Leverage is useful or not ?

Sep 01, 2017 at 10:09
100 Replies
會員從Feb 24, 2017開始   23帖子
Sep 27, 2017 at 06:32
If you want to open an account, you should first of all think about your deposit. Starting with a few hundreds or even thousand dollars will require you a leverage, which is in fact a hidden loan offered by the broker agency. That's how important leverage is. However, the leverage can also bring to losses much faster than you may think. Check how leverage works (https://www.itrader.com/en/article/what-is-leverage)
會員從Aug 09, 2017開始   94帖子
Oct 06, 2017 at 09:24
High leverage can bring profit instantly if you are able to make proper trading planning with great risk management policy , otherwise you can fall a huge loss by taking high leverage , in this market place by and large traders in particularly the newcomers fall a great loss by taking high leverage due to non-sense planning and zero risk management approach. So, before trading with high leverage we have to know how to manage risk.
會員從Jun 15, 2017開始   1帖子
Oct 06, 2017 at 09:37
Mohammadi posted:
By using leverage you will be win or not , it depends on your trading plan . With real trading plan including exact risk managing plan it is obviously possible to make profit very quickly by using high leverage despite of having small balance. on the other hand , in spite of sufficient trading balance that’s not possible to ensure profit by leverage , if you don’t know how to manage risk.

Of course it is useful, it is very important, although it is a double-edged sword and can be beneficial or with great losses for the investor.
會員從Feb 12, 2016開始   394帖子
Oct 12, 2017 at 06:24
Pretty much the answer on the topic question will be close to " Yes. Leverage is useful for trading if you know how to use it. "
Accept the loss as experience
會員從Aug 11, 2017開始   870帖子
Oct 13, 2017 at 09:04
the leverage always works as a killer. Because the traders we have always fall a great loss by using leverage especially when high ration. But sometimes it brings profit very rapidly when there is real trading plan with great risk management approach. Actually forex market is too much risky and volatile. Risk is everywhere and from all trading elements leverage always contains more risk. so before trading with leverage we have to make sure how to manage risk in Fx.
會員從Aug 09, 2017開始   94帖子
Oct 20, 2017 at 09:05
Beginners practically try to earn profit by using leverage. How much money you can earn by using leverage, it depends on proper trading planning. Now I am more comfortable with 1:100 leverage. Sometimes I use up to leverage 1:500 when I can calculate the market with surely.
會員從Jul 19, 2020開始   283帖子
Oct 02, 2020 at 12:41
If you have proper knowledge about the use of leverage, you can use it. It will be beneficial for you. But without any knowledge, it will be risky to use leverage in your trading. you can face a great loss.
會員從Mar 16, 2020開始   54帖子
Oct 06, 2020 at 06:06
Leverage can be useful for trading but it also amplify the magnitude of your profit and losses so one needs have a good risk management.
會員從Feb 22, 2011開始   4573帖子
Oct 06, 2020 at 12:47
Leverage is useful
but you have to know
what are you doing
會員從Jul 10, 2020開始   32帖子
Oct 26, 2020 at 06:54
It’s true that high leverage can magnify your profits. But at the same time, it also magnifies your losses.
會員從Jul 23, 2020開始   696帖子
Nov 07, 2020 at 11:19
antonyhollinwooe posted:
It’s true that high leverage can magnify your profits. But at the same time, it also magnifies your losses.

Yes. Leverage make this market more interesting. However, many traders lose money rather than gaining due to using high leverage without proper risk management.
會員從Aug 11, 2017開始   870帖子
Nov 16, 2020 at 07:08
Despite of good money managing skill , leverage can be harmful . because the market is too much volatile and there is nothing 100% in here.
會員從Jul 20, 2020開始   286帖子
Nov 17, 2020 at 01:51
Leverage is certainly useful. If a trading plan and discipline can be maintained, you must use leverage. I think 1:50 leverage should be used by every trader.
會員從Nov 10, 2020開始   19帖子
Nov 26, 2020 at 05:25
Even if you are good at money management, leverage can be harmful. Try using it only when you are sure about the market trend.
會員從Jul 19, 2020開始   283帖子
Dec 07, 2020 at 11:08
Leverage is useful. But you need proper knowledge about how to use it on a trading. Without knowledge it will be very dangerous to use.
會員從Jul 23, 2020開始   816帖子
Dec 08, 2020 at 17:37
Chrismorris657 posted:
I know that it is a double-edged sword but it is worth trying. Start small and then, move ahead.

That’s right. Leverage exposes more risk. So, use it carefully. I recommend new trader to use small ratio of leverage.
會員從Jan 27, 2013開始   427帖子
Dec 08, 2020 at 17:41
I'm using only 1:500 leverage, BUT, for every 2000 in balance I'm using 0.01 lot, so the leverage for me is just an additional protection for "bad weather"
會員從Jan 11, 2019開始   140帖子
Dec 08, 2020 at 17:57
Leverage is a very risky tool and should be used efficiently
會員從Jul 20, 2020開始   172帖子
Dec 08, 2020 at 20:10
Yes. Leverage is very useful if you have enough knowledge how to use it.
會員從Jul 19, 2020開始   742帖子
Dec 09, 2020 at 00:23
Of course, leverage is usable, leverage works a lot to maintain discipline. Leverage provides security to the account. So every trader should use leverage in the right way.
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