What is the trading psychology for you?

Jul 26, 2021 at 12:38
73 Replies
會員從Jul 19, 2020開始   749帖子
Aug 28, 2021 at 15:36
@NihadMunif Yes it is the most important thing in forex trading. Without proper trading psychology, it is not possible to make money on consistent basis.
會員從Oct 02, 2019開始   21帖子
Aug 28, 2021 at 17:51
For me, trading psychology is an indicator which tells me that my trading strategy has a room for improvements. I aspire to the that situation, when I will not have to do with the emotions but with numbers. So, I really hope to eliminate this factor from my trading because I feel that it is next to impossible to remain cold-blooded all the time and have the nerves of steel.
會員從Jul 02, 2020開始   18帖子
Sep 05, 2021 at 09:30
Landakus posted:
For me, trading psychology is an indicator which tells me that my trading strategy has a room for improvements. I aspire to the that situation, when I will not have to do with the emotions but with numbers. So, I really hope to eliminate this factor from my trading because I feel that it is next to impossible to remain cold-blooded all the time and have the nerves of steel.

Set psychology = personality; then certain personality types will never be able to be proficient in forex due too a lack of/ too much confidence and letting emotions get in the way of their trading.
The way to get past any deficiencies in your own personality is to develop a system that you trust - then you eliminate any personal input (it is difficult but you have to!) follow your system 100%; only then can you really evaluate the performance of your system and eliminate psychology for the most part.
My system is about 85% effective, but my win rate is just over 50% - why? Because 90% of the trades I lose is due to personal error! Trades I should never have taken but did on some stupid impulse - I'm slowly eliminating this and getting better every day.
So psychology is in effect to learn to trust yourself(system) - what your brain has developed in an impersonal way.
會員從Apr 16, 2017開始   37帖子
Sep 05, 2021 at 15:20
LesleyLesley posted:
I know that I have to stay calm all the time I trade in order to make the right decisions.

Also, I believe it is very important to have good health in order to withstand stress.

A simple rule for me is "don't become a gambling Hulk" and stop on time.

Taking losses as part of my job.

This is completely true. Unfortunately in order to when you’re going to have to learn to lose now and again and not to take this personally
會員從Feb 15, 2021開始   11帖子
Sep 07, 2021 at 18:59
Trading psychology is more a skill rather than knowledge. It is the skill of controlling your emotional side of trading and making decision. It is definetely not enough just to know how our emotions work but the skill to control them or avoid such situations when they are able to take over your mind.
會員從Jul 26, 2021開始   26帖子
Aug 10, 2022 at 13:29
Let's get back to the discussion.
Over the past year, I have gained some additional experience and I can say that this experience was gained in a difficult market, when the world economy entered the turbulence zone.

My observation of other traders is so different, many are left or are losing money in a volatile market. But the most interesting thing is to observe those who successfully do their job. Such traders have very correct psychological rules and if someone has succeeded now, then kindly ask you to share.
In the end, would say that the ability to work with political and economic news, to understand the psychology of the market and its reaction to events, is now coming to the fore.
會員從May 19, 2020開始   321帖子
Aug 15, 2022 at 16:05
LesleyLesley posted:
Let's get back to the discussion.
Over the past year, I have gained some additional experience and I can say that this experience was gained in a difficult market, when the world economy entered the turbulence zone.

My observation of other traders is so different, many are left or are losing money in a volatile market. But the most interesting thing is to observe those who successfully do their job. Such traders have very correct psychological rules and if someone has succeeded now, then kindly ask you to share.
In the end, would say that the ability to work with political and economic news, to understand the psychology of the market and its reaction to events, is now coming to the fore.

I can't say that the aggressive behavior of the market somehow reduced my results, but contrary, now I feel confident. Indeed, several key moments happened, for example the the Euro Dollar 1:1 drop, but such events are extremely interesting for market analysis, and the world economics.
I have been trading since 2009 and have seen a lot, which is probably why it is not difficult for me to accept the reality and adapt to the conditions that the market is giving now.
會員從Aug 05, 2022開始   21帖子
Aug 17, 2022 at 13:09
I create a trading plan and prepare my brain for possible risks even before trading, and I'd definitely make a comprehensively comparison of the brokers!


會員從Aug 02, 2022開始   22帖子
Aug 18, 2022 at 05:15
Trading psychology for me is all about learning to manage the emotions that I experience during a trade. It is normal to feel fear, stress and anxiety but I make sure to not let them take control of my mind interfering with the decision making process. We won’t be able to fully eliminate these emotions as we are humans but we can surely prioritise logic to make rational decisions as a trader.
會員從Aug 02, 2022開始   18帖子
Aug 18, 2022 at 11:24
Trading psychology is all about what you feel about forex trading that has an impact on how you actually trade. When you have the right mindset, you tend to perform better in the forex market.
會員從Aug 17, 2022開始   42帖子
Aug 19, 2022 at 04:47
Trading psychology refers to the emotions and state of mind, which helps determine success or failure in trading. Fear and greed are two powerful enemies that can dominate the trader thought process throughout their trading career. The main goal is to tackle these emotions and develop a strong mindset.

會員從Aug 02, 2022開始   24帖子
Aug 19, 2022 at 11:07
The trading psychology in fx for me is that I stay calm so that I trade logically not emotionally. I have found that if I am calm, I am able to make better decisions when it comes to trading. I am also less likely to make impulsive decisions that can often lead to losses.
會員從Jul 28, 2022開始   11帖子
Aug 20, 2022 at 07:37
Trading psychology, in my opinion, is how a trader behaves while trading. How well he manages his emotions and feelings.
會員從Jul 25, 2022開始   20帖子
Aug 24, 2022 at 05:43
Trading psychology is to have a right state of mind without any emotions involved. Having the right balance of emotions is very important to make rational and logical trading decisions.
會員從Aug 05, 2021開始   394帖子
Aug 24, 2022 at 16:00
Anxiety was a big thing for me when I started. Too nervous to enter trades, or I would exit too early. Didn't have a lot of money, so I was afraid to lose the money I managed to invest.
I think psychology affects different traders differently. Those with big egos have different challenges than the anxious type, for example.
會員從Feb 15, 2022開始   131帖子
Aug 26, 2022 at 10:44
Scalping is such a kind of trading that brings relaxation for you. It enables a trader to derive profit from the market quickly by entering and exiting trade within a very short time.
會員從Feb 16, 2022開始   113帖子
Aug 28, 2022 at 13:38
Long term trading is a kind of trading hardly favored by traders because it takes much time and comes with high trading risk.
會員從Feb 16, 2022開始   65帖子
Aug 28, 2022 at 14:44
Forex taught how to be patient and keep thyself motivated in adverse situation all the time. These are not the only takeaways rather there are many other takeways too to learn.
會員從Feb 16, 2022開始   60帖子
Aug 28, 2022 at 15:42
Yes, there is no substitute to practicing more and more. And you already know that traders make a frequent mistake like whenever they see the market following uptrend
會員從Jul 26, 2022開始   45帖子
Aug 30, 2022 at 08:01
Trading psychology, to me, simply means learning how to control your emotions while trading.
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