Total "Locked in Profit" Calculation投票結果



Total "Locked in Profit" Calculation討論

Apr 17, 2010 at 00:18
2 Replies
會員從Sep 11, 2009開始   2帖子
Apr 17, 2010 at 00:18
I would like to see a tab in the "open orders" position showing the total "locked in" profit calculation (i.e. how many pips/dollars are you away from your stop?) Or, to ask it another way. What would you profit (or lose) right now if suddenly the market changed and every order hit your set StopLoss? Or, how much equity are you guaranteed of generating/losing per open trade?

I use trailing and jumping stops a lot, and have many orders and currencies open at one time, and would like to know just how many pips/dollars I have "in the bank already."

Please and Thanks.
會員從Jul 31, 2009開始   1418帖子
Apr 17, 2010 at 16:39
BerryBlonde, it looks like you want to know the equity value, which is the real account value if you were to close all open positions.
If so, then it's already available in the quick stats window.
會員從Sep 11, 2009開始   2帖子
Apr 19, 2010 at 00:03
Yes, but I would like to follow it PER TRADE, or at least per PAIR...

And note: I may have less or more pips "locked in" due to the setting of the stop loss, which will be different from the equity value of the account...

I hope I am explaining this right...

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