Trading Record History

Apr 15, 2015 at 18:59
2 Replies
會員從Apr 15, 2015開始   1帖子
Apr 15, 2015 at 18:59
Hi Leader,

Do we have the trading record such as what I experienced in FXTrader Investopedia where my account granddddma and puteriumno is presently displaying the largest gain even after the game is over. The record could be a guidelines for us in the future attempting for real accounts.

Thank you.

會員從Jan 22, 2015開始   67帖子
Apr 22, 2015 at 19:13
Uhhh, what exactly are you talking about. This was kind of a rambling on thing.
會員從Aug 06, 2011開始   345帖子
May 13, 2015 at 09:18
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