Avalanche-Scalper. (由 sourav)
收益: | +1655.54% |
縮減 | 8.01% |
點: | 1900.7 |
交易 | 1896 |
贏得: |
損失:。 |
類型: | 演示 |
杠杆率: | 1:400 |
交易: | 自動的 |
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會員從May 04, 2012開始
Feb 14, 2013 at 08:27
(已編輯Feb 14, 2013 at 08:28)
會員從May 04, 2012開始
sourav posted:
working good
Scalpers work "good" only in demo mode (as it has been proven many times).
Just give a try with a LIVE account and you will see... Otherwise why to waste time on something what does not work with a live account...?
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會員從May 04, 2012開始
Feb 14, 2013 at 13:00
(已編輯Feb 14, 2013 at 13:01)
會員從May 04, 2012開始
sourav posted:
its work good also at real account
Then why not opening a live account and showing the scalper's live results to the public...???
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會員從May 04, 2012開始
Feb 15, 2013 at 17:19
會員從Oct 23, 2012開始
FxMasterGuru posted:
Where is the LIVE account...?? I guess nowhere, as scalper strategies work only in demo mode. Prove me wrong.
scalps that last 10 seconds average dont work on real accounts, his should work on live account...
if you follow the flock like sheep you always end up stepping in shit!
會員從May 04, 2012開始
Feb 15, 2013 at 17:21
會員從May 04, 2012開始
sirius1fx posted:FxMasterGuru posted:
Where is the LIVE account...?? I guess nowhere, as scalper strategies work only in demo mode. Prove me wrong.
scalps that last 10 seconds average dont work on real accounts, his should work on live account...
We will not see it. At least he has some fun... 😄
Please click "Vouch" if you liked my post. If not, just put me on your Blocked list. :o)