high leverage

Oct 02, 2017 at 06:51
55 Replies
會員從Aug 11, 2017開始   870帖子
Oct 02, 2017 at 06:51
In order to me , high leverage does not leads high loss at all, if there is any loss by high leverage it is completely with stupid planning and zero risk management planning , nothing to do with high leverage at all.
會員從Dec 11, 2015開始   1462帖子
Oct 02, 2017 at 13:26
Why do you think so? What is your reasoning?
會員從Nov 24, 2015開始   59帖子
Oct 03, 2017 at 07:05
high leverage allows to get more flexibility regarding the dd so avoiding margin call,so can take more risk,i use always 500 leverage
會員從Feb 12, 2016開始   507帖子
Oct 03, 2017 at 13:41
Leverage is a knife with two blades:
* if you know what you are doing - it will help you
* if you have no idea - your account is ... dead
會員從Dec 11, 2015開始   1462帖子
Oct 03, 2017 at 15:56
BaldoN posted:
Leverage is a knife with two blades:
* if you know what you are doing - it will help you
* if you have no idea - your account is ... dead

Indeed. I made that mistake as a newbie and I've been wary ever since.
會員從Nov 24, 2015開始   59帖子
Oct 04, 2017 at 07:09
BaldoN posted:
Leverage is a knife with two blades:
* if you know what you are doing - it will help you
* if you have no idea - your account is ... dead

absolutly good point need to be vigillent with your mm
會員從Aug 11, 2017開始   870帖子
Oct 05, 2017 at 07:38
Generally we the newcomers try to make money very rapidly by using high leverage and fall a great loss when trading practically without any trading plan as well risk management policy , so before trading with high leverage it is obviously important how to manage risk in forex trading.
會員從Aug 21, 2017開始   11帖子
Oct 06, 2017 at 09:30
1:50 MAX for me
會員從Aug 11, 2017開始   870帖子
Oct 08, 2017 at 06:48
If any newbie using high leverage on demo account , usually initial capital is a big number more than 5000$ and using high leverage they can free to using even extremes strategy like as martingale system, but will better if in demo also using amount capital same with number money that will invested in real account.
會員從Oct 07, 2017開始   5帖子
Oct 09, 2017 at 06:31
High leverage is a good tool if you use it correctly. I love high leverage and it helps me to make my main trading strategy
Taking high risk is the key to wealth.
會員從Aug 11, 2017開始   870帖子
Oct 11, 2017 at 11:20
I do not think at all there is leverage the best, in my opinion the best leverage is leverage that really suits our needs. Leverage is like a boomerang for our trading so we need to choose the appropriate leverage to the need for us to trade with the maximum. We must pay attention to our psychology well to use leverage suitable for our account.
會員從Dec 11, 2015開始   1462帖子
Oct 22, 2017 at 14:13
Mohammadi posted:
I do not think at all there is leverage the best, in my opinion the best leverage is leverage that really suits our needs. Leverage is like a boomerang for our trading so we need to choose the appropriate leverage to the need for us to trade with the maximum. We must pay attention to our psychology well to use leverage suitable for our account.

What kind of leverage do you prefer to trade with though?
會員從Oct 23, 2017開始   13帖子
Oct 23, 2017 at 14:54
I like 1:100 . It is enough to enter the positions I want with the lot size I want but not too risky
會員從Aug 09, 2017開始   94帖子
Nov 01, 2017 at 07:18
My trading career I always take high leverage in demo account to see the performance how it works. This approach always helps me to avoid risk when trading practically.
會員從Aug 11, 2017開始   870帖子
Nov 17, 2017 at 11:29
In Fx trading Mostly beginners are scared about using high leverage in Forex. It is quite right that choosing high leverage will cause the reason high loss but also can give the big profit , its overall risky to use the high leverage , my opinion is that we should use the small leverage in order to get the fruitful result from this business.
會員從Oct 08, 2016開始   57帖子
Feb 10, 2018 at 10:18
the leverage always works as a killer. Because the traders we have always fall a great loss by using leverage especially when high ration. But sometimes it brings profit very rapidly when there is real trading plan with great risk management approach. Actually forex market is too much risky and volatile. Risk is everywhere and from all trading elements leverage always contains more risk. so before trading with leverage we have to make sure how to manage risk in Fx.
To change your trading result, just change your thinking.
會員從Feb 22, 2011開始   4573帖子
Feb 12, 2018 at 08:19
PriceAction13 posted:
the leverage always works as a killer. Because the traders we have always fall a great loss by using leverage especially when high ration. But sometimes it brings profit very rapidly when there is real trading plan with great risk management approach. Actually forex market is too much risky and volatile. Risk is everywhere and from all trading elements leverage always contains more risk. so before trading with leverage we have to make sure how to manage risk in Fx.

High leverage is great tool. It depends on you and your skill how you will use it.
會員從Feb 22, 2011開始   4573帖子
Feb 12, 2018 at 08:19
PriceAction13 posted:
the leverage always works as a killer. Because the traders we have always fall a great loss by using leverage especially when high ration. But sometimes it brings profit very rapidly when there is real trading plan with great risk management approach. Actually forex market is too much risky and volatile. Risk is everywhere and from all trading elements leverage always contains more risk. so before trading with leverage we have to make sure how to manage risk in Fx.

Read more here
會員從Feb 19, 2018開始   2帖子
Feb 21, 2018 at 06:05
hola soy novata en esto del mercado forex. hice mi deposito en la plataforma de iforex, me dieron acceso a los tutoriales pero en la plataforma en tiempo real no se que hacer. alguien me puede ayudar y aconsejar que debo hacer? gracias
會員從Oct 08, 2016開始   57帖子
Feb 22, 2018 at 10:02
Actually according to our trading experience we the traders basically choose our trading leverage, I know leverage always contains risk and I also know how to manage risk. For that reason for all time I usually like to trade with high leverage for making profit very rapidly. So, my trading life is very much profitable.
To change your trading result, just change your thinking.