Show your profitable account here.

Apr 12, 2015 at 12:17
6,052 Replies
會員從Mar 09, 2018開始   132帖子
Apr 30, 2018 at 10:40
Adribaasmet posted:
Laur2001 posted:

I see, so much impressive result on 2018, so are you using the same system as like 17?

Impressive? This is a terrible strategy and it will eventually fail without question if he keeps it up. Apparently you dont know what you are looking at...
會員從Sep 19, 2017開始   36帖子
Apr 30, 2018 at 10:47
10kto100k posted:
Expecting 15% growth this month

Account not updated since 26-April, drawdown now over 50%.

Still, does not matter. This a CENT account which you are showing as $3500.

What a scammer (you have blown so many accounts since 2016)

會員從Feb 22, 2011開始   4573帖子
Apr 30, 2018 at 11:43
Laur2001 posted:

DD is almost 50% which disqulifies you form this forum
Read post #1
會員從Feb 22, 2011開始   4573帖子
Apr 30, 2018 at 11:43 (已編輯Apr 30, 2018 at 12:08)
sjkhaushu posted:
BluePanther posted:
sjkhaushu posted:
What you just wrote is complete nonsense. Equity is all that matters. Your theory is that one can open 2 trades, a buy and a sell on one pair, wait for one of the trades to go 80% in profit, close it and let the other one run until it wipes up the account or make some more profit. I can actually make 1000% in one day while my floating DD will be 90%. What you just said is ridiculous and anyone reading it should dismiss your logic.

The fact is that after one year you havent made any money. If an investor needed to withdraw the funds, he would be down 2% at this moment. I really dont understand how you can claim something different. These are not opinions, its all facts and the numbers back it up.

The greater trading community would agree with you:
- a floating profit is always preferred over a floating loss;
- an equity surplus over an equity deficit.

Let's end the debate here. Thank you for pointing out the obvious. 😎

What are you talking about??? The guy is saying his account is profitable and I am saying he is down 2% in one year. Apparently he doesnt include equity in his calculation.
There was no debate about whats better. The guy apparently has twisted logic about what a profitable account should look like so his posts should be discarded.

It is very clear. If system equity is decreasing and especially for long term, there is no way to call the account profitable.
會員從Jan 25, 2010開始   1288帖子
Apr 30, 2018 at 14:12 (已編輯Apr 30, 2018 at 14:21)
RSTrading posted:
Hi there.

There are threads where you can go advertise your trading accounts, but with stricter rules.

I would like to invite traders to show off their accounts here if they pass certain criteria.

The criteria :

1) The account must be real - no demo's. (please do not argue here that it is the same as a live acc. etc - the idea is not to engage in any arguments)
2) The account must be verified (please do not come and defend your unverified-but-want-to-participate account - there will simply be no interest)
3)DD must not be higher than 40% - (please. Once again. No justification for your above 40% dd, if it is higher - don't participate)
4)The account must be older than 3 months, maybe this is even still too young.
5)No martingales! (it might work for you, and I do not want to engage in an argument - just please keep to yourself and don't participate)

That's it. Only these five things. If your account passes that, feel free to let others know. There will be those that are disgruntled they cannot participate and will try to justify their way of trading, please ignore them - if it works for you, then great - maybe start a new thread and invite others trading that style to participate. - As I said, this place is not for arguing, it is for displaying accounts that potential investors might want to follow based on the criteria above. This thread is not intended to badmouth other trader's ways.

"The criteria..." (VERY IMPORTANT!!!)

"...this place is not for arguing, it is for displaying accounts that potential investors might want to follow based on the criteria above. This thread is not intended to badmouth other trader's ways.

A friendly reminder to everyone; no one in particular - EVERYONE! Please adhere! 😡
會員從Jan 25, 2010開始   1288帖子
Apr 30, 2018 at 14:24 (已編輯Apr 30, 2018 at 14:55)
sjkhaushu posted:
How the system works is obvious. You havent made any money for over a year. Thats all anyone needs to know. Why would anyone be interested in such a system? We all invest to make money and in over a year you are down a few %.

I understand fully how it works, the example I gave was just way more extreme. You think you are the first one with a system like this? I can show you many accounts that use the same strategies with equity constantly being in DD. Its just an overall bad system and your account doesnt even qualify to post here. After all its only for profitable accounts and yours is not one of those. You should come back once you are in profit, right now you are not.

