C# Programming Documentation for Strategy Trader

Nov 04, 2010 at 14:30
2 Replies
會員從Aug 12, 2009開始   243帖子
Nov 04, 2010 at 14:30
The programming documentation for Strategy Trader has been re-organized to make it more user friendly and more detailed for you to code your indicators and strategies into C#. You can find it attached to this post.

Strategy Trader is FXCM's automated trading platform, and MyFXBook is currently beta testing a publisher to upload your combined account statements to the MyFXBook website.


會員從Nov 03, 2010開始   3帖子
Nov 09, 2010 at 12:11
Do you know when the new documentation will be added directly into Strategy Trader? I see the old veresion in my platform.
會員從Aug 12, 2009開始   243帖子
Nov 09, 2010 at 17:06
The documentation will be added directly into Strategy Trader in the next build release. Probably very early next year, which isn't too far away 😄
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