and Fundamental Analysis. Auto Signal Runs on demo but managed account runs on Client Real Account. We use our own system developed by us.
會員從Aug 04, 2012開始   2帖子
Aug 27, 2012 at 10:19
Forex Assets Management 35 - 50% Monthly ( Low/Medium Risk )

Performance Fee is 35%
Max.drawdown (risk) is 15 % ( Up to 20 Statements as proof for your viewership ).
Minimum deposit $1000
Been trading live for 5years

My Trading methodology involves duplicating my trades to your account,so i loose if you loose,i profit,the same goes to you.this gives me a high level of commitment to my clients' funds and proper risk/management etiquette.

The process is very simple.

If you wish to test run my service or enroll or request performance statements contact me in private.

I work on any MT4 platform.
會員從Aug 17, 2012開始   5帖子
Aug 27, 2012 at 14:29
We using Large Institutional Supply / Demand Strategy
10:1 Leverage
Suggested 0.2-1.0% risk per trade
1:2 minimum Risk / Reward ratio
會員從Nov 30, 2011開始   28帖子
Sep 02, 2012 at 04:41
please take a look
of my EA running!
over six month already in forex4you PAMM!

Thank U
會員從Jan 11, 2012開始   27帖子
Sep 05, 2012 at 07:45
https://www.myfxbook.com/members/SanandaJmmanuel/wwwtop5percentforexcom-ea/379008 - Demo presentation.

Leverage is 1:10 per trade.
Fully automated trading with monitoring of price actions as well.

Performance fees is 35% on Open PAMM.
https://www.myfxbook.com/members/SanandaJmmanuel/pamm-hf-client-account/365503 : Open PAMM just started using the same robot.

visit. https://www.top5percentforex.com/p/pamm-investment.html to join. [ U must join with referral ID if u want to join the PAMM ]

Duration is 1 month.

type of management: Automated trading through PAMM or direct control to your account that will be set up on my VPS for autotrading.

Private and direct account trading is 5% of your current equity per month and not success fee. Minimum investment capital is $3000.

email [email protected] for more inquiry.

會員從Apr 23, 2012開始   6帖子
Sep 05, 2012 at 13:58
1. Minimum Acc: $30
2. Broker digit: 4
3. Leverage: 1:500 to 15 maximum leverage on average.
4. Manager Fee: 20% Performance with HWM
5. Duration: No lock-in period but understand investments are for the long haul
6. Estimation ROI per month: 5-10%

7. Type of Management: ( PAMM or Direct Control Your Account ) Controlled by EXNESS Broker

sign up here Dont forget to fill affiliate code :[Affiliate link not allowed. Removed.]

8. Myfxbook sample account: https://www.myfxbook.com/members/fourteas1/fourteas1/378191.

9. Description of your trading strategy: Long Term Strategy Based On Price Action , Fundamental and trend follow . we have made our own EA that arised from a collaboration of years of a collaboration of years of mathemical, programming and trading skills


SKYPE: forexpammaccount
會員從Oct 25, 2011開始   1帖子
Sep 06, 2012 at 19:13

Real Live Account
Real Trading Result
Constant Performance

- Minimum Account : APPHIA ULTIMATE $25,000
- Broker digit : 4 or 5
- Leverage 1:50
- Manager fee: 25% of net profit
- Duration: Minimum 6 months
- Estimate ROI : 5-10 % monthly with low Max Drawdown (the most important). Please compare with others Max Drawdown.
- Type of management: Direct control
- Myfxbook portfolio https://www.myfxbook.com/members/bendroidfx
- Description of trading strategy: Technical analysis, Risk allocation, Money management and Discipline. EUR/USD only
- If you are not making at least 5% for the first 3 months, you are NOT getting charge of management fee. That's my guarantee.

.............................................................Work Smarter not Harder..............................................................................
會員從Feb 27, 2012開始   48帖子
Sep 11, 2012 at 15:35 (已編輯Sep 11, 2012 at 15:37)
tfdias posted:
1. Minimum Acc : $10
2. Broker digit : 4
3. Leverage : 1:1000
4. Manager Fee : from 16% to 33% depending on deposited money
5. Duration : 30 Days
6. Estimation ROI per month : 20 to 30%
7. Type of Management : PAMM
8. Myfxbook sample account: https://www.myfxbook.com/strategies/pamm-used-system/21097
9. Description of your trading strategy :

Technical with expert advisor and fundamental trade manually.
No money management autometed, so I allways calculate the risk and set values manually.
Investors can invest from $10 so everyone can have a try for 30 days before making any big moves.
The high leverage allows to control risks, that is something that most of unexperienced traders ignore and trade the same volumes with $1000 and $10000.
I trade safe, allways taking my TP and SL values.

Broker Digit: 5

會員從Aug 26, 2012開始   10帖子
Sep 11, 2012 at 17:39
Hello FX Traders and Investors,

This is a very interesting thread. Here's what FX Odyssey PAMM can offer.

Better and safer profits.

The goal is 10% return on investment, monthly.

Exclusive Advantages to Investors:
- Excellent Investor Service
- High Return on Investment + 6% Annual Interest
- You can Order Profit (Rollover) any number of times
- Low Risk Investment Portfolio - Max Risk is 5%
- Steady and Continuous Growth of the fund

See performance and more details on myfxbook : https://odyssey.rocks.it
See what other say on facebook : https://www.green.makes.it
Invest in FX Odyssey PAMM: https://www.fxodyssey.does.it
Trade Forex, Change the World
會員從Sep 10, 2012開始   1帖子
Sep 16, 2012 at 09:58
1. Minimum Acc : $500 USD
2. Broker digit : 5
3. Leverage : 1:200
4. Manager Fee : 30% Success Fee based on High Watermark
5. Duration : No lock-in period
6. Estimation ROI per month : 20%+
7. Type of Management : HotForex PAMM
8. Myfxbook sample account: https://www.myfxbook.com/members/Simply_Forex/simply-forex-pamm/382553 (verified real money live account)
9. Description of your trading strategy : Safe and steady gain by using a combination of manual trading and expert advisors.
10. join under our IB at HotForex and you will get 50% rebate (equivalent to $3 per lot traded) from your commission. Please see our General info tab on Myfxbook for details.
會員從Feb 27, 2012開始   48帖子
Sep 20, 2012 at 16:53
tfdias posted:
tfdias posted:
1. Minimum Acc : $10
2. Broker digit : 5
3. Leverage : 1:1000
4. Manager Fee : from 16% to 33% depending on deposited money
5. Duration : 30 Days
6. Estimation ROI per month : 20 to 30%
7. Type of Management : PAMM
8. Myfxbook sample account: https://www.myfxbook.com/strategies/pamm-used-system/21097
9. Description of your trading strategy :

Technical with expert advisor and fundamental trade manually.
No money management autometed, so I allways calculate the risk and set values manually.
Investors can invest from $10 so everyone can have a try for 30 days before making any big moves.
The high leverage allows to control risks, that is something that most of unexperienced traders ignore and trade the same volumes with $1000 and $10000.
I trade safe, allways taking my TP and SL values.

From tomorrow on, these will be the changes applied to my PAMM fees:

Investment Amount Actual Fee New Fee

$10 to $999 33% 40%
$1000 to $2999 26% 35%
$3000 to $9999 21% 30%
$10000+ 16% 25%

This account already made over 180% profit in less then 3 months.

Apply for your account at https://instaforex.com/pamm_monitoring.php?trader=437630
