Brap TP 25 SL 150 (由 leerees)

收益: +121.76%
縮減 69.56%
點: 3582.5
交易 1282
類型: 演示
杠杆率: 1:400
交易: 自動的

Brap TP 25 SL 150討論

Nov 22, 2011 at 14:51
3 Replies
會員從Oct 20, 2010開始   74帖子
Dec 15, 2011 at 11:57
The open equity management seems to be working an absolute treat. I imagine it will take a lot of convincing to prove to people that there is a way to trade grids profitably but with the Brap EA the logic speaks for itself, instead of blindly drawing down we open trades on a non correlating pair to manage draw down, then we balance out the open equity so that we can close all trades for an overall profit.

Absolute worst case scenarious are dealt with thanks to the open equity stop.

With all this in mind we can make a lot of money in a short space of time without the traditional grid trading risk of account blow ups.
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會員從Oct 20, 2010開始   74帖子
Dec 20, 2011 at 23:34
A few questions that have been sent to my email

Q) some trades seem to be closed in negative, why is this?

A) That will most likely be brap EA at work, when the overall equity is either in positive by £25 or negative by £150 brap will intervene, the staircase equity growth you see is when the brap stop loss kicks in.

Q) Isn't it better to just use basket equity protection on each individual currency pair

A) No, the pairs traded are non correlating, once they fail everything should be closed at a loss, this is to prevent runaway baskets and account blow outs. If you look at every other grid trading system they all end the same, account blowup once the big trend comes. This system can only ever loose £150 in one sitting, this is not a lot of money for a system that averages £50 profit per day.

Q) What about wild markets?

A) This system works well in wild / volatile markets and strong trends as opposed to other grid trading strategies that get killed. The whole purpose of this system is to develop the first grid trading strategy that can survive the punishing trading conditions of todays markets.
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會員從May 13, 2011開始   1329帖子
Dec 20, 2011 at 23:41
thats the point. at some level system has to close some trades in loss but keep account away from blow and overalll staying in in profit.
會員從Oct 20, 2010開始   74帖子
Dec 28, 2011 at 09:59
Exactly Steve, basically what I've found here is that £150 seems to be the sweet spot for this group of currencies. The EUR/USD is of little importance to the strategy thanks to it's grouping of currencies so weather it becomes more volatile or even ceases to exist, Brap will be fine.

Brap has produced £800 of profit in 1 month, that's starting from a £500 account. We trade the same lot sizes so risk decreases as the account balance grows. These are plain market orders and the signals are copied from a demo account, what this means is that the live account will take the same trades as the demo account, as we are going for mostly 25 pip trades slippage will not be an issue.

I'd be lying if I said I wasn't excited by this performance, it's only a month and sceptics are welcome to scrutinise. So far there is only 2 other EA's that have peformed this well. Million Dollar Pips (which now doesn't work) and slug16.

I am currently working on Brap Exotics, which is exactly the same system but for the exotic pairs, also taking into consideration the wider spreads, I've yet to find the best pairs to trade so for the moment that system is not on myfxbook.

I also plan to produce Brap Commodities for LMAX but that is totally dependant on if they decide to allow high leverage, the strategy would need a little modification to handle gold due to it's trending patterns (it can profit from them greatly), the reason why I'm mentioning LMAX is because they offer CFD's so I can incorporate a number of ETF's presuming they will offer them in metatrader. There is even scope to trade stocks.
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