Show us your PAMM/MAM

Aug 13, 2015 at 08:40
10 Replies
會員從Jul 16, 2013開始   352帖子
Aug 13, 2015 at 08:40
Hi all.

I would like to invite traders to show their PAMM/MAM account so that potential investors can see, but once again, there are a few requirements:

The criteria :

1) The account must be real - no demo's. (please do not argue here that it is the same as a live acc. etc - the idea is not to engage in any arguments)
2) The account must be verified (please do not come and defend your unverified-but-want-to-participate account - there will simply be no interest)
3)DD must not be higher than 40% - (please. Once again. No justification for your above 40% dd, if it is higher - don't participate)
4)The account must be older than 6 (six) months, maybe this is even still too young.
5)No martingales! (it might work for you, and I do not want to engage in an argument - just please keep to yourself and don't participate)

Please try to stick to these requirements - From other posts a lot of these requirements are ignored and some accounts do not qualify. Please open another thread and post your accounts there if it doesn't qualify.
This is for serious eyes only. Potential investors, please do a bit of investigating first before investing and start with a small amount first.
會員從Nov 27, 2015開始   106帖子
Jan 22, 2016 at 09:19
Risk comes from not knowing what you're doing.
會員從Jan 19, 2013開始   224帖子
Jan 22, 2016 at 13:50
5starsignalspamm posted:

We have only opened our PAMMs up to investment recently but the strategy has a couple years of trading.

All the following accounts are live and verified.

Clearly you have margined called 4 of those 5 accounts, as you have deleted them from myfxbook. :(
會員從May 19, 2014開始   2帖子
Jan 23, 2016 at 09:55
Hi I have not account more than 6 month, But this is my real account. I have portfolio AOS. All strategies are make it on forex, gold and DAX. DAX for this moment is turn off, but after change in the code will be turn on again.

I can send backtest on tick dates from 2010 to now.
I can send backtest all strategies together.

On the all strategies is risk in % from 0,25% to 0,5% for this moment.

If you want connect. Send me e-mail please. Thank you.
Money are only money, but life is better with them than without them
會員從Apr 01, 2015開始   3帖子
Jan 24, 2016 at 08:10
petrslezak posted:
Hi I have not account more than 6 month, But this is my real account. I have portfolio AOS. All strategies are make it on forex, gold and DAX. DAX for this moment is turn off, but after change in the code will be turn on again.

I can send backtest on tick dates from 2010 to now.
I can send backtest all strategies together.

On the all strategies is risk in % from 0,25% to 0,5% for this moment.

If you want connect. Send me e-mail please. Thank you.

We dont care. PAM/MAM , 6 months old. No discussion needed.
會員從Sep 09, 2013開始   406帖子
Feb 22, 2016 at 10:10
petrslezak posted:
Hi I have not account more than 6 month, But this is my real account. I have portfolio AOS. All strategies are make it on forex, gold and DAX. DAX for this moment is turn off, but after change in the code will be turn on again.

I can send backtest on tick dates from 2010 to now.
I can send backtest all strategies together.

On the all strategies is risk in % from 0,25% to 0,5% for this moment.

If you want connect. Send me e-mail please. Thank you.

Nice work. How many systems are running? What is the total exposure ( total risk % each day) for worse case scenario.
會員從May 19, 2014開始   2帖子
Feb 22, 2016 at 11:41
RedRhino posted:
petrslezak posted:
Hi I have not account more than 6 month, But this is my real account. I have portfolio AOS. All strategies are make it on forex, gold and DAX. DAX for this moment is turn off, but after change in the code will be turn on again.

I can send backtest on tick dates from 2010 to now.
I can send backtest all strategies together.

On the all strategies is risk in % from 0,25% to 0,5% for this moment.

If you want connect. Send me e-mail please. Thank you.

Nice work. How many systems are running? What is the total exposure ( total risk % each day) for worse case scenario.


I have 9 different strategies, which do not correlate against each other at most times. Nevertheless, if all strategies reached SL, the drawdown would be 2,5%. Which thanks to the minimal correlation should not happen.
Money are only money, but life is better with them than without them
會員從Sep 21, 2015開始   3帖子
Feb 25, 2016 at 08:33
47% return in 14 months account
No leverage used
DD: 12.7% (It happened once) Generally the drawdown is bellow 8%
Minimum drawdown - Few trades per month
會員從Oct 03, 2015開始   5帖子
May 22, 2016 at 06:46
RSTrading posted:
Hi all.

I would like to invite traders to show their PAMM/MAM account so that potential investors can see, but once again, there are a few requirements:

The criteria :

1) The account must be real - no demo's. (please do not argue here that it is the same as a live acc. etc - the idea is not to engage in any arguments)
2) The account must be verified (please do not come and defend your unverified-but-want-to-participate account - there will simply be no interest)
3)DD must not be higher than 40% - (please. Once again. No justification for your above 40% dd, if it is higher - don't participate)
4)The account must be older than 6 (six) months, maybe this is even still too young.
5)No martingales! (it might work for you, and I do not want to engage in an argument - just please keep to yourself and don't participate)

Please try to stick to these requirements - From other posts a lot of these requirements are ignored and some accounts do not qualify. Please open another thread and post your accounts there if it doesn't qualify.
This is for serious eyes only. Potential investors, please do a bit of investigating first before investing and start with a small amount first.

Please check the Performance Trading Result:
Login ID: 3190002
Password: watchsonic1
Broker Server: GomaxCapital -Live2
會員從May 08, 2016開始   3帖子
May 23, 2016 at 06:52
I have been trying to hook my Pamm account from Tallinex up. And I cant seem to get it to work. I have hook up regular trading accounts but not a pamm account. Is there a guide on hooking up the pamm accounts somewhere?

Any help would be great.

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