Verify trading results

Mar 10, 2017 at 11:33
9 Replies
會員從Mar 09, 2017開始   4帖子
Mar 10, 2017 at 11:33
Hi, I wish to verify iiinvestments before parting with my hard earned cash, any pointers? thanks
會員從Feb 12, 2016開始   394帖子
Mar 14, 2017 at 15:21
Hi Trevorm,
Do not invest any funds before you see results. And by results, I mean proven results. You can easily get in touch with someone who is trading with other people’s money, but before investing – you need a real verification. For example - meeting the person (live or online with camera), talk to other members who are investing with him/her, review this person’s trading style and strategy… etc. Just be careful because there are a lot of scammers who are waiting to steal your money.
Accept the loss as experience
會員從Mar 09, 2017開始   4帖子
Mar 15, 2017 at 07:26
Hi, thank you for the reply.

Great points for due diligence.

This trading company is called (or I2 Investments) there is verification of results on their website pointing to an independant on, who else can I check with?

There are also other reviews from other trading sites they list, but to be honest since I am new to this I hope a seasoned vet could check them out for me!

One thing threw me is that one of their reviews is identical to another username, and I cannot find any of their staff by googling them.

會員從Sep 06, 2016開始   2帖子
Mar 15, 2017 at 11:15
Hey Trev, I've been at this awhile, been kind of a lurker over the years, but I feel inclined to respond to your inquiry. I have nothing against 12 investments and don't know them at all. Here are my thoughts for what its worth, Their site content, the storefront to their business, just simply doesn't make sense. What I mean, is the jargon they use and description of what they do and who they are, contradict themselves. As evident with how they trade. Also the random anecdotes that are injected for the appearance of knowledge.

But as I said, I never heard of them and I know what it is like to be a small shop attempting to grow your clientbase. They may simply be going overboard in terms of impressing potential clients. But honestly trading isn't as hard as they make it out to be (and then "not make it out to be").

Do they require you to actually send capital into their firm?

My gut if you really want the real, is saying they are a no go. Plain and simple. Don't do it.

Good luck and feel free to ask any question that you may be wrestling with.


Also keep in mind that sometimes folks go to overboard in try to prove legit companies and individuals as scammers. sometimes there are simple explanations for what may appear to be red flags.

P.S.S. Track records are great, but nothing beats good ol' forward testing. A demo can be used or an investor access pass Many times after a system has had a great run, it may be abt to enter a period of lack luster performance. It doesn't make it a bad system or a bad manager. So forward tes and see if the trading actually works for your risk parameters and goals.

We are paid by the markets to execute sound strategies with patience and discipline.
會員從Feb 22, 2011開始   4573帖子
Mar 15, 2017 at 16:29
Trevorm posted:
Hi, I wish to verify iiinvestments before parting with my hard earned cash, any pointers? thanks

Be Cautious and please read before investing.

Be cautious with this company. Too many alarm bells going off for me to invest in them. At the time of writing this(14/3/17), I can say all information is true and correct and i2 Investments may have changed information on their site since i posted this review. I have used the alias of Sam as I have an account registered with them, which means they do hold information on me and I wish to remain anonymous.

This is what I noticed:

As of today (14/3/17) the address stated on their website is 2 Gebäude G, Vienna, Austria 1120. I did a search of this address and it comes up with virtual offices for hire. I understand that the address provided is for a satellite correspondent office, but this is not an office owned by them and they do not provide any information of where a head office is located.
See here:

Unfortunately I don't have any proof, but approximately 2 weeks ago when I first started looking at their services, the address stated on their website was Sterngasse 3, 1010 Wien, Austria. This is also the address for KMU Centre which also offer Virtual Office services.
See here:

Secondly, the "verified" results. This one will need some explaining from i2 Investments.
- is clearly a fabricated site designed only for i2 Investments. All the charts are PNG format and not tracking any account performance. There are no other account from other traders or brokers available that have been verified by And the "reviews" link on their website links to reviews back to here, Forex Peace Army. All the advertising on this site is for i2 Investments and none of the links in the menu bar don't really go anywhere, just give very basic information.
See here:

- MyFXbook Verified account is not their account. The account is linked to AlgoTradeSoft Innovative EA, and makes no mention of i2 Investments.
See here:

- FXStat Verified account is not their account either. The account is linked to SmarterFX Capital Funds, and makes no mention of i2 Investments.
See here:

Thirdly, i2 Investments claim to be regulated by a company named Broker Dealer Compliance. The website is similar to and looks fabricated to favour i2 Investments. It shares the same font and also has links that don't really go anywhere and have basic information on them. The member directory is not a directory, its a search bar and the only company that show's up is i2 Investments, so search whatever you'd like. A google search will show that no other broker that I could find is regulated by BDC.
See here:

The awards that i2 Investments have received are also questionable. If you go to i2 Investments home page and scroll down, you will find 7 images of awards they have received.