Do you repeat yourself to try and convince "yourself"? Because you are not changing his mind, and everyone else can clearly make up their own minds now. You have thoroughly illuminated us all.

Now, kindly troll another thread please. Stop "flogging a dead horse."

sjkhaushu posted:
There was no debate about whats better. The guy apparently has twisted logic about what a profitable account should look like so his posts should be discarded.

Practise what you preach.


The criteria :

1) The account must be real - no demo's. (please do not argue here that it is the same as a live acc. etc - the idea is not to engage in any arguments)
2) The account must be verified (please do not come and defend your unverified-but-want-to-participate account - there will simply be no interest)
3)DD must not be higher than 40% - (please. Once again. No justification for your above 40% dd, if it is higher - don't participate)
4)The account must be older than 3 months, maybe this is even still too young.
5)No martingales! (it might work for you, and I do not want to engage in an argument - just please keep to yourself and don't participate)

That's it. Only these five things. If your account passes that, feel free to let others know. There will be those that are disgruntled they cannot participate and will try to justify their way of trading, please ignore them - if it works for you, then great - maybe start a new thread and invite others trading that style to participate. - As I said, this place is not for arguing, it is for displaying accounts that potential investors might want to follow based on the criteria above. This thread is not intended to badmouth other trader's ways.
會員從Mar 23, 2017開始   10帖子
May 01, 2018 at 06:13
Hi everyone,

Stable account since 55 weeks with 3.6% Drawdown since 55 weeks. This account is the kind of professionnal hedge funds that I created (automated) with stable gross per year (around 30%).
Don't be blind with young high profit account (and thus big drawdown).

Look for long proven account as the objective in trading is to stay profitable and risk managed as long as possible.


You can see my performance below : max drawdown of 3.64% with a monthly performance of 3%-5% on average. The system is stable since 55 weeks (current month at 7%)
Last year (2017) I made +31% with one pair and this year I added two more pairs with a projected performance of >+40% with still a very limited drawdown.

Happy trading
會員從May 10, 2014開始   11帖子
May 01, 2018 at 06:21
sjkhaushu posted:
robertvolta posted:
sjkhaushu posted:
robertvolta posted:
sjkhaushu posted:
BluePanther posted:
sjkhaushu posted:
BluePanther posted:
robertvolta posted:
mmltd posted:
You are always in a huge drawdown...closing winners for a few pips and letting the losers run for a long time...all I see is a gambling account.

Thanks for the feedback and your opinion. The live results are almost identical to back testing and demo. A running drawdown was expected.

Good to see someone that takes "negative" feedback and disparaging comments in a positive manner. With an attitude like yours, I'm certain you will succeed one way or another.

Each to their own strategy/system. Don't ever let the losers (trades and people) bring you down! 😎

HODL as applied to forex. Well done so far, sir! 😁

What are you talking about? It has been a year since the account started and the account hasnt made any money. In fact the equity is is at about -2%. How can you say well done if there has been no profit for a year? If you believe what you said, you have very low standards...

Your assessment of his performance is clear and true. I appreciate your perspective.

However, I support his positive attitude to criticism and his valiant efforts. Also, has he not been "successful" in other respects? Success is not always measured in "dollars profit" but many other metrics: "dollars lost" for example, and consistency another.

You may consider I have low standards - perhaps low standards is what one requires to survive? You cannot always have high expectations or you will always be disappointed. I consider I have gratitude that his account has lasted as long as it has.

He is also successful in fulfilling the criteria better than many other attempts in this thread:

1) The account must be real - no demo's. (please do not argue here that it is the same as a live acc. etc - the idea is not to engage in any arguments)
2) The account must be verified (please do not come and defend your unverified-but-want-to-participate account - there will simply be no interest)
3)DD must not be higher than 40% - (please. Once again. No justification for your above 40% dd, if it is higher - don't participate)
4)The account must be older than 3 months, maybe this is even still too young.
5)No martingales! (it might work for you, and I do not want to engage in an argument - just please keep to yourself and don't participate)

And on those points he deserves to be congratulated don't you agree? 😉
The "wooden spoon" for profits; gold medal for everything else. 😄

Well, he is not fulfilling the most important criteria which is profitability. If there is no profit, all other criteria fulfillments are useless. I am sure we can agree on that.

But I agree on your second point, many people only look at realized profits and forget about the DD as their expectations are too high. What good is an account thats making 20% on average per month for 5 months if the DD is 60% and account is always in danger of blowing up? Instead people should focus on ratios between avg profit and max DD.

This system will range between 15 - 30% drawdown. It will also make over 20% profit per year. Another thing to remember is that drawdowns are not realized losses, those trades are still open and recover over time. It wouldn't be accurate to count DD as loss unless you close the trades. The 20%+ profit per year is the sum of closed trades which continually produce while the drawdown unravels.

What you just wrote is complete nonsense. Equity is all that matters. Your theory is that one can open 2 trades, a buy and a sell on one pair, wait for one of the trades to go 80% in profit, close it and let the other one run until it wipes up the account or make some more profit. I can actually make 1000% in one day while my floating DD will be 90%. What you just said is ridiculous and anyone reading it should dismiss your logic.

The fact is that after one year you havent made any money. If an investor needed to withdraw the funds, he would be down 2% at this moment. I really dont understand how you can claim something different. These are not opinions, its all facts and the numbers back it up.

You seem to be quick to judge without understanding all of the details of the system.

Your statement... 'Your theory is that one can open 2 trades, a buy and a sell on one pair, wait for one of the trades to go 80% in profit, close it and let the other one run until it wipes up the account or make some more profit.'....... is inaccurate as that is not how it works.

Before making bold negative statements, perhaps you should understand all of the details first. It makes your feedback questionable and discredited.

How the system works is obvious. You havent made any money for over a year. Thats all anyone needs to know. Why would anyone be interested in such a system? We all invest to make money and in over a year you are down a few %.

I understand fully how it works, the example I gave was just way more extreme. You think you are the first one with a system like this? I can show you many accounts that use the same strategies with equity constantly being in DD. Its just an overall bad system and your account doesnt even qualify to post here. After all its only for profitable accounts and yours is not one of those. You should come back once you are in profit, right now you are not.

What you don't get is that while the DD will remain constant the profits will accrue at over 20% per year. There is no debating that.

It's an overall bad system, for you, but we are all entitled to our own opinions.

Might you have an account to compare and review as well?? I would like to have a look.
We are the music makers and we are the dreamers of dreams.
會員從May 10, 2014開始   11帖子
May 01, 2018 at 06:22
Then the bottom line is that it meets all of the criteria.

Thanks again for starting this thread!
We are the music makers and we are the dreamers of dreams.
會員從Jan 25, 2010開始   1288帖子
May 01, 2018 at 07:52 (已編輯May 01, 2018 at 08:15)
Niverto1983 posted:
Hi everyone,

Stable account since 55 weeks with 3.6% Drawdown since 55 weeks. This account is the kind of professionnal hedge funds that I created (automated) with stable gross per year (around 30%).
Don't be blind with young high profit account (and thus big drawdown).

Look for long proven account as the objective in trading is to stay profitable and risk managed as long as possible.


You can see my performance below : max drawdown of 3.64% with a monthly performance of 3%-5% on average. The system is stable since 55 weeks (current month at 7%)
Last year (2017) I made +31% with one pair and this year I added two more pairs with a projected performance of >+40% with still a very limited drawdown.

Happy trading

Wow, look at that consistency! Thanks for your contribution. 😎

robertvolta posted:
Then the bottom line is that it meets all of the criteria.

Thanks again for starting this thread!

No, the bottom line is you didn't read the first post EITHER:
"There will be those that are disgruntled they cannot participate and will try to justify their way of trading, please ignore them - if it works for you, then great - maybe start a new thread and invite others trading that style to participate. - As I said, this place is not for arguing, it is for displaying accounts that potential investors might want to follow based on the criteria above."

Can we stick to topic and MOVE ON? OMG... drop it, get over it. Such immaturity. Who is the bigger person and will hold their peace? Take your argument to Private Message. This thread is not the forum for it.
會員從Feb 03, 2018開始   18帖子
May 01, 2018 at 10:02
Niverto1983 posted:
Hi everyone,

Stable account since 55 weeks with 3.6% Drawdown since 55 weeks. This account is the kind of professionnal hedge funds that I created (automated) with stable gross per year (around 30%).
Don't be blind with young high profit account (and thus big drawdown).

Look for long proven account as the objective in trading is to stay profitable and risk managed as long as possible.


You can see my performance below : max drawdown of 3.64% with a monthly performance of 3%-5% on average. The system is stable since 55 weeks (current month at 7%)
Last year (2017) I made +31% with one pair and this year I added two more pairs with a projected performance of >+40% with still a very limited drawdown.

Happy trading

Nice system but you hide history
會員從Mar 04, 2018開始   14帖子
May 01, 2018 at 10:15 (已編輯May 01, 2018 at 10:18)
Safety first.
會員從Aug 27, 2017開始   875帖子
May 01, 2018 at 12:12
Leverage__ posted:
Niverto1983 posted:
Hi everyone,

Stable account since 55 weeks with 3.6% Drawdown since 55 weeks. This account is the kind of professionnal hedge funds that I created (automated) with stable gross per year (around 30%).
Don't be blind with young high profit account (and thus big drawdown).

Look for long proven account as the objective in trading is to stay profitable and risk managed as long as possible.


You can see my performance below : max drawdown of 3.64% with a monthly performance of 3%-5% on average. The system is stable since 55 weeks (current month at 7%)
Last year (2017) I made +31% with one pair and this year I added two more pairs with a projected performance of >+40% with still a very limited drawdown.

Happy trading

Nice system but you hide history

I think, without the history, it’s really tough to judge the real performance.
keeping patience.......
會員從Sep 12, 2015開始   1933帖子
May 01, 2018 at 19:33
Adribaasmet posted:
Leverage__ posted:
Niverto1983 posted:
Hi everyone,

Stable account since 55 weeks with 3.6% Drawdown since 55 weeks. This account is the kind of professionnal hedge funds that I created (automated) with stable gross per year (around 30%).
Don't be blind with young high profit account (and thus big drawdown).

Look for long proven account as the objective in trading is to stay profitable and risk managed as long as possible.


You can see my performance below : max drawdown of 3.64% with a monthly performance of 3%-5% on average. The system is stable since 55 weeks (current month at 7%)
Last year (2017) I made +31% with one pair and this year I added two more pairs with a projected performance of >+40% with still a very limited drawdown.

Happy trading

Nice system but you hide history

I think, without the history, it’s really tough to judge the real performance.

Other factors tell us what its like, don't really need history.
"They mistook leverage with genius".
會員從Jan 25, 2010開始   1288帖子
May 01, 2018 at 19:46 (已編輯May 01, 2018 at 19:54)
snapdragon1970 posted:
Adribaasmet posted:
Leverage__ posted:
Nice system but you hide history

I think, without the history, it’s really tough to judge the real performance.

Other factors tell us what its like, don't really need history.

History would certainly be IDEAL and PREFERRED, but (unfortunately) is NOT a mandatory criterion as per first post:

RSTrading posted:
Hi there.

There are threads where you can go advertise your trading accounts, but with stricter rules.

I would like to invite traders to show off their accounts here if they pass certain criteria.

The criteria :

1) The account must be real - no demo's. (please do not argue here that it is the same as a live acc. etc - the idea is not to engage in any arguments)
2) The account must be verified (please do not come and defend your unverified-but-want-to-participate account - there will simply be no interest)
3)DD must not be higher than 40% - (please. Once again. No justification for your above 40% dd, if it is higher - don't participate)
4)The account must be older than 3 months, maybe this is even still too young.
5)No martingales! (it might work for you, and I do not want to engage in an argument - just please keep to yourself and don't participate)

That's it. Only these five things. If your account passes that, feel free to let others know. There will be those that are disgruntled they cannot participate and will try to justify their way of trading, please ignore them - if it works for you, then great - maybe start a new thread and invite others trading that style to participate. - As I said, this place is not for arguing, it is for displaying accounts that potential investors might want to follow based on the criteria above. This thread is not intended to badmouth other trader's ways.

Continue... NEXT!

I need this:

會員從Mar 15, 2018開始   3帖子
May 02, 2018 at 05:46
Niverto1983 posted:
Hi everyone,

Stable account since 55 weeks with 3.6% Drawdown since 55 weeks. This account is the kind of professionnal hedge funds that I created (automated) with stable gross per year (around 30%).
Don't be blind with young high profit account (and thus big drawdown).

Look for long proven account as the objective in trading is to stay profitable and risk managed as long as possible.


You can see my performance below : max drawdown of 3.64% with a monthly performance of 3%-5% on average. The system is stable since 55 weeks (current month at 7%)
Last year (2017) I made +31% with one pair and this year I added two more pairs with a projected performance of >+40% with still a very limited drawdown.

