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Time and pracrtice.
會員從Oct 22, 2019開始
會員從Aug 27, 2017開始
Oct 29, 2019 at 16:54
會員從Aug 27, 2017開始
Tygotaylor posted:AhTai posted:
I trade real and demo accounts. Real account for strategies that I have confidence in and demo for new things that I am trying out
Great. Even i do the same. Use demo account to try out new methodologies.
From the last 5 years I have been doing live trading but till now I am active on demo; since I need to update my own trading strategy!
keeping patience.......
Oct 30, 2019 at 06:58
會員從Apr 18, 2017開始
Tygotaylor posted:AhTai posted:
I trade real and demo accounts. Real account for strategies that I have confidence in and demo for new things that I am trying out
Great. Even i do the same. Use demo account to try out new methodologies.
That’s the beauty of demo; it’s totally free but so much effective to practice new things!
會員從Jul 19, 2020開始
Sep 02, 2020 at 00:46
會員從Jul 19, 2020開始
The more you practice in trading, the more the trader's experience will develop. Practice can make a trader perfect. The more you practice trading, the better the trading results will be. And every trader should trade with long time target because in long time trading results are very good.
會員從Jul 20, 2020開始
Sep 03, 2020 at 03:05
會員從Jul 20, 2020開始
How long a trader has been trading is not important. How much that trader has developed his skill is important. Because when you trade with good experience, you will face less loss. So first you have to learn trading then you have to look at profit. If a trader trades with a long time target, he will one day be a successful trader.
Sep 03, 2020 at 06:58
會員從Apr 28, 2020開始
smith_fx posted:Imamul posted:
in trading
how much time you have passed for practicing , its not a deal ,
the main deal is how was your effort when practicing.
One cannot standardize the amount of time and practice one should put in for trading . Trading is not something you can learn within a stipulated time frame . Its benefits can only be reaped with limitless practice . Every trade adds to a traders knowledge and experience and helps him to do better in future. So forget about time and practice and observe as much as you can to be a successful trader.
That's been really nicely put to words. At the end of the day, the fruits of hard work shall always be received. But for that we really need to work hard without thinking much about the results. So keep calm and continue trading and learning.
會員從Jul 20, 2020開始
會員從Sep 07, 2020開始
會員從Sep 08, 2020開始
會員從Sep 12, 2017開始
會員從Jul 20, 2020開始
會員從Jan 11, 2019開始
Sep 11, 2020 at 09:19
會員從Apr 15, 2020開始
Speaking of practice, do you think demo versions are way worse than actual trading, or it depends? I'm kinda scared of losing money at the beginning of my way. The company I want to work with has got demo version (https://www.trustpilot.com/review/instaforex.com their page on Trustpilot) and I feel like I should start doing something more serious.
Sep 11, 2020 at 09:40
會員從Jan 10, 2020開始
hello sir.
i am still practicing in trading. i would say my trading way has just begun. and of course i have a lot of questions. should i trade myself? what about signals? what leverage to put? what currencies to trade? what drawdown to put? what profit to receive?
or should i find the trader? who knows...
sometimes i do not understand what do i really nned. i hope that such thoughts do not disturb the experienced traders.
so i need a lot of practice.
i am still practicing in trading. i would say my trading way has just begun. and of course i have a lot of questions. should i trade myself? what about signals? what leverage to put? what currencies to trade? what drawdown to put? what profit to receive?
or should i find the trader? who knows...
sometimes i do not understand what do i really nned. i hope that such thoughts do not disturb the experienced traders.
so i need a lot of practice.
會員從Mar 16, 2020開始
Oct 27, 2020 at 06:27
(已編輯Oct 27, 2020 at 06:27)
會員從Sep 23, 2020開始
True. Practice is what's going to give you insight into what's done how. It's going to make you better at trading and hence all this needs time and patience. But surely, practice is what keeps you near to your goals, so don't ever stop it.