Best Portfolio Management 2016 by 24hr Finance - When you click on the image you come to the home page of 24Hr Finance. This page has a lot of information and talks a fair bit about Invest Worldwide Inc. Google this and you will find a website for Invest Worldwide Inc and all the information on 24Hr Finance is a copy and paste from here. Also their logo has an extreme similarity to 24Hr Car Finance. Just saying.
See here:
And Here:

Best Performing Manager 2015 and 2016 by Dubai Finance Guide - When you click on the image you come to the home page of the Dubai Finance Guide. Click on the Award winners button at the top and you will find i2 Investments under here as an Award Winner. Yet none of these award winning financial institution's acknowledge on their websites that they have ever won an award with the Dubai Finance Guide. Also there is no contact number or address, apart from an email address in the bottom left corner of their site. Also none of the button at the base of the website go anywhere, so click on them all you want.
See here:

Best Managed Fund 2016 and 2017 by China Forex Expo - This is the only award that holds some sort of legitimacy. There is no information on i2 Investments winning any award on the China Forex Expo website (the 2017 expo hasn't even been yet, but congrats on winning). BUT i2 Investments can be found under the Sponsors + Media link on the China Forex Expo page.
See Here:

Most Loyal Client Base 2015 and Top FX Fund 2015 by Best Finance Directory - Clicking on the image from i2 Investments takes you to the directory page of Best Finance Directory. Here is makes no mention of any awards but does have a long list of Forex Brokers. If you look at who they are regulated by, you will notice familiair names like ASIC and CySec, but will also notice some are also regulated by BDC (Broker Dealer Compliance). If you go check there broker's, it will show they are not regulated by them and are regulated by a different regulator. Also, half the links in the menu bar don't lead any where and some have basic information on them.

This is the research I have done and I do not wish to slander i2 Investments. I may be overreacting and be missing out on making 600% a year, but I urge you to do your own research before investing.
會員從Feb 12, 2016開始   394帖子
Mar 16, 2017 at 07:12
Very good analysis, PaidTrader! I will agree here and go with “no” for the I2 Investments. Of course, you are not obligated to listen to us. I just believe you can invest your money in something better 😄 Good luck!
Accept the loss as experience
會員從Mar 09, 2017開始   4帖子
Mar 17, 2017 at 08:08
Many thanks for such a comprehensive alalysis. I think it would be wise to consider such an experienced overview. Since the minimum investment with this trader is €3000 I think I might avoid for the time being. Perhaps keep an eye and consider other options.

Once again thank you very much for your help.
會員從Sep 06, 2016開始   2帖子
Mar 19, 2017 at 07:41
Trevorm posted:
Many thanks for such a comprehensive analysis. I think it would be wise to consider such an experienced overview. Since the minimum investment with this trader is €3000 I think I might avoid for the time being. Perhaps keep an eye and consider other options.

Once again thank you very much for your help.

My pleasure buddy. Neither yours or anyone's time or money should be gambled with. People work really hard or sometimes get a windfall that may be their only opportunity to improve their situation. Unfortunately, there are scammers and those that i call the reluctant scammers. And the both give our industry a bad name and sow seeds of distrust in all that enter with hope and expectations (albeit many times unrealistic).

So in respect to our trading and investment arena and given the aforementioned inquiry, it's imperative to hold true that I am my brother's keeper.


We are paid by the markets to execute sound strategies with patience and discipline.
會員從Feb 12, 2016開始   394帖子
Mar 24, 2017 at 06:55
You know what – maybe we should create a topic including all the scammers we know – so we can prevent someone with losing his honestly-earned money. They all need to stop winning from the naivety of honest people !!!
Accept the loss as experience
會員從Mar 09, 2017開始   4帖子
Mar 26, 2017 at 06:46
TiffanyK posted:
You know what – maybe we should create a topic including all the scammers we know – so we can prevent someone with losing his honestly-earned money. They all need to stop winning from the naivety of honest people !!!

If it wasnt for you guy's I would have been inclined to act on a somewhat uninformed decision. Can't thank all who offered their comments enough. :clap: :clap:

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