Bogie-HedgeHog-v4g (由 wackena)



Feb 26, 2010 at 16:16
298 Replies
會員從Dec 31, 2009開始   141帖子
Apr 03, 2010 at 05:53 (已編輯Apr 03, 2010 at 06:01)
wackena posted:
In the past, it has always been risky to trade Martingale type EAs.

How about "risky" in the PAST, in the PRESENT, and in the FUTURE?!? That would be a little more honest.

The mathematically guaranteed 100% failure rate of martingale schemes does not and will not change. The only thing that changes are the sad stories of the people getting wiped out by irresponsible trading techniques. Frankly it makes me angry that they even allow martingale systems in here. This is not investing, it's gambling.

These kind of systems are just another opportunity for people who DON'T know better to get hosed by listening to people who SHOULD know better.

Gear on the left...
會員從Aug 20, 2009開始   256帖子
Apr 03, 2010 at 10:51

You are out of line dude. Wackena is a well known name around the forex EA world and he has given freely much of his work. What have YOU contributed apart from your opinion?

You may or may not agree with some of the mechanics behind his system and that is your right, but you should not try and imply that he is being irresponsible or dishonest. Now that is what makes me angry.......
Wealth Creation Through Technology
會員從Oct 28, 2009開始   72帖子
Apr 03, 2010 at 15:28
As a matter of fact martingale is just a part of the system. A "standard" martingale would double the position each time a trade was lost until a turnaround occured or a total disaster.

Here the doublng is capped at 4 plus you can control the rate at which the positions are magnified. So I agree with compuforexpamm that Buitendyk's comment is missing a point a bit. Plus don't forget that Wackena is testing this system with his real money...
會員從Dec 31, 2009開始   141帖子
Apr 03, 2010 at 16:52
OK, perhaps honesty is not part of the issue here, so I should not make that assumption and accordingly apologize for that.

That being said, I think that if you are running a system that can wipe-out 3 months earnings in one day then that HUGE risk needs to be put out front and centre at all times to protect the unsuspecting.

I think we can all agree that there are far too many scams going on with forex that are costing a lot of unsuspecting people a lot of money. For those who are experienced in forex to not make such a GLARING FLAW as this crystal clear to the public remains in my view EITHER a lack of knowledge OR a failure of duty with respect to communicating about one's own system.

To my mind both of these possibilities are bad, but you are right, they do not necessarilly imply intent to deceive.
Gear on the left...
會員從Dec 31, 2009開始   141帖子
Apr 03, 2010 at 20:56
pc8multifx posted:

Don't trade live a marty system when it doesn't survive a full 10 year backtest and random backtests with the same setting!

Margin call waits right around the next corner...😝

Looks like good advice in retrospect.
Gear on the left...
會員從Sep 23, 2009開始   125帖子
Apr 04, 2010 at 19:39

tbuitendyk posted:
pc8multifx posted:

Don't trade live a marty system when it doesn't survive a full 10 year backtest and random backtests with the same setting!

Margin call waits right around the next corner...😝

Looks like good advice in retrospect.

Long term backtests, at best, are only potential indications of how EAs will perform in Live accounts. As an example, here is backtest from


"Steady Equity Growth" is the name of the game.
會員從Mar 25, 2010開始   1帖子
Apr 05, 2010 at 02:21

wackena posted:

tbuitendyk posted:
pc8multifx posted:

Don't trade live a marty system when it doesn't survive a full 10 year backtest and random backtests with the same setting!

Margin call waits right around the next corner...😝

Looks like good advice in retrospect.

Long term backtests, at best, are only potential indications of how EAs will perform in Live accounts. As an example, here is backtest from

hi Wackena
thank you for your system. have you done a backtest on eurusd as well, i understand that the EA is to attached to both pairs will open both pairs independantly , shouldn't we look into the overall results from both pairs ?

Small win a day. Big win a year.
會員從Nov 29, 2009開始   3帖子
Apr 05, 2010 at 03:20

tbuitendyk posted:
pc8multifx posted:

Don't trade live a marty system when it doesn't survive a full 10 year backtest and random backtests with the same setting!

Margin call waits right around the next corner...😝

Looks like good advice in retrospect.

Even if you find an EA that back tests 10 yrs profitable, That doesn't mean it will survive next year. Also, If you are running
live, You would be foolish to blindly think the EA, Or trade is always going to come back around.

Martingales, If left unattended. Or unleashed. Can be dangerous.(only a fool trades with a blindfold)
But, Myself, I have found them to be very profitable!!!
-You must monitor them.
-Use proper MM
-Use Equity protection.
-Call upon your experience, To know when to intervene.

會員從Mar 03, 2010開始   42帖子
Apr 05, 2010 at 09:45
Has anybody looked at a strategy to take weekly / monthly funds out of the account as part of a Martingale system as this one? Although the annual gain would be reduced, I would have though the longevity and stability would improve.


會員從Mar 23, 2010開始   1帖子
Apr 05, 2010 at 10:05

wackena posted:
Long term backtests, at best, are only potential indications of how EAs will perform in Live accounts. As an example, here is backtest from

Hello !
Thank you very much for the EA you presented and interesting discussion.

My question is please is if you used exactly same parameters for backtest 1999-2010 period like you provided as "the best" in previous posts. I spent last two days on backtests of your EA and have different results for last ten years.

BTW: when we look at 2010 only in your backtest then from 21st Jan 2010 until 11th Mar the balance increased from 10,000,003 to 10,899,424 therefore for 9%. Still good and permament growth but the result is far away from e.g. what is presented on original chart for Bogie-HedgeHog-v2

Best regards and thanks again for interesting input
會員從Sep 23, 2009開始   125帖子
Apr 05, 2010 at 12:25

spike38 posted:
Even if you find an EA that back tests 10 yrs profitable, That doesn't mean it will survive next year. Also, If you are running
live, You would be foolish to blindly think the EA, Or trade is always going to come back around.

Martingales, If left unattended. Or unleashed. Can be dangerous.(only a fool trades with a blindfold)
But, Myself, I have found them to be very profitable!!!
-You must monitor them.
-Use proper MM
-Use Equity protection.
-Call upon your experience, To know when to intervene.


"Steady Equity Growth" is the name of the game.
會員從Sep 23, 2009開始   125帖子
Apr 05, 2010 at 12:29

chjsing posted:

wackena posted:

tbuitendyk posted:
pc8multifx posted:

Don't trade live a marty system when it doesn't survive a full 10 year backtest and random backtests with the same setting!

Margin call waits right around the next corner...😝

Looks like good advice in retrospect.

Long term backtests, at best, are only potential indications of how EAs will perform in Live accounts. As an example, here is backtest from

hi Wackena
thank you for your system. have you done a backtest on eurusd as well, i understand that the EA is to attached to both pairs will open both pairs independantly , shouldn't we look into the overall results from both pairs ?

Here is EURUSD for same period.


"Steady Equity Growth" is the name of the game.
會員從Mar 13, 2010開始   23帖子
Apr 06, 2010 at 22:23
Hi Wackena.

Where would you go from here, my friend? Trade only EU?

Someone suggested placing buys or sells for both EU and UC simultaneously, to enable them to hedge each other. Is there merit in that thought?
Thanks, Glenn
會員從Sep 22, 2009開始   8帖子
Apr 07, 2010 at 13:15 (已編輯Apr 07, 2010 at 13:17)
Interesting EA, but it have few bugs and logical errors in the code. I tried to make some modifications of the source code, made optimization and started new demo account for forward testing. You can watch my progress with this system here:
BHHMO stands for Bogie HedgeHog Modified and Optimized
會員從Sep 23, 2009開始   125帖子
Apr 07, 2010 at 14:27

winsteadglenn posted:
Hi Wackena.

Where would you go from here, my friend? Trade only EU?

Someone suggested placing buys or sells for both EU and UC simultaneously, to enable them to hedge each other. Is there merit in that thought?
Thanks, Glenn

As long as the major reason for price changes on the 2 pairs are from a weak or stronger $USD, then the reverse correlation is quite close. But when the Euro or CHF effect price then the correlation is off. The EA would need to only place Hedge Trades for these 2 pairs only when price change is only from a weak or stronger $USD, Maybe monitoring MA cross on several $USD pairs and if all agree on weaker or stronger $USD, then place hedge trades on EURUSD and USDCHF.
"Steady Equity Growth" is the name of the game.
會員從Feb 26, 2010開始   21帖子
Apr 08, 2010 at 17:11

sliux posted:
Interesting EA, but it have few bugs and logical errors in the code. I tried to make some modifications of the source code, made optimization and started new demo account for forward testing. You can watch my progress with this system here:
BHHMO stands for Bogie HedgeHog Modified and Optimized

Please release the modified code and explain why you made the modifications you made. I noticed you are using many pairs in your trading of this modified EA please explain the logic behind your thinking when trading more pairs. Thank You
As Always...
Greatest Success ***Dale***
會員從Feb 26, 2010開始   21帖子
Apr 18, 2010 at 01:45

wackena posted:

winsteadglenn posted:
Hi Wackena.

Where would you go from here, my friend? Trade only EU?

Someone suggested placing buys or sells for both EU and UC simultaneously, to enable them to hedge each other. Is there merit in that thought?
Thanks, Glenn

As long as the major reason for price changes on the 2 pairs are from a weak or stronger $USD, then the reverse correlation is quite close. But when the Euro or CHF effect price then the correlation is off. The EA would need to only place Hedge Trades for these 2 pairs only when price change is only from a weak or stronger $USD, Maybe monitoring MA cross on several $USD pairs and if all agree on weaker or stronger $USD, then place hedge trades on EURUSD and USDCHF.

Can the MA crossover be programmed into the EA? or would we just keep the EA off until everything was in agreement?
會員從Mar 16, 2010開始   2帖子
Apr 18, 2010 at 18:07

wackena posted:

spike38 posted:
Even if you find an EA that back tests 10 yrs profitable, That doesn't mean it will survive next year. Also, If you are running
live, You would be foolish to blindly think the EA, Or trade is always going to come back around.

Martingales, If left unattended. Or unleashed. Can be dangerous.(only a fool trades with a blindfold)
But, Myself, I have found them to be very profitable!!!
-You must monitor them.
-Use proper MM
-Use Equity protection.
-Call upon your experience, To know when to intervene.



hi everyone, i had been following this thread for a while. shame the accout took such a beating. i have tried to backtest this ea numerous times over longer periods and i can never get it to make money like the other backtests posted here. i have it working great for 2009 onwards only. i would like to see the updated version that is been run with additional pairs to see if it can keep it going. i

am testing and looking for a martingale type or lot increaser EA to run on larger accounts but to look for just 3% a month but impossible to blow up an account. this would be my retirement fund account. any ideas you have let me know.

good luck guys
會員從Feb 26, 2010開始   21帖子
Apr 27, 2010 at 02:31
Is Wackena still monitoring this thread? I asked about programming his the MA crossover idea into the EA but no reply yet😕

Greatest Success ***Dale***
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