Is a demo account really neccassary?

Aug 05, 2012 at 07:44
155 Replies
會員從Mar 17, 2021開始   494帖子
Feb 02, 2022 at 19:56
skihav posted:
I would say that it is really necessary. For a trader, this is exactly the minimum knowledge that allows you to start without losses.

Yes. Without proper knowledge, you can not survive in this market.
會員從Jan 18, 2022開始   20帖子
Feb 07, 2022 at 06:27
Even despite using demo accounts, many traders fail in forex trading due to lack of right psychology and risk management. Demo accounts can still be very helpful to those who have nil experience in the field of trading. I agree that trading is all about risks, but the risk isn’t worth it if you have ZERO skills. Inexperienced traders can use demo trading to create strategies. You can move to a real trading account once you have some skills.
會員從Feb 07, 2022開始   1帖子
Feb 07, 2022 at 18:03
It depends on the person only. But to understand the market patterns and how the market behaves, how it reacts to support and resistance, NFP, News it is always better to try on Demo account. But for money management and test to your real psychology you need to put real money which you are ready to lose without any pain.
會員從Jan 22, 2021開始   126帖子
Feb 10, 2022 at 07:44
Demo trading is extremely important when you are a beginner trader and want to understand how this 6 trillion Dollars forex market works. This is just like learning how to swim in a pool before diving into the ocean. I have practised a demo on fxview mt4 for 10 - 11 months which made me notice the whole different practical approach as compared to what I have read. Demo trades really give you a nice exposure and must not be skipped when you’re thinking about entering the forex market.
會員從Dec 14, 2021開始   46帖子
Feb 14, 2022 at 05:26
Trading psychology is critical in a trader’s journey because it impacts trading decisions. So a micro account is a good place to begin for traders. But what is the point of directly trading live if you are neither familiar with the trading platform nor have the skills? Demo accounts are not perfect; however, they are good for inexperienced traders to develop some understanding of the market. New traders should trade with micro accounts once they have some clarity of the market.

會員從Feb 07, 2022開始   24帖子
Feb 14, 2022 at 07:59
Treat demo as foundation of forex. You can paveyour way towards winning in the forex market via practicing on demo account only.
會員從Apr 09, 2019開始   516帖子
Feb 14, 2022 at 11:30
James_Bond posted:
I will clarify; the point of a demo account is to get a feel of forex trading, however it creates the psychological illusion of not caring of any losses/wins and taking enormous risk without having to confront consequences (psychological side).

See I fundamentally disagree with this. Too many do but this is entirely choice. I always treat a demo account as if it were real money as this helps me from good risk management habits. I don't demo with money too out of line with what I trade live either. Habits are the result of repetition and I never bought that these can't be formed on demo ultimately risk free. Why treat it differently to live? Of course it IS different but if you can get used to the numbers on the screen on demo then you will feel more numbness to them when live. At least that's how I worked it and it made sense to me. Using a demo and treating it like it's risk free reinforces bad behaviours that will only make it harder to rectify when live.
If you can't spot the liquidity then you are the liquidity.
會員從Feb 12, 2019開始   104帖子
Feb 28, 2022 at 20:52
Agreed with the poster above its vital you treat it as a live account will have major benefit to your trading.
If you see it as pretend then you lose the psychological downer of losing you need to treat it as real for it to benefit you
會員從Jan 13, 2022開始   18帖子
Mar 01, 2022 at 11:45
Yes ofcourse demo account is very important for any trader.
會員從Jan 21, 2022開始   57帖子
Mar 10, 2022 at 06:49
Demo accounts are mainly meant to make traders aware of the platform and the working of the market. They do not develop the trading psychology as real money is not involved.
I believe that a trader should not spend more time on a demo and as soon as he finds his strategy is working, he should switch to a cent or micro account. Switching to the cent or micro account allows traders to work on their trading psychology without risking a big amount.
會員從Sep 23, 2020開始   41帖子
Mar 11, 2022 at 11:03
Can not emphasis enough on how much demo account is important. You actually learn a lot.
會員從Apr 05, 2021開始   1帖子
Mar 14, 2022 at 06:25
demo will only educate you on big accounts, you'll regret applying demo skills in a small account.
會員從Jun 26, 2020開始   323帖子
Mar 16, 2022 at 10:23
using a demo account until you’re comfortable with your progress. Then you could dip your toe into a small live account to learn how to control the emotional reactions to both losing and winning trades.
會員從Jun 12, 2021開始   132帖子
Mar 16, 2022 at 11:09
very common post but effective all message .
會員從Mar 28, 2021開始   586帖子
Mar 16, 2022 at 12:20
aj901512 posted:
i think you got it just right and i agree. demo is quite useless if you plan to trade real money. i say start small with a live account and build your way up.

Really, when how did you learn your Forex trading? Did you start your live trading so directly?
會員從Sep 23, 2020開始   41帖子
Mar 17, 2022 at 06:45
Practicing on a demo account is the foundation of forex trading.
會員從Mar 17, 2022開始   2帖子
Mar 17, 2022 at 14:00
會員從Mar 17, 2022開始   2帖子
Mar 17, 2022 at 14:01
Please how do this work
會員從Mar 11, 2022開始   22帖子
Mar 22, 2022 at 05:41
It’s important to know how crucial features like stop loss orders, leverage, strategies, etc. work before you start trading in the live market. That’s what you must use demo accounts for. It may not guarantee success while live trading, but it surely helps in developing skills and understanding that help in the live market.
會員從Jan 11, 2022開始   45帖子
Mar 22, 2022 at 07:41
A demo account is needed in the beginning. You need to spend some time understanding the market and when you can do that without having to risk your money, I think there is no reason you shouldn’t do it.
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