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Scalping and trading strategy
Apr 25, 2020 at 19:48
會員從Aug 09, 2017開始
In order to me, Price Action trading strategy doesn’t mean only pattern based trading, like sometimes I need to go with pre-breakout trading setup although pin bar trading setup is available there! So, I prefer PA trading for only manual trading! Yes, which traders have advance PA knowledge, they can earn handsome money here because it’s all about market flow!
會員從Apr 29, 2020開始
會員從Aug 27, 2017開始
會員從Aug 27, 2017開始
會員從Jul 23, 2020開始
會員從Jun 05, 2020開始
Aug 17, 2020 at 06:27
會員從Jun 05, 2020開始
SofieAndreasen posted:
Scalping is one of the trading styles in the FX market, which is becoming more popular due to the artificial intelligence and automated trading systems. Today, many traders use scalping rather than day trading, swing trading, or position trading.
That's right! Many traders are using automated trading systems to scalp in forex market. However, I prefer to keep my trading manual.
Aug 17, 2020 at 09:34
會員從Feb 07, 2020開始
Scalping is a good trading strategy and can be adopted but only if you are interested in short term profits. It mostly suits for day traders. There are many other strategies for traders like risk management, hedging, etc. It is up to the trader which strategy he wants to adopt.
會員從Jul 20, 2020開始
會員從Oct 01, 2020開始
會員從Oct 05, 2020開始
會員從Jul 23, 2020開始
Oct 27, 2020 at 15:19
會員從Jul 23, 2020開始
Idowu posted:
Scalping is also a good way to lose money at a faster rate. especially if you are a newbie
That’s true. However, scalping is most popular among new trader. They think that it is easy to adopt and give higher return than other trading strategy.
會員從Jul 20, 2020開始
會員從Jul 23, 2020開始
Oct 31, 2020 at 17:29
會員從Jul 23, 2020開始
Andreerusell posted:
Scalping is good because of the consistency it offers in terms of profits. Although small, but the profits keep trickling in, even on days that see very little movement. Also the risk involved is comparatively less.
That's true. Especially new trader finds it most interesting. Risk, money, profit, loss everything involve in this strategy is small.
會員從Aug 17, 2020開始