Happy trading

Bonjour Niverto1983, you wrote into your description :

The drawdown is small and the monthly performance is driven on purpose at an average of 4%.
I am trading the EURUSD/EURCHF and USDCHF with one trade a day for each pair.

Its a good longterm-strategy daily one trade per day for each pair.

I see in your "Advanced Statistics" (Hourly) that your trades are midnight-trades with 96% win ratio. Thats very positive.

But: We cant see the history, so our statement cant be complete :-(

You do a good job.

Enjoy your day

Swiss SalutisFX - Private Group Of Investors
會員從Jun 18, 2016開始   13帖子
May 02, 2018 at 05:59
會員從Jun 18, 2016開始   13帖子
May 02, 2018 at 05:59
會員從Dec 03, 2015開始   30帖子
May 02, 2018 at 06:03
BluePanther posted:
snapdragon1970 posted:
Adribaasmet posted:
Leverage__ posted:
Nice system but you hide history

I think, without the history, it’s really tough to judge the real performance.

Other factors tell us what its like, don't really need history.

History would certainly be IDEAL and PREFERRED, but (unfortunately) is NOT a mandatory criterion as per first post:

RSTrading posted:
Hi there.

There are threads where you can go advertise your trading accounts, but with stricter rules.

I would like to invite traders to show off their accounts here if they pass certain criteria.

The criteria :

1) The account must be real - no demo's. (please do not argue here that it is the same as a live acc. etc - the idea is not to engage in any arguments)
2) The account must be verified (please do not come and defend your unverified-but-want-to-participate account - there will simply be no interest)
3)DD must not be higher than 40% - (please. Once again. No justification for your above 40% dd, if it is higher - don't participate)
4)The account must be older than 3 months, maybe this is even still too young.
5)No martingales! (it might work for you, and I do not want to engage in an argument - just please keep to yourself and don't participate)

That's it. Only these five things. If your account passes that, feel free to let others know. There will be those that are disgruntled they cannot participate and will try to justify their way of trading, please ignore them - if it works for you, then great - maybe start a new thread and invite others trading that style to participate. - As I said, this place is not for arguing, it is for displaying accounts that potential investors might want to follow based on the criteria above. This thread is not intended to badmouth other trader's ways.

Continue... NEXT!

I need this:

Without history, it is impossible to tell if a system is a martingale/grid. So history is absolutely needed as per the rules of the thread (rule no 5). Thanks.
會員從Mar 23, 2017開始   10帖子
May 02, 2018 at 10:00
Dear Friends,

The only reason I am hidding history is for privacy only i.e the strategy is very confidential.
Anyway the strategy is absolutely not martingale but the opposite i.e risk management based, low drawdown and annual return on 20-30% average.

For your information I am not selling the system.
Hope you can understand.

arpan366 posted:
BluePanther posted:
snapdragon1970 posted:
Adribaasmet posted:
Leverage__ posted:
Nice system but you hide history

I think, without the history, it’s really tough to judge the real performance.

Other factors tell us what its like, don't really need history.

History would certainly be IDEAL and PREFERRED, but (unfortunately) is NOT a mandatory criterion as per first post:

RSTrading posted:
Hi there.

There are threads where you can go advertise your trading accounts, but with stricter rules.

I would like to invite traders to show off their accounts here if they pass certain criteria.

The criteria :

1) The account must be real - no demo's. (please do not argue here that it is the same as a live acc. etc - the idea is not to engage in any arguments)
2) The account must be verified (please do not come and defend your unverified-but-want-to-participate account - there will simply be no interest)
3)DD must not be higher than 40% - (please. Once again. No justification for your above 40% dd, if it is higher - don't participate)
4)The account must be older than 3 months, maybe this is even still too young.
5)No martingales! (it might work for you, and I do not want to engage in an argument - just please keep to yourself and don't participate)

That's it. Only these five things. If your account passes that, feel free to let others know. There will be those that are disgruntled they cannot participate and will try to justify their way of trading, please ignore them - if it works for you, then great - maybe start a new thread and invite others trading that style to participate. - As I said, this place is not for arguing, it is for displaying accounts that potential investors might want to follow based on the criteria above. This thread is not intended to badmouth other trader's ways.

Continue... NEXT!

I need this:

Without history, it is impossible to tell if a system is a martingale/grid. So history is absolutely needed as per the rules of the thread (rule no 5). Thanks.